Jimmy and Christine in the backyard with a snowman.
"A Prayer in Honor of The Holy Family"
"A Prayer in Honor of
The Holy Family
Composed by Pope Pius XII
O Sacred Family, trinity of the Earth, O Jesus, Mary and Joseph, sublime models and tutors of Christian families, we appeal to you not only to comfort ourselves with sweet contemplation of your lovely examples, but also to implore your protection and to promise fidelity to you on the path which you have pointed out for us.
Help us, O Joseph, mirror of the most admirable fatherhood in your devoted care of the Savior and of the Virgin, faithfully following the divine inspiration.
Come to our aid, O Mary, most loving, most faithful and purest of all wives and mothers.
Help us O Jesus, who in order to become a shining example for us in all things, willed to become the most submissive of all children.
May all three of you always be close to us, in happy hours and sorrowful, in our work and in our rest, in our anxieties and in our hopes, close to those who are born and close to those who die.
And may it be that all homes, made holy like yours, will be for all their members schools of virtue, shelters of holiness, in a safe road to that eternal happiness which we trustingly hope to gain through your intercession. Amen. "
"Sunday, January 12, 1964
The Feast of
the Holy Family
Jesus, Mary and Joseph
invite you ...
The Catholic Family
Through our holy mother,
the Church
At the 8 AM Up or Down,
... to participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass together
... to receive Holy Communion together
... to consecrate your family life to them together
St. Patrick Church
Watertown, Mass."
The Beatles appeared on Ed Sullivan's show on February 9 - we were all crazy about them - listening to them on the radio - I was buying packs of gum with Beatle cards inside them. I bought their albums with babysitting money. I loved George Harrison! I took these pictures from our small black and white TV - the heads are cropped off but I kept them with my Beatle cards anyway.
"WMEX's Beatlemaniac
Fan Club
This certifies that the holder is a member in good standing and loves the Beatles to pieces.
Two Good Rules To Follow
1. Listen to the WMEX Good Guys to hear all the latest Beatle Records.
2. Be a Credit to your Community."
I used to listen to WBZ and to WMEX radio stations for all the newest hits. On Sunday nights one of the stations had a countdown to the top song of the week. My mother would make me go to bed before the No. 1 hit was announced - so the bedroom would be dark and I would be under the bed covers at the bottom of the bed with a flashlight, my transistor radio, a pen, and paper writing down words to songs and writing down the songs in the countdown. Every Sunday!
Celebrating three birthdays
Jimmy, Christine & Patty"
Nancy, Diane, Joanie, Maureen in front of Joanie, Patty, Jimmy, and Christine.
I had found out my mother was pregnant again in the late fall of 1963. I was 13 years old - in the 8th grade - I was horrified! She was too old to be pregnant! They couldn't be doing that could they? Oh my God!! How gross!! I was joined in my misery by Susan Cook who lived on Galen Street on the South side of Watertown - her mother was pregnant with her brother Chris. We commiserated together.
Mum and Jody coming home from the hospital - March 24.
Maureen, Jimmy and Christine
Mum holding Jody, Dad on Marshall Street
( Pepe and Carpenter houses in background)
Maureen, Jimmy and Christine with Mum holding Jody
(Dad's car in driveway in background)
Mum, Jody, Jimmy, and Maureen Huliston
April 5 - Jody's Christening
Christine and Jimmy - I wonder why the painting is on the floor?
Jody and Godparents - MEM and Norman Huliston - on the way home from baptism - Wetherbee's house in background.
Christine, MEM, Norman holding Jody
Patty, Mary Patricia Navin, Diane, Joanie, MEM and Norman holding Jody.
Is that Lisa or Deena Pepe beside little Christine? And Maureen beside the Easter bunny.
Jody in living room on Marshall Street.
Christine, Jimmy, and Jody
Christine, Dad holding Jody, Jimmy - I love Christine and Jimmy in this picture!
A paragraph in a newspaper article - probably the Watertown Press which is what we usually read - on the upcoming primary election mentions my father.
"A new contender for one of the two nominations was rumored this week in the person of John Manning, member of the Park Commissioners and a past president of Division 14, Ancient Order of Hibernians. Other possible candidates have been rumored to include Paul J Whittemore, also a park commissioner and president of the Watertown Firefighters Union; Frank Maloney, member of the Planning Board and the town's representative on the area planning council, and - less likely - Tom Morley and Al Nugget."
On May 9 David Walsh made his first 1st Communion - there was a party on Albemarle Road in Waltham. Rita and Dickie Walsh had bought the house from Norman Huliston's mother or maybe from her family after she died.
Rita on the right.
?????????who else?
Looks like Jimmy on the left - he would have been about 4.
Is that George Navin on the right with the knit hat on? I don't know who has the cowboy hat and the gun. There are 2 girls in the background and a woman with a black coat.
Looks like Christine and Jimmy with Johnny behind them down front.
Maureen, David, and maybe Kathy Navin in the middle.
On top right is Joanie and Diane - top left is maybe Patty and ?
And it looks like someone is inside the screen door.
I don't remember where or why I got these first day stamps - I never was a stamp collector - I think I may have gotten them for a pen pal at some point. They were issued on President Kennedy's birthday - he was born May 29, 1917. The left side quotes President Kennedy -
"The Torch Has Been Passed To A New Generation of Americans.
May 29, 1964
Boston Philatelic Society"
The postmark is May 29, 1964 in Boston, Mass. The stamp itself shows the eternal flame and a picture of the President. Around the edge of the stamp it says:
"And The Glow From That Fire Can Truly Light The World
1917 - John Fitzgerald Kennedy - 1964
First Day of Issue"
"In memory of
President John F Kennedy
1917 - 1963
John F Kennedy was so contemporary a man - so involved in our times - so responsive to its challenges - so intense a participant in the great events and great decisions of our day, that he seemed the very symbol of the vitality and the exuberance that is the essence of life itself.
Never once did he lose his way in the maze; never once did he falter in the storm of spears never once was he intimidated. Like the ancient prophets he loved people enough to warn them of their errors. And the man who loves his country best will hold it to its highest standards. He made us proud to be Americans.
Tomorrow and tomorrow we will miss him. And so we shall never know how different the world might have been had fate permitted this blazing talent to live and labor longer at man's agenda for peace and progress for all.
Adlai E Stevenson.
Proceeds on sale of this cover are going to John F Kennedy Library Fund.
My confirmation was probably in May. We practiced the ceremony during school at Church - we always practiced everything in almost military precision. The bishop came out to St Pat's in the afternoon for the Confirmation. We lined up along the altar railing - the Bishop went down the line - anointing us on the forehead with chrism/holy oil then gently slapping us on the cheek. We were now soldiers of Christ ready to fight for our Catholic faith - at least that is what it was supposed to be. I don't remember who my sponsor was. I took Teresa as my Confirmation name - this is around the time when the nuns began talking about religious life "callings" - they thought I might be a good candidate because I was so quiet and obedient. I was intrigued by the Carmelite cloistered order started by St Teresa. I kind of toyed with the idea for a couple of years but not really seriously.
This was before Vatican II - Mass was still said in Latin - the priest faced the altar, not the congregation; there was a railing separating the people from the altar, there were more statues. In another year or so the Church changed drastically - the railings were gone, new altars were installed in front of the old altars so the priests could face the congregation, statues were gone, Confessions were now face to face - but the biggest change for me was the Mass being said in English!! I was in high school and was studying Latin - I had just begun following the missal in Latin - I loved that! Now it was going to be said in English! I was bummed.
My 8th grade, class B, report card signed by Sr Mary Andrew who was my teacher. Monsignor Houlihan is still pastor. We would have been on the 2nd floor of the High School building - Sr Simplicia had the other 8th grade across the hall.
I graduated St Patrick's Grammar School on June 11, 1964.
"St Patrick Grammar School
"St Patrick Grammar School
Watertown Massachusetts
This certifies that
Mary Ellen Manning
has completed satisfactorily the Course of Study for elementary schools by the Department of Education of the Archdiocese of Boston. In testimony whereof this
is awarded this eleventh day of June in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-four.
Rt Rev Michael J Houlihan The Sisters of St Dominic
Sr Mary Antonio, OP Albert W Low
Principal Superintendent of Schools"
"Hail. Glorious St Patrick
Hail, glorious St Patrick! we honor they name,
Tho' Erin may claim thee, the world knows they fame.
The faith of our fathers is our treasure too,
How holy the thought, that they learned it from you.
Thru crosses and trials its fires burn bright,
They show us the way, and the truth, and the light.
Great Saint! intercede, that we always may be
Devoted and loyal, true children of thee.
Our love and devotion be ever like thine,
Our thought be of Jesus, our heart be His shrine.
And when to the end of life's path we have trod,
Be near to us great Bishop,
Anointed of God."
I must have received this memorial card for confirmation or graduation from Grammar School. I think we had a dance or something in the school hall - that is where the silhouette below came from.
I received this flower for graduation - I don't know if the school provided it or if my folks bought it.
Debbie Darnell from Marion Road, Mary Power from Summer Street, Roberta "Birdie" Green from Washburn Street, Maureen Stinehart from Marion Road. I don't recognize the background.
MEM - notice corsage on the diploma I am holding, Mary Power, Maureen Stinehart, and Debbie Darnell with St Pat's Church in background.
Debbie Darnell's mother used to drive her to school from Marion Road the next street over - we would be walking. But on rainy days and snowy days, her mother would stop and pick up anyone walking - we would all be jammed into her car but we would be dry when we arrived at school!
We went to an Irish Feis at Hunter College in New York probably in June or July and couplied it with a visit to the World's Fair in Queens. Our dancing teacher Mary Flynn - and probably her parents Mike and Mary McDermott - arranged the trip including buses and hotels. They held whist parties at the Hibernians to raise money - Joanie and I with the other older dancers were there to punch holes in the scorecards.
I think we had 2 buses - some of the older kids came on their own - most of the Mannings and Hulistons came along. We had soft drinks, sandwiches and snacks for the bus ride. The adults in the front of the bus of course had some beer - I don't know what else. We had to make a couple of pit stops so the "older" guys drinking beer could run into a restroom.
We stayed at the Manhattan Hotel. This was very exciting - I don't think I had ever stayed in a hotel. I had never been out of Massachusetts except to go to go to Hampton Beach with Alice Nelligan!
The back of this postcard reads "Hotel Manhattan, 44th to 45th Streets at 8th Avenue. New York's new completely air-conditioned hotel. 1400 rooms ... each with private bath, television and radio. Located in the heart of the fabulous theatre district. Telephone Judson 2-0300. Home of the Famous Playbill Restaurant. Erwin O Schel, Vice Pres. and Gen. Mgr."
Kathy Beirne and Marjorie Gleason - I think that is Janice O'Hara on the bed. We were some of the Big 8 figure dancers.
Janice and Kathy O'Brien
Janice and Kathy
Kathy O'Brien - she was my partner in any figure dances.
We did some sightseeing while we were in New York City like Rockefeller Center.
Johnny taking in the sights.
And of course we stopped at St Patrick's Cathedral.
We visited the Empire State Building - we could see the USS WASP in the Hudson River through binoculars. We had toured that aircraft carrier when it was docked in Boston - Norman had driven a carload of us in to see it one Sunday afternoon. He took us to see a submarine and a couple of other ships over the years.
Maureen, Johnny, and Nancy at Hunter College where the Feis was held.
MEM, Kathy O'Brien, Kathy Beirne, Marilyn Gleason, Martha McGann, Marilyn's cousin Margie Gleason, looks like one of the Beaton brothers and I don't know who the girl on the right is.
This was my number from this feis I think.
World's Fair Unisphere - Peace Through Understanding
Janice O'Hara, Kathy O'Brien, and Martha McGann with punch balls - notice how we were dressed - skirts, nylons, shoes.
? who is on the left, Kathy O'Brien, and Barbara or Regina Callan
One of the exhibits. I don't remember much about the Fair except the huge sphere and seeing the Pieta by Michelangelo in the Vatican pavilion/exhibit. There were long lines to see it. I was more impressed in 2005 - 40 years later - to see it again in St Peter's Basilica.
I think I need a break!