Saturday, February 15, 2025

1965 - October to December


Nancy Huliston

"Your darling cousin" - I wrote 1965 on it. 

        Dear Mary-Ellen,
Thanks very much for your post card. I am very sorry for the delay with this letter.
    Our school has start for two weeks ago and we have already had two exams.
    What have you been doing this summer, when you wasn't in New York.
    Now it's autumn in Sweden and the leaves are getting yellow, red and lots of other colors and then they fall to the ground. And it's blowing and raining outside ...

"This year I have started reading French. But I haven't learn much yet.
Bonjour, mon ami!
Have you started school yet?
In this letter I send you four rather old stamps, perhaps you will think it's fun to have Swedish stamps which you can't (get) not even in Sweden.
The green one is a 300 years memory, from when Sweden had a colony on US, on the brown you can read you-self. And then there are two more.

"Now I can't think of anything els to write. 
So farewell
PS: Write soon!
PS: Ask me if there something 
you want to know about Sweden 
or Swedish.

I now wish I had all these stamps that my penpals were sending me!

Because we went to Catholic School, of course we supported the missions. The above paper had instructions for a car wash the High School was putting on. It is so faded that I had trouble reading it even with a magnifying glass.

   "Mission in Madagascar
Sponsored by the Students of SPH (St Patrick's High)
Juniors and Sophomores will do the washing
The busy Seniors will bring in as many cars as 
they can possibly find - 
Freshmen will please advertise by passing
out the mimeographed paper.
Tell your friends and neighbors
(The papers will be distributed on Friday)
$1.00 for the Mission
If anyone can bring a hose or nozzle - please
tell Chris Navin (11A) on Friday.
Please bring rags, rags, rags sponges or 
buckets (attach name) on Friday. All donations
gratefully received in 11A." 

I'm noticing that my cousin Chris Navin is in grade 11A - he was 2 years ahead of me so this carwash probably took place last year or spring when I was a freshman!
But talking about missions, this drawing was of Pedro - I know my class collected funds for Pedro - I don't remember if he was related to the above Madagascar Mission or not.

"I'm Hungry


Grade 10A

                                                                "1 Bankhead Street,
                                                                  5th October 1965
Dear Mary Ellen,
    I received your letter yesterday and since today is my day off from work I decided to answer your letter right away. Thanks for your photo (short hair suits you). The picture of army uniforms, the stamps, also your letter.
        I enjoyed reading about the subjects you take and the teachers who take (teach) you, I believe they are nuns. The last time I was taught by nuns was about five years ago before I entered high school. Do the nuns teach you right through high school. I think I've mentioned in one of my previous letters about the subjects I used to take but I don't think I mentioned the way the timetable was set out. This is how it went. At 9:05 Monday mornings it was General Assembly followed before assembly in our form rooms then English and economics. After recess I had double needlework and after lunch I had a free followed by History, recess, Geography and economics. On Tuesdays it was triple needlework, recess, English, Geography, lunch, triple domestic services and history. On Wednesdays it was either Boys & Girls Assembly or House Assembly and this was followed by double free, recess, double geography, lunch, English, History, recess, English and free. On Thursdays it was ... 

double free, economics, recess, religious instructions, history, lunch, english, and sport for the rest of the afternoon. Fridays lessons were geography, economics, history, recess, double free, lunch, double domestic services, economics and history. Everyone does not do all the same subjects and others they may do are Biology, Maths 1&2, French, Chemistry, Physics and Commercial subjects. My teachers were Ian Horbury for English, Mary O'Kane for History, Connie Sparks for economics, Joy Eldridge (?sp) for needlework and domestic science, and Sid Dyson for Geography ( he was also our headmaster). School went from 9:00 am until 4 pm and lunch break was at 12:15 until 1:15. The winter school uniform was navy blue tunic, jumper and blazer and beret, and black tie-up shoes, white blouse and socks and a dark blue and light blue (school colors)  tie. Our summer uniform was a light blue and white check dress, black tie up shoes with white socks and a grey straw hat with the school colors as the trimmings on it. 
        About today's fashions. I think some of them are horrible and I wouldn't be seen dead in them. The other day I saw a picture of a girl wearing pantaloons and they really looked silly. I think my tastes in fashion are about the same as yours and I wear any sort of clothes I like whether they're in or out of fashion. I don't really follow all the mods but once in a while I might become attracted to something that's really way out. The English fashions have been ...

... in Australia and some have stayed in but most have gone. The leather rage hasn't reached here yet but I do like the long hair on some boys if it suits them but it usually doesn't. Do boys still wear pointed shoes in America? Once on TV I heard an American Exchange Student say that it's been years since she saw boys wearing pointed toe shoes in America and yet they still haven't gone out in Australia.
        The latest in beach wear this year are the see through black mesh swimsuits and the fish net type beach jackets.
        No, I haven't heard of 'Paul Revere and the Raiders' but I bet it must have been a big thrill when you met them. I never really met any pop sing personalities except for the local ones.
        No we don't surf in Cohuna because Cohuna is an inland town so surfing is not possible but it is possible to surf along the coast and areas near Melbourne. Your ambition is to go surfing at Hawaii while mine is to learn to surf so one day I can perhaps surf anywhere. It appears to be great fun.
        Now I'll just tell you a little about my job. I love working at the hospital and it's just marvelous. Some of the things I do during the week include taking around the water jugs to the patients; arranging all the flowers at the hospital; helping with the dishes, cleaning the offices, staff rooms, and wards; taking the breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and tea trays around twice a week; take the matrons tray over ...

... to her and waiting on the nurses and sisters twice a week also; I help some of the patients if they want to go and see anyone and things like that and many other odd jobs. I'm glad I left school as I don't have to worry about studying or homework or anything which concerns school. The pays terrific too and I get 20 pounds: 6: 0 a fortnight (about $41 when this new currency comes out next year). I pay Mum 5 pounds - - board a fortnight and I bank 10 pounds - - ($20) every fortnight which in about 5 years time will mean a world trip for me. The rest which I have left is spent on clothes, presents and anything else which may come up.
        Towards the middle of November Joy Higgins (she also works at the hospital) and myself are going to take a trip to Bendigo to buy all our Christmas presents and some clothes and I've worked it out that I'll be able to take about 25 pounds - -. 
        Once again it's back to your letter again. yes we do date quite a lot here. It's usually the drive in on Tuesdays, the dances on Thursdays and pictures or drive in on  Saturday's and we just go parking on Sundays. I've only been on about eight double dates or if it's just a boy and myself we stay where there's a crowd, but not always. Mum would rather that I doubledated or go somewhere where there are crowds. I don't know why because I don't mind being alone with a boy. My latest boyfriend and the last for some time is Greg Reace. He played football for Union last season ...

... and I only started going out with him about four weeks ago. He works at Masons and I pass there every day on my way to work and Greg picks me up after work. We usually go and have a Coke and then he takes me home and sometimes he stays for tea then we go to the drive in. During the week I have to be home by 10:30 and on Saturdays at 12:00 but Sundays it's eleven o'clock. Greg's real terrific and he's not as fresh as most of the boys I know. 
        Yes I have heard quite a bit about students protesting about the US policy in Vietnam and I was against it at first; then one day a group  of girls myself included had a debate about whether the Australian soldiers should go to Vietnam or not? After that debate I'm all for sending troops to Vietnam because we've got to stop them before they take over the freedom of the world. 
    How are the Red Sox's going with their game's? St Kilda got into the Grand Final but they were defeated by 35 points by Ersendon. I must be going now as I've written five pages of nothing already. Bye.
                                                        Lots of love
PS   Excuse writing as I'm out of practice as I haven't been doing much lately.  
       Have enclosed a photo I took when I was picking oranges.
        Say 'Hello' to your family from me."

I don't know what happened to the pix of herself that Mary sent me - if I kept the letters, I would think that I kept her pictures.

Here is Vietnam coming up again. I remember discussing it in World Affairs around this time and being in favor of the war despite increasing American losses and increasing troops being committed to the war.

                                                                    "Lulea: oct 6, 1965
        Dear Mary-Ellen,
Thank you very much for your letter and I'm really very sorry for the delay with this letter. I have been very busy last month.
        You asked me how many days a week I went to school. I went there six days a week and on Monday I wen from 9:25-15:20, Thursday 8:30-14:30, Wednesday 8:00 - 16:05, Thursday 8:00-15:20, Friday 18:30-15:20, Saturday 9:25-12:00, and we have 18 home works a week. In Sweden children starts school at 7 years age, and then they went to 9 grades and then 3 years at a gymnasium ...   

"and then we have the university. And I am in the 9th grade. But the most children went in a play-school some year before they starts school.
        Now we have winter here but it has only been snowing once.
        In this letter I've enclosed a card of me, taken some days ago. And I hope you will send me one of you.
Last week I had a broken ankle-join, but now it is nearly well again.
        I have to stop now so 'Farewell.'
                                                                            Your pen-pal


"The Shamrock
Saint Patrick High
To the Students of SPH:
Let's Get Down To Business
    Oct 8-22      are the dates for the AD DRIVE for 
                        the 1966 Shamrock memory book .....
The quotas for the classes are as follows:
                        Seniors ............... $7.00
                        Juniors ............... $5.00 or $6.00
                        Sophomores ....... $4.00 (me)
                        Freshmen ........... $4.00
Rewards for meeting your personal quote:
                        1) a free half-day
                        2) the Shamrock memory book free
                        Gold Star Patron ..................... $10.00 (yellow paper)
                            (Since this is for business friends we allow 3 lines)
                        Patron ..................................... $10.00 (blue paper)
                        Sponsor .................................. $5.00 (pink paper)
                        Booster ................................... $2.00 (white paper)
Please try to sell more than your quota.
Slips will be passed out on October 8. The best sales are made at the beginning of the drive. Don't wait until the end and expect to find dozens of customers.
Fill in both parts of the slip, giving the donor the receipt. 
Checks are to be made out to The Shamrock. If a person requests that a bill be sent, write 'Please bill' and the address of the company on the slip to be turned in. Please do not encourage this method. Cash is preferred. 
Returns may be made every morning from 8:40 to 8:55, and if 'necessary' during lunch.
To help you sell ads take along last year's Shamrock. 
Do a good job. Remember that the proceeds pay all the expenses not only of the memory book, but also of the newspaper.
Help your staff to help you. 
Class of '66.'

                                                                            "Police quarters
                                                                             October 17, 1985
        Dear Mary 
                J'espere que vous vous portez bien ainsi que tout votre monde! De mon cote cela va tres bien, merci. (I hope you are doing well and so is everyone else! For my part, things are going very well, thank you. Per Google Translate)
                It's with great pleasure that I received your letter on Saturday 9. I have been a little surprised to see you write in French. Your teacher had well done in telling you to write in French to improve your French. I see that you write well French although you are Americanized. I think that in the years to come, you will be writing French as well as any French Novelist. Well, I shall correct some of your mistakes in French and when I make mistakes in English, don't hesitate to say so and correct me. We say 'je vais bien.' to improve means ameliorer. Job means un emploi. In English we say Mauritius and in French we say Maurice.
        Vous etes Catholique Romain comme moi et comme tous mes parents. Je fete mon anniversaire Le 9 Octobre et j'ai 18 ans. (You are Roman Catholic like me and my parents per my translation.)
        Le Dodos etait in oiseau tres abundant a Maurice du temps des Portugai mais lorsque les Hollandais (dutch) aviant pris L'ile, il n'en restait que tres peu. Il n'y a a l'heure actuelle que deux dodos empailles. Un au musee ale Maurice et l'autre chez vous au Amerique. Je crois qu'il se trouve ..."

(The Dodo was a bird very abundant in Mauritius in the time of the Portuguese but when the Dutch took over the island there was none left but very few. There is at the moment only two stuffed dodos. One in a museum in Mauritius and the other with you in America. I believe it is found ... per me and Google translate.)

"dans un musee de New-York. (in a museum in New-York.)
        You are very lucky to get a job after school for in Mauritius unemployment is increasing at a great speed. Tell me something about the jobs done by the under twenty men at Watertown. Where does your father work and what does he? Do you work to help your family? And does not the work affect your health. 
        Mauritius has a wonderful climate. Neither too hot nor too cold. Fine weather everyday except at Curepipe where it rains during half the year. 
        Maintenant je dois vous quitter Mais pas pour toujours es vous distant au revoir et embrassez vos parents pour moi.  (Now I have to close but not forever as you say goodbye and kiss/hug your parents for me.)
                                                                        et chirio

There is a column above on the pros and cons of Vietnam by two students. There were college protesst against involvement in Vietnam. The author in favor of the war said that the US became involved in Vietnam as a training force for the Vietnamese military. The Vietnamese weren't able to defend themselves so the US needed to prevent the spread of Communism by increasing troop levels. 
The author against the conflict stated the United Nations was a peace keeping force, and the United States should leave the job of defeating the North Vietnamese to the UN instead of increasing US troop levels to the Korean War level. Interesting that it doesn't list the students who wrote the piece. 

                                                                "Police quarters (Le caserne)
                                                                Curepipe, Mauritius 
                                                                Indian Ocean 
                                                                     5th December 1965
Dear Mary ,
        Thank you very much for your letter which have given me a very great pleasure. I was longing for a letter of yours a very long time but anyhow I have received your letter.
        I send you my warmest congratulations for your first prize of best costume. I think that you were very beautiful and I am waiting for a picture of it.
        The girls here in Mauritius do work. Usually when a girl passes her Senior Cambridge Certificate, she is free to see what job to seek:  telephonist, clerk, stewardess at Plaisance Airport, teacher, nurse, etc, etc. -- Her at that time is between 18 and 20 years. Some girls who like study they go up to the Highest School Certificate (HSC) and in this class they must come among the 5 First to obtain a Scholarship for further overseas study. The wife of an American Councillor said that women must have an organization for their promotion in public life. 
        I wish you good luck on your tour to Washington and hope you'll take a photo near the grave of late J F Kennedy. I couldn't help weeping on the day Oswald assassinated Kennedy. I personally think that Ruby played a part in that horrible thing.
        One month ago my daddy met with an American Councillor and his wife. Both come from Mass University. It was for my daddy a great pleasure.
        Now comes my conclusion and till next time,
                                                                                    Your pen pal

"1: Sorry my letter is too short.
PS  Have you ever see Elvis Presley?
(2) What group of musicians-singers you like most?
(3) Are you for the Policy of President Johnson in Vietnam?
(4) I hope you are well as well as your parents.
On one love letter I have seen two names. Could you tell meanings: Italy, Holland."

Vietnam is popping up again. I don't know what Jose was asking about Italy and Holland on a love letter.

                                                                            1 Bankhead St.
                                                                            11th December '65
Dear Mary Ellen,
        Thanks very much for your letter, I was looking forward to receiving it anyway. I understand what you meant when you said you were busy with your school work as it happened to me when I was at school. A long, long time ago. Now I must apologize for taking so long to answer but with the festive season so close I've been so busy buying presents for everyone and baking cakes etc. While on the subject of presents I had Lizzy post my present to you the other day and told her to send it by air, but, when she got home I found out that she had sent it by boat and now it will probably arrive sometime in January.
        What are you going to do when you leave school in two years time? Do you intend going on to college (or something similar) or are you going out into the business world. 
        Your school projects do sound interesting but I've never had to go hunting for fungi although it must have been quite an experience. When Mum and Dad used to work on the wood a couple of years back, I used to go out with them sometimes and notice it growing on trees and stumps.
        The Private I wrote to in Vietnam is in 12 Platoon, 'D' ...

"Company and his name is Bruno Jaudzemis. He sent me some photos with his last letter and he looks like firm star John McArthur's twin, and you really couldn't tell the difference between them.
Last week we saw a special episode of the 'Ed Sullivan' show and the guest stars were the Beatles and Cilla Black. I just loved the way Paul sang 'Yesterday,' it's my favorite Beatle song. While on the subject of TV I saw David McCallum in 'The Great Adventure.' What are the top programs in your area at the moment. No, we don't have The Wackiest Ship in the Army here but I think the Melbourne stations are televising it. I think Gomer Pyle USMC is a funny show. Have you seen Gomer Pyle USMC?
        About three weeks ago our local dances were changed from Thursdays to Saturdays and the guest at the first dance was Merv Benton. You will probably remember Merv, from my previous letters. The night turned out a terrific success and Merv sang the following songs: 'Memphis Tennessee, Cincinatti Fireball, Yield not to Temptation, Shimmy Shimmy, Come on and Get me, I got Burned, Don't Destroy Me, and Irene Goodnight.' Merv was in Cohuna the next day but I missed him because I had to work and I was annoyed.
        About a fortnight ago our local YCW Group held a Discussion Night and the topic being discussed was 'The Effects of the Ecumenical Council on the Modern World.' It was quite good and a success so last week we held a Make-Up Demonstration and ... 

"a local Revlon Beauty Consultant was our demonstrator. This also turned out to be a terrific night. Next Wednesday a friend and myself will be the hostesses to the Boy's Regional YCW meeting and it should prove to be quite a night.
        With this letter I have enclosed a Remembrance Day Poppy. The RSL sell these poppies each year to help Returned Soldiers Families. Every year on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month all people throughout Australia & New Zealand etc. stand for two minutes silence to remember the dead soldiers of the World Wars. On the 11th November, 1915 at 11 o'clock the armistice was signed to end the First World War. At this time the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) were fighting in France and in the area red poppies were growing so, naturally the red poppy is the Remembrance Day Emblem.
        Jay and I had a terrific time in Bendigo when we went about a month ago. I spent all my money except 4d, but I had to buy a suitcase to carry my things home in. After we had finished all our shopping we decided to go bowling and had a fantastic time. We bowled until it was time to get a taxi to the station and have a quick snack before heading back to Cohuna.
        Well swimming time is here again and we've been getting wonderful weather lately. I've been getting ...

"a terrific tan. I suppose you'll be getting ready for the coming winter.
        I've got a lot more to tell you about, but I've run out of time as I want to post this letter on the way to work and it's 25 past six now. Till next time (which will probably be in the New Year) I'll say good bye.
PS I have enclosed Australia's Christmas stamp for 1965.
PS I  I hope you and your family have a wonderful and happy festive season. May your Christmas be a Merry one and your New Year a Happy one.
PS II  please excuse my writing, I just hope you can read it.
PS III I've just reread this letter and noticed how jumpy it is, hope you don't mind.     Bye."

                                                                              "Lulea, 12/12 - 65
        Dear Mary Ellen
Thanks for your letter.
You wrote that you had got reports cards and that you did pretty well with 5 A-s and 1 B, what do you mean with that. In Sweden we hav our reports cards singed like this 1-2-3-4-5, nd 5 is the best and 1 is the most bad,
In this letter I'm sending you a little Christmas present. It is a thing in which you put your money ...

"A Merry Christmas and
a Happy New Year.
                    Farewell for now
                            Your pen-pal

"WBZ Radio 103 Hit Parade
Weekending December 18, 1965
1. We Can Work It Out/Day Tripper - Beatles
2. Rubber Soul Album - Beatles
3.  No Matter What Shape - T-Bones
4. Fever - McCoys
5. Flowers on the Wall - Statler Brothers 
6. Let's Hang On - Four Seasons
7. Little Girl I once Knew - Beach Boys
8. Ebb Tide - Righteous Brothers 
9. Over & Over - Dave Clark 5
10. There Won't Be Any Snow - Derrik Roberts
11. One Has My Name - Barry Young
12. Make The World Go Away - Eddy Arnold
13. Sunday & Me - Jay & Americans
14. She's Just My Style - Garry Lewis
15. It's My Life - Animals 
16. Sandy - Ronny & Daytonas
17. Likes - Knickerbockers
18. I Got You (I Feel Good) - James Brown
19. Tears - Ken Dodd
20. It's Good News Week - Hedgehopper's Anon.
21. You Didn't Have To Be So Nice - Lovin' Spoonful 
22. Satin Pillows - Bobby Vinton
23. Look Through Any Window - Hollies
24. Spanish Eyes - Al Martino
25. Tears Come Tumbling - Teardrops
26. I've Got To Be Somebody - Billy Joe Royal
27. California Dreamin' - Mama's & Papa's
28. Crystal Chandelier - Vic Dana
29. Jenny Take A Ride - Mitch Miller
30. A Must To Avoid - Herman's Hermits

Win A Hi-Fi In Time For Christmas
WBZ RADio 'Mystery Christmas Gift' Contest 

This card was addressed to my mother. I don't know who this person is or how I ended up with this card.

"Mary McShane
3 St Brendan's Rd.
Dublin 9

"A Christmas Prayer"

"May the Christ Child and His
Mother bless
You and yours with happiness
And make your Christmas Day so bright
With golden rays of heavenly light
That all the coming year may be 
The happier for this memory."

"Hi Ellen:
Season's Greetings & good luck for 1966 to you, John & family. I hope  ye are keeping well.
We both are well and happy here. Our weather has been real stormy & heavy rain.
Hope the AOH meeting are been attended & Whist Parties a success.
                                                        Mary (Greene) McShane"

Mary McShane must have belonged to the Ladies Auxiliary if she is asking about the meetings and whist parties. Maybe she was out here and moved back to Ireland.

"Merry Christmas 

"Getting ready for Christmas
Well, naturally you ARE!
And here's a wish
That it will be
Your merriest one so far!

Love and a Merry Christmas
to a darling NIECE"

"Aunt Hannah & Uncle Stephen

Give Patti & Johnnie a dollar each,
Tell Christine I have dimes for her & I will 
have something for Jimmie too. All my love.
Come over soon."

"To wish you many blessings
at Christmas time
and throughout
the coming year.
Best Wishes,
Mapuca Ularisbma Ttayd
(Mary Power)"

"A Happy Christmas"

"With every
good wish for 
A Merry Christmas
and a happy
New Year"

"To Mary Ellen
Here's hoping you have a wonderful
time at Christmas also during 
the New Year.
            Mary (Jelonek in Australia)    XXX"

Dear Mary Ellen,
        Just a few lines to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
        I have enclosed a small gift for you and it gives a bit of information about Australia. Hope you like it and that it will be useful for your Glory Box. Do you have such things in America? In Australia most girls have a Glory Box and they save all the things they can in it and it becomes very useful when they get married. I had a few things in mine but eventually gave them away as presents.
        Have also enclosed a few photos which I took while away on my recent holiday. The name are on the back of each photo. I've spent $10.80 on the photos ...


"I took while away. I got a shock when I found out that each colored photo cost me 40 cents whereas the black and white were only 10 cents. I think I'll go easy on photos for a while. I've put a movie camera on lay-away so I'll have it paid off by the time I start my working holiday next year.
        Have also enclosed a couple of travel pamphlets and at the moment I've got 65 of them trying to decide which route to take next year.
        I must close now and once again a very Merry Christmas to you and also your family.

I'm not sure what pictures Mary meant but I've inserted one from Palm Bay in Queensland and one from Boydtown in New South Wales.

Palm Bay

Seahorse Inn, Boydtown

Back of Sea Horse Inn postcard - "We stayed here overnight & it's really a historic place & rather scary at midnight."

"Souhaits de l'Ile Maurice"
(Greetings from Mauritius)

"Sir Colville Deverell Bridge (Longest Bridge in Indian Ocean) Mauritius" 

"Joyeus Noel
Bonne Annee"

"Recois anise que tes parents mes voeux les meilleurs pour l'an nouveau de ton
                ani (sp)  sincere

I wish this picture of Christine and Jody wasn't so blurry! I took this picture - I'm not sure who took the other two.

Jimmy and Christine

Jody, Jimmy and Christine - what a lovely Christmas card this would be. So innocent. And what a good view of our traditional Charlie Brown Christmas tree! And the fake fireplace on the left! Were the pictures on the wall Jimmy and Christine?