Sunday, February 25, 2024

1948 February - The countdown begins

And so another month begins!

"2 February 1948

My very dearest darling Eileen Alana,

Today commenced the first week of the month of February and already one day has passed us by. If they all pass as swiftly I'll have no complaints whatsoever. I was up bright and early at 3:30 this morning so I've put in a long day and it was really a working day We had a mess of rush work to do so that it could be all set to go through our doors tomorrow morning and with much effort and skinned knuckles we did manage to get it through. I only wish that each and every day had as much toil to offer and then time would really speed along. We have a few things to do tomorrow so I'll be busy for a few hours anyway. The weather was clear enough for flying and all of the planes left the ground. It will mean a flow of work in the future. With flying resumed tragedy struck as it is always apt to do. Two Brazilian fliers down here for training crashed in midair and one of them was killed. He parachuted all right but got trapped in his chute when he landed in the water a few miles off shore. Flying is still a dangerous business and any carelessness means death - final and absolute. Please don't worry about me because I'll keep my flying at a minimum just enough so that I can get paid for it. 

This morning on watch I almost went nuts but I managed to keep my mouth shut so I stayed out of trouble. The officer who had the duty put his nose into each and every little detail of everything that went on and at times I felt like a sap or a nincompoop. Strictly an eager beaver putting on a show but once I caught onto his routine I made him look like an ass. He wanted to know what was said each phone call and all the little incidentals that transpired. I finally answered the phone and every call menial or important I switched over to him. He was going around in circles for awhile and finally in disgust he got up and left. He went into the radio room early in the watch and when he came back he failed to put the key to the room back where it belonged. At seven o'clock the radio and teletype operators came around looking for the key. As usual I sent them to the B.T. O. who wanted to know everything. He tore the place apart looking for the key, snapping snarls at everyone in the room. He tried to blame one of the guys in the office for misplacing it but my big mouth opened and I reminded him in a polite tone of voice that he was the last one to use it. He ranted and fumed but still no key. He tried to blame another guy but the kid denied using it. In his nervousness over the whole matter the big shot opened the book that he was reading and what do you know - there were the keys exactly where he had left them. He finally turned them over to the radio man and attempted to pass it off. He still hasn't apologized to any one for his false accusations. Stuff like that gets hard to take especially from these pussy footers who are trying their damnedest to make a few points seeking an advancement in rank. They keep wondering why all of the guys are throwing up their hands and calling it quits. Oh well I have only seven months to do so I guess that I can survive the ordeal - I'll do my best.

On the Main Station all of the enlisted men are beginning to moan again. The officers are getting back to the 'country club' Navy that existed before the war. At the movies now if an officer and his guests or party as they are called can't locate a seat the enlisted men and their dependents as they are classified are ordered out of their seats to make room for the wheel and his entourage. You can't win no how because they have you coming and going. Day by day I get to dislike the whole affair more and more and I imagine that by the time my enlistment is up I'll hate it intensely. If you were ever with me and they pulled that stuff and we had to move to make room for one of those knot heads, I'd but him right between the horns so help me. Maybe by being like we are you are saving me from going to the Bastile for a couple of years. Times are really rough these days. 

I tuned in the radio expecting to hear Christopher Lynch but no soap ~ next week is his week. Well honey only one week to go until our anniversary and I really get blue when I realize that I won't be with you on the day of days. I'll think of it constantly. I received two letters from you today which I shall answer in due order and in one you want me to call you Sunday instead of Monday night. Can do ~ will do ~ at about the usual time on Sunday afternoon between two and three o'clock your time. It will be wonderful to hear your voice once again and I'm looking forward to it very much indeed. After our anniversary I'll be preparing for Valentine's Day and I shan't forget to send one along to you. Due to circumstances beyond my control I missed out the past few years. From now on though I shall be as regular as clock work with never a miss and also in the future I'll be around to present my valentine to my Valentine in person which is really the best and only way. This Thursday I'll send along my present to you and if all goes well you will receive it Monday. If it gets held up I'll curse the mails for do(ing) it. You can keep me posted in that matter.

Tonight I had a couple of highballs with a chief that just finished up thirty years. He goes home to Rhode Island tomorrow. I can't see how it (he?) did it but now that it's all over he is really delighted. For the past few weeks he has been a nervous wreck just waiting and waiting for the day to come. I studied him closely and imagined if I would react that way in September when my time is up. I probably will because I'm as anxious to get home for keeps as he is so I've seen a preview of myself six months hence. It will be worth the strain though just to get home to you for good so that we can live like two human beings once again and live that way always. Last year was wonderful as so much happened but getting home to you this year will make 1948 a year of achievement for us and we can start our own little world and live it the way we wish and choose. I can hardly wait my pet. Well honey I have to make up some sleep so I'll close for now until tomorrow night. Please take care of yourself because I love you terribly and miss you an awful lot. 

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxxxx


"4 February 1948

My very dearest darling Eileen Alana,

I received another letter from you today a nice long and newsy one and it made me very happy indeed. Your mail has been coming as regularly as clock work so I guess all the kinks and delays en route have been eliminated and for that I'm very grateful indeed. The mail is my only means of consolation and a means of contact with you outside of a periodic phone call. Be that as it may your mail brings me nearer and closer to you as I always want to be and its arrival upon the scene takes my mind off the work and the conditions that exist down here and it creates a rosy glow of hope and understanding in an otherwise glum and gloomy life. All I ask is that you do the best you can and I know that I'll be happy and content for the rest of my stay down here, after that you'll never have to write a letter again. When that day arrives upon the scene life and happiness will just be commencing for both of us. Today was a beautiful day, or I should say that it started out that way and then it clouded up and we knocked off early this afternoon. We worked pretty steady and hard all day though and I've felt the strain all night as my legs are tired and I've felt quite sleepy. Since writing to you is no effort I'll forget all about my weariness. We had another accident today but fortunately no one was hurt. The plane went into a dive and the wings broke off but the pilot jumped and parachuted to safety. It seems that every day brings something new for us to think about. The reason I felt so tired was simply that I ate too much for dinner. We had steak today and was it good. I gorged myself and as I (a) result I got a little logy. I'll be on a diet from now on I guess unless they have steak again in the near future. 

Tomorrow I'll send you your gift for our anniversary and I hope that it reaches you in time. Tomorrow is payday so I'm looking for it eagerly. I guess that's about all for today so I'll get to you letters about now for further inspiration. These winter nights seem to be flying by for you and I hope that they continue to do so for the next seven months and then I'll have positively no complaints. With all of the snow and poor traffic conditions you must get home pretty late these nights. It will all end someday kid and then you can relax and take life easy for awhile because I'll be doing all of the breadwinning in the family. Being married and yet without a wife for comfort and companionship hurts me to the quick and these conditions can never end too soon for me so I keep hoping and praying for time to go by rapidly. If all of my pleas are answered it won't be too long now. I'm looking forward anxiously and very expectantly of cuddling up close to you and keeping you nice and warm on cool and cold nights. It('s) down right unfair to you and to myself that I'm not doing it now.

I'm going to call you Sunday so stand by between two and three. As for my earnings this year I'll send them to you as soon as possible but in the back of the simplified income tax form it states that all military pay is exempt. While on the subject of income tax check up on the purchase of a home because I think that that is also deductible. Check up and find out because we are co owners and you can deduct quite a bit on that. You can possibly find out at the bank from Mr Parker or someone of the other big shots down there. Check up on all of it and you may be able to save all of your tax money. Check up and save. I don't know positively if I'm a legal exemption or not but if you check with VA or read their section in the Globe you will probably get all of the information that you need. Let me know how you make out. With all of her odds and end jobs Rita must be going around in circles. You messed up Saturday night but I forgive you because you are doing very very well. Just do the best that you can. I see that Hannie and Norman have taken over our loveseat in the front room. That poor seat has taken quite a beating from all of us lovers but it's holding out quite well nevertheless. We had many, many, many smooching parties on it and I guess it's about time that Hannie took it over. When we set up housekeeping we will have to take it with us. Those Sunday nights when we all assembled on the sofa to listen to 'Inner Sanctum' we really gave it a workout. Those were the swell and wonderful days and when I get home to stay we can start all over again to live as we should be living. I'm glad that Mary B and Eddie have final(ly) come to an understanding and have set some sort of a date for their marriage. Mary must be as happy as a lark over it all. I'm very glad for her as it may settle her down and soothe her nervous disposition. Keeping it strictly confidential and hidden from her family has a lot of merits and I guess she knows how she wants it. I guess Hannie had better start making up her mind as to what is what and when. Norman seems to (be) more than willing but poor Hannie as usual can't or wan't commit herself. Maybe Mary's announcement will prod her along. 

Mae having a beau is really something isn't it. Now the question is, how long will it last? Having male companionship should do Mae a world of good and I agree with you that keeping company will get her mind off herself for a change and the boost in morale will be terrific. Here is wishing her a lot of luck. From all accounts he is a pretty smart operator keeping her kerchief and then the earrings as a surety. If Mae doesn't keep the date just to get the things back she will be out a few bucks and I don't think she'll like that at all. From your accounts of the struggle in the car Mae must have had a rough time of it but I guess it turned out all right. As for her inexperience I guess she will get over it in time. Your comments on typical virgins and sophisticated virgins was really something, honest. I understand what you mean though and I guess you are right. Her new lease on life will probably give her a lift and a good reason to go on a strict diet and knock off a little poundage. I guess being away from home I'm missing all of the excitement. Woe is me! Nothing ever seems to happen when I'm home but I guess I haven't been home long enough to really allow anything to happen. Well honey I'm going to close out now for tonight but I'll write again tomorrow night. I love you so tremendously and miss you terribly honey. Please take care.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxxxxx


"6 February 1948

My very dearest Eileen Alana,

Hello once again. Here is your poor lonesome husband bidding a fond greeting. I was going to say that the week is about over but as luck and the weather would have it we must work again tomorrow and possibly Sunday if tomorrow turns out to be murky and threatening. To me it is immaterial as it will make the time go faster but all the guys that have their wives down here are blowing their respective tops but there isn't anything that they can do about it. They have no reason for complaint as they have gone home early, two o'clock, for the past few days. The single guys are are moaning because it's Mardi Gras time in New Orleans which is about four hundred miles from here and they will miss out on most of the excitement. Every(one) seems to be moaning for some reason or the other but my complaint is that I can't get home to you to stay. I ran around in my shirt sleeves today because it was really wonderful and the sun when it did shine was nice and warm. I even stripped down to the waste in an effort to absorb some of the vitamins and possibly get a little color on my skin. No success but I'll keep at it. If today's sun is any preview of the heat to come it is going to be as hot as Texas if not a little hotter, Lord forbid. Time will tell! When you get down here in April you will have an opportunity to thaw out after enduring all that bitter cold up home this winter. I hope that I'm not jinxing the situation so I'll keep my fingers crossed. I'm wishing and hoping that time rushes by and that you get down here soon. 

Six days have passed so far this month so time is really rolling along for us. Honey I was going to send you flowers to sort of fill out that anniversary cards but going over my assets and liabilities I'm unable to do so without running out of funds until next pay day. I hope that you'll forgive me but I'll try to make it up to you in the future. I had planned to send them to you but unforeseen circumstances arose. I'm just waiting to talk to you on the phone Sunday just to hear your voice once again. I'm listening to the radio, 'Can you Top This,' so that is the reason for my errors. I guess I had better get to your letters now as I'm running out of inspiration about now. I didn't get any mail from you today but I have a couple at hand that I didn't answer last night. That cat is really getting destructive around the house from all indications. With all the stuff that the hope chest holds up strewn around the floor someone must have had a rough job picking it all up. From my memories anything moveable was placed on it from papers book and kerchiefs to bowls coats hats etc. That piece of furniture is really paying for itself. The cat incidentally must be getting a little bigger these days and if it gets any bigger and is still as playful and destructive no one will be able to hold him. As for the Civil Service books I'll wait patiently for them so do the best you can in procuring them for me. I really could memorize them in my stay down here so send them to me as soon as you can. I don't blame you for wanting to bop me for not getting them when I was home but as usual I had you on my mind so I couldn't or didn't want to think about anything else. See what you do to me. I see that you finally managed to get down to see Madeline at long last and your report of it all was swell. You have the gift of a reporter but you don't realize it. I'll have to drop in on them when I get home to see how they are getting along. From all reports the life is rough just about now for them and I most certainly hope that they get a break in life. Pete's business must be terribly slow if he is about to give up in disgust. With a car a home a business and a wife he has an awful lot to manage and support. Sometimes I get the crazy notion that our being apart has its good points although if I had a chance I'd end it immediately. Already we have a roof over our head that we can call our own and a little stashed away besides so we have at least got a cushion under us when we settle down for life. That in itself is a consolation and puts one's mind at ease. From your description of the house it seems to be quite nice. We will have our own in time and then we can see and understand the difficulties of setting up housekeeping. I can't understand what they have five rooms for but I guess with apartments being what they are she was pretty lucky to get it. She can give you all the necessary information on all the essentials so by the time we settle down you should have all of the answers and as usual I'll sit back and take notice. It will be wonderful honey; a dream come true at long last. I guess by now you know that I have written to Aunt Hannah and Stephen so the road is clear for you and Ma to saunter down there at any time. I even spelled the name right. I couldn't very well miss because Stephen had it written as big and as plain as life on the wrapper of the cigarettes. I'll have to save it for reference when I do my Easter mailing. You can pass on all the comments that my letter brings up, if any. I've written to Aunt Nellie either once or twice since I landed down here but no reply as yet. I'll probably get a reply when I at least expect it. I'll hold off writing to her for a couple of more weeks if I don't hear from her. Well honey I guess I'll come to a close for now and stretch out for the night. I miss you more and more each and every day and I love you with all of my heart and soul. 

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxxxx


"7 February 1948

My very dearest darling Eileen Alana,

This week is at a close and as is times usual procedure it will continue once again tomorrow but one more week has been chopped off the time I must spend down here. Only thirty one more weeks to go so it isn't too bad after all. I miss you like mad my dearest and at times I wonder if I can hold out. I'll do my very best anyway and maybe I'll succeed after all. I've or I should say we have come a long way and now that the end is drawing near I'll really have to knuckle down and do my best to make time hurry along. One year ago tonight I said goodbye to you as a single man and the next time that we met we were man and wife. The more that I think about it all the more I feel blue because I can't be with you tonight and tomorrow and always. When we do get together it will be just like getting married all over again and the thoughts of it have me jumping with joy. For the jillionth time I promise never to be away from you again, ever, I promise. Well today was another full working day although once again it was densely foggy but it lifted at noon and flying commenced. As a result we have to work again tomorrow all day. No rest for the weary it seems. It will make the time go by at a good pace and with Mass in the morning and my telephone call to you in the afternoon the day will be split up with some diversion anyway. I'm longing to hear your voice once again as it seems like years since I've talked to you. It has been over five weeks so when I hear you I should be very jubilant. Tomorrow you can judge for yourself. I got another letter from you today and it came in mighty handy indeed as with actual work at a minimum I needed something to occupy my mind. Thanks a million. 

Well this week brings in Ash Wednesday and Lent plus Valentine's Day so the calendar is quite full it seems. It doesn't seem possible that Lent could be upon us so soon as Christmas just about passed on. It really makes time appear as though it's flying and for all that I know even with my calendar watching it may be just doing that. You really seem to be doing an awful lot of reading and as usual I 'm worrying about your eyes. Take care of them honey as they are the only ones that you get. I've had good intentions of doing a lot of reading but as is my usual let down the flesh is weak. If I ever run across a book that's laying around and the first few pages appeal to me I'll read it all the way thru in one sitting but I never seem to get the ambition to go to the library and get one. Reading does really pass the time though because I read every newspaper and magazine that I can put my hands on and after reading all of the articles I pore over the advertisements to see what is new on the market. Sometimes it proves very interesting and beneficial. Well from all indications I should be receiving those manuals one of these days so I'll have something to look forward to in the next few days ~ I hope. Thank you a million honey baby for all of your efforts and troubles and I hope that I can repay you someday. As for your monetary investment well you can deduct it from our allotment check or keep me forever indebted to you by refusing payment and holding it over my head as a club. As soon as I get them I'll let you know so that you can check the efficiency of your State workers. Tonight I heard a short preview of the coming Presidential election  as the boys opened up in St Louis. It should be really a Lulu, this political campaign I mean. I should be out in time to see the thick of it. Since I have never registered nor voted I'm sort of out in the cold I guess but time will tell all. I see that my mail is still reaching you in good shape and on some sort of schedule. If you are surprised at the consistency and abundance of it wait until I get a little ambition and write a couple a day then you really will be piled under with it. 

At about this time I can just about muster up ideas for only one letter but one of these days I'll be endowed with inspiration galore so look out. From your mail you say that Mae and your Mother are in bed, what pray tell happened to Mae's love life? I'll ask you tomorrow over the phone all about it. I see that Rita is still monopolizing the bathroom as usual. I guess we will have to build a second bathroom or maybe a powder room so that all of the women can have a place to apply make up and perform any other functions that women take so much time to do. What in all sincerity takes a woman or a girl so long to get ready to do anything? In your case after watching you perform your nightly ritual I have some understanding of the situation but I'm still at a loss for a complete understanding. It all adds up to feminine vanity I guess, I'll never really know. The snow and all its after effects will be plaguing you for months I guess but if the rains come and the weather continues mild for a while the greater portion of it should begin to disappear soon. Slush and thaw makes life miserable especially if there are intermittent cold spells to prolong it. 

For everyone's benefit I hope that you don't have to go thru another snow storm this winter but I guess that's expecting a little too much for this time of year. Down here it is warm but fogy and I've been running in my short sleeves for the past couple of days. I'd swap it all to be home keeping you warm these cold nights. I only hope that it won't be too hot for you down here in April. Only about sixty days to go until I'll be seeing you again. If time keeps moving along as it is you should be here shortly - I certainly hope so. Well honey comes time for me to say good-night once again but I'll write again tomorrow night. I love you with all of my heart and soul and I miss you dearly.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxxxxxx


"8 February 1948

My very dearest darling Eileen Alana,

Here's your poor frustrated husband once again and after listening to you on the phone I'm a little up on high if you know what I mean. It was wonderful to hear your voice and talk to you again. It was a transfusion so to speak for my poor-old heart. As I told you over the phone the weather was really nice with the temperature up in the 70s but now the wind has picked up and it's getting chilly once again. This seven work days a week isn't going over so well with the guys but with me it doesn't make much difference as the work and routine makes time hurry along. Right after I finished talking to you the outfit called it quits for the day. All day I guess I managed to sneak in one hour of work half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the afternoon. This week coming up will be split up for me as I have to check on my pay accounts and with Ash Wednesday and Valentine's Day upon us I'll have my mind occupied completely. I hope that I can straighten my pay records out without too much trouble. I just can't go on getting four dollars every two weeks for all of my efforts and toil especially now that I'm getting my hands greased and oiled up. There just isn't any justice I'm afraid. Well now that Lent is with us or will be with us soon and since I am unfortunate enough to be on this base I can go to Mass on Sunday mornings. We will have Stations of the Cross though on Thursday nights. If I were in Texas I'd be at Mass and Communion every day but down here I'll have to console myself by going once a week. Your efforts to attend Mass every morning during Lent is commendable and I hope that you can keep it up even though it means getting up out of bed a half hour earlier. That cottage at the beach this summer sounds good honey but if everyone goes there at the same time it's going to be kind of crowded. Be that as it may it's still a good idea and will be a welcome relief for all concerned at the end of a trying week. Why or why won't I be home to enjoy it myself. I guess I told you all the things that I wanted to tell you over the phone about taxes etc so there isn't too much that I can say now tonight as I haven't any letters to refer to. I love you my dearest with all of my heart and soul and I miss you tremendously. I'm waiting and waiting for your arrival down here and the time is slowly drawing nearer and nearer. We certainly have a lot of loving to catch up on and as always I'll do my best to catch up or wear myself out trying. Time will tell whether the mind or the flesh is the strongest or weakest whatever the case may be.

I'm about ready to sign off for tonight so please take care of yourself. I'll write once again tomorrow night. 

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you


John xxxxxxxx



"9 February 1948

My very very dearest darling Eileen Alana,

As I write this letter I'm listening to a rendition of 'Macushla' by Christopher Lynch and its plaintive, appealing strains and lyrics make me miss you so very very much. Just a year ago tonight we were starting our honeymoon at the Belleview, is that the name of it, next door to the State House. It's undoubtedly the wrong name although I'm not to certain. Well anyway we were starting out on our honeymoon and  I for one wish that we were starting all over again. This past year has really been a game of touch and go with most of the emphasis on the go it seems. We were together about eighty-three days out of the whole year so we have an awful lot to make up for and so much more time to be with each other in the future. Last year was a big year for us but this year will be the best of all because we will have all of our plans and wishes realized and we can settle down to be the lovers that we are instead of correspondents who are Uncles Sam's best customers. Thirty-one weeks remain in the grind to complete and absolute freedom so time is at least on its way. I keep trying to forget time but it constantly reminds me of itself so I haven't any choice but to keep on computing the days weeks and months. At times I get strong temptations to chop off a few extra days or weeks but it doesn't do me any good so I remain quite realistic and face it as it comes. The first part of this month is over and tomorrow begins the middle swing of events so time is moving. Yesterday I talked to you over the phone and the weather was nice and mild although murky. Today started out in similar fashion but now it is cold damp with a strong sharp wind blowing outside. I guess New England isn't the only place that has a changeable climate. I'll be glad when we can count on an almost steady diet of heat and sunshine and we will bid this cold weather a fond good-bye. I received another letter from you today, a nice long one and I was very glad to receive it. I got thru work early and bought a couple of magazines but I read them in nothing flat so I'm back where I started from. I was going over to the Club tonight for a couple of beers but it's a little to cold and raw for beer tonight so I'll spend a quiet sober evening writing and reposing as I recall all the events of the past year. It's just as well as that will keep me out of harms way. I never saw so many chiefs winding up behind the 8-ball in all my life as I've seen them down here. It's usually one a day called up on the mat for one offense or the other. Their are too may chiefs in the Navy these days it seems so they are clamping down on them. I'm still in the perfect record class and that's the way it will stay so please don't worry about me going out and knocking myself out. When I get the urge I'll be on my way, til then I'll sit tight and relax. I'm saving myself for you because when you get down here I won't be getting much rest you know. I guess I shouldn't forewarn you but I did so what's the difference. I'll be glad that Lent is over. I'll really be putting in a tough Lenten season but your arrival will be a wonderful Easter present even though it will (be) a belated one. Go to Mass each and every day and wish hope and pray for the time to rush along so that we will be together again. You know I was listening to the Bell Telephone Hour and came to the firm realization that working for those people should be a good job for me. Find out from Hannah what the dope is on those people, who and what you have to know to get in that racket. It should be a very interesting occupation, and a steady job which is after all the most important deal of all. Pass along your opinions pro or con so I can see the reactions that my ideas create. I really do have to begin to knuckle down and seriously think of what I'm going to due in the future. It's pretty difficult to decide being so far removed from the scene of activities. Send along any suggestions that you may be entertaining because in our conversation Sunday you mentioned discussing it with your mother and my curiosity and my ego has been aroused. You mentioned that you thought that I was smart well I agree on one thing, that the only really smart and clever thing that I have ever done in my whole life was to marry you so if I have any other marks of achievement or distinction I haven't noticed them. With tongue in cheek I'll say that if I'm smart it must be just natural for me. What brought this up? I had better get to you letter before I begin to feel that I'm a genius in disguise and wind up shunning myself for it. Your letter was a nice long one and was quite newsy so I'll have lots to answer and plenty of inspiration. My mail continues to astound you it seems so I'll keep it up as long as my hand holds up and the stationary and mails continue to function. No more than yourself I'll be awful glad to cease writing in September but the habit will probably linger for awhile after having developed the habit after carrying on so long. I try to write plenty each and every time but at times I find that I repeat myself especially if I haven't much inspiration. If I don't fill two sheets I feel as though I'm only writing a short note so now you know why they are so long. Writing to you is the most pleasant task of the whole day and I really mean it because I sort of throw myself into it and imagine in my own sort of way that I am talking to you in an indirect manner. Maybe I'm going nuts but it is really a pleasure, believe me. I'm calling you Eileen Alana simply because of the fact that you are my Eileen Alana and I love the ring and rhyme of the name. It's pretty. If ever we have the good fortune to have a baby girl that is going to be her name if I have anything at all to say about it. How do you feel about it kiddo? I think that we discussed the question one time and you sort of agreed. Well honey time alone can tell on that issue so we can keep trying and hoping plus pray for the best. Work was a little slack due to the uncertainty of the weather but today it picked right up again and I'm moving along in high gear again for awhile. If the weather doesn't clear up soon there won't be anything for us to do only lay around and get bored. I guess I'm turning out to be a demon for work after all of these years of complete relaxation but I feel an awful lot better and I am getting harder and firmer so that is some satisfaction in itself. When the summer arrives with its heat and sweat maybe I'll relax and call it quits. I hope not because while in Texas it seemed that the hot days dragged and dragged while the cool days whizzed right along so on hot days I'll knuckle down and give time a boost in the right direction. They have a pool close by incidentally so I guess I''ll be able to get in a little swimming down here as soon as it does get warm permanently. It's drained now and I don't know when they fill it but I'll be one of their best customers I'm afraid. From your reports your office seems to be a paradise now that Miss Mac isn't there to throw chilly countenance around and get everyone upset. To have such a dour and downright ugly disposition she must be on a constant diet of sour lemons or some such similar fruit whatever it may be. Not wishing her any harm or serious effects but for all of your sakes I hope that she stays away for about six more months so that you will all have a comfortable and pleasant time at work. I've run into characters like Miss Mac since I've been in the Navy but since I didn't have to work with them nor around them I didn't pay them any mind. They were usually rum-pots who were so bloated with their own self importance that I don't believe they could actually live with themselves. Now and then I run across a frustrated self styled big shot and their bluff, artificial airs are funny and yet quite pitiful to behold. It's a tough complex to have and I hope that I never become infected with it. With all her X-rays and treatments by brain specialists the El (? Boston Elevated Railway) will have to raise its fare to pay off her accrued expenses. She has them over a barrel and I guess she is the type that will bleed them dry of every cent that she can squeeze out of them. She reminds me of my brother Tom in some respects as there is a breed of a shyster in both of them and they will take all they can gather. They are tough people to have any dealings with. I did pay the town a visit a little over a week ago and it's no different than any other Southern town, solid in the middle but flimsy all over the rest of it. With all the homes down here I could count the cellars on one hand. They don't believe in cellars just put blocks under the house that's all. The summer cottages at the beaches are better than 90% of these homes yet they run up into the nineties as far as rent goes. You will see it all when you arrive down here. I'm hoping that I can get some time off while your here and that I won't have to work on the weekends as that would really be drastic, but since that seems like a drab subject we'll skip it. When the time draws nearer I'll let you know what the weather is like so you can decide what kind of clothes to bring with you. As for beaches I don't know where they are yet but I'll find out in time so that we can visit them and you can get your tan. As for entertainment once again I'll remind you that it's at a minimum down here and decent places to eat and drink are at a minimum. If worse comes to worse we can spend all of our time 'wrestling' if you know what I mean. I must stay in shape for the many many years ahead you know. Well honey I'm going to come to a screeching halt about now and bid a fond adieu until tomorrow.

I love you with all of my heart and soul and I miss you ever so much, more and more every day.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxxxxx



"Weds. February 11 1948 

My very dearest darling Eileen Alana,

Here is your poor broken down husband once again reporting the events and happenings of the day in this area. I just got off watch and I'm settling down after it. I was lucky enough for some strange reason to get the first watch but after standing all of those mid watches I was due for a little relief. 

As I've probably told you we stand a watch every ten days and if it maintains the present schedule until you get down here I'll wind up with a watch on the eleventh which is a Sunday. My watch schedule for April will be the 1st - 11th - 21st and the 31st. If you get down here on or about the 11th I'll try to get somebody to trade a watch with me. I may succeed if I'm lucky. It was so hot in this room of mine last night that I shut off the heat before I fell asleep. What a mistake that was. I woke up in the middle of the night freezing and shivering. What a night! I had to get up in the cold of the morning and turn the heat back on. Did I miss the nice warm bed that we shared at home and especially you who keeps me nice and warm and comfortable except when you crawl into bed with cold feet. Brrrrrr. That night of the Gordon Supply Christmas Party is one instance when you jumped into bed and after arousing me out of a deep sleep you crawled under the covers, your cold feet grazing my back and legs. Goose flesh as big as lemons popped out all over me. I'd give a million dollars to be back home now and I'd even put up with your cold feet without a murmur of complaint. I miss you terribly and I can hardly wait for you to get down here to me. I wish sincerely that time would hurry along at a faster pace but since it seems quite out of the question I'll be forced to wait impatiently I guess.

I didn't receive any mail from you today but with two letters and your anniversary card yesterday I didn't really expect any. I'll probably get one tomorrow though so I have something to look forward to. That plane ride that I took yesterday had an adverse effect on me because I had the sniffles all day and I didn't feel too much like doing anything. As luck would have it we quit right after dinner so I assumed the horizontal and relaxed until it was time to go on watch. I did accomplish a few things though as I replenished my supply of writing paper and I sent off the valentines that I procured for you and my mother so by the time that you receive this you should have yours. The weather was bad again today and once again flying was cancelled. So far this month we have had only four good flying days so if it continues for another day we will undoubtedly have to work this weekend to make up for it. I'll be glad to get the chance to sleep in later in the morning once again because this constant early morning rising is getting to be quite a grind. At six fifteen seven days a week I'm aroused by my human alarm clock. I'm terribly envious when I think of you getting up at eight or 8:15 and being able to sleep in on Saturdays and Sundays. Who knows but someday I'll again run across the opportunity to do it once again, until then -----toil. 

Today is Ash Wednesday and being on watch I didn't get the chance to go to Church tonight for ashes. Remember the Ash Wednesday that I administered ashes to you with cigarette ashes or was it a burnt match. It was so long ago that I can't remember. Oh the beautiful yesteryears when we were young sweet and unassuming but best of all we were together. One of these days it will all return to us to hold and cherish once again. Since it was Ash Wednesday and a fast day I remembered the priest's sermon of last Sunday and didn't eat any meat. Of all the days not to eat meat! Any day but Wednesday. They came up with steaks as usual and since I couldn't eat it they were the tenderest juiciest and most succulent slabs of beef that ever I've seen anywhere. The temptation didn't cease after dinner because there were quite a few of them left and when I went to the ice box for a light snack after watch tonight there they were a couple of nice lovely steaks staring me in the eye. There is no justice whatsoever. Tomorrow I'll relish a steak but you can guess what will turn up. They'll be all gone. We are still in that meatless and eggless day routine as they have never cancelled it in the Armed Services. I guess from all indications we were the only ones who observed it anyway and I'm getting sick of fish especially baked salmon that's as dry as saw dust and just about as tasty. I guess I'm just one complaint after another. Incidentally in that letter that I got from my mother a week or so ago my mater told me that they took Tom's baby into the Children's Hospital for X-rays and a check up. No reports on it as yet. I guess he is in pretty delicate shape yet. You know I really sympathize with all of my heart for that kid and I hope that when he grows up and is big and strong that he gives his parents a little repayment in kind of the treatment that he received as a kid. Every time I think of it I feel like going up there and kicking both of them where it will do the most good. How can people be so irresponsible especially with their own flesh and blood, I simply can't understand it. 

Well honey with all the writing that I have done so far I still haven't got around to answering your mail but tomorrow night I'll clear it all up. So bear with me for a while longer and I'll keep you posted on all that transpires. I must close out for now but not until I tell you that I love you with all of my heart and soul and that I miss you so very terribly more and more every single passing day. Just like you I'll be so very glad when I get home to you to stay for always. Please take care.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxxxxxxx


"Friday 13 February 1948

My very dearest darling Eileen Alana,

Once again I come to the close of another day and it seems only a matter of a couple of hours since I put away my pen after finishing my letter to you last night. Today followed the usual pattern of events down here and the weather is still following its vicious circle. Fog and some rain kept up today but about noon Ol' Sol put up a valiant but vain battle to break through the overcast. As a result we have to work all day tomorrow and if it continues inclement we may have to turn to again on Sunday. It's a vicious circle I guess with no escape for us poor weary souls. Some day the sun will shine for us and we will be fortunate enough to get a full days rest. Tomorrow will be the fourteenth day in a row that we have had to work but it's all in a lifetime I guess. I received another letter from you today and I was really pleased and happy to get it. First of all because it was from you and secondly the monetary angle, the dollar bill, replenished my supply of currency. Keep it up honey, your mail gets better and better each day. Since today was inspection day and the weather prevented flying we accomplished very little but all in all we did manage to keep busy up until 3 pm when we knocked off for the day. We have a couple of big jobs to do and since the jobs are big they use up an awful lot of time and energy. They will be all through in a day or two and we can get back to the fast easy ones for a change. After reviewing all that I have written so far I seem to be in a very critical mood. I have a case of the sniffles so maybe that has something to do about it. Well I guess I wrote myself last night so I'll turn to your letters for further inspiration.

I have finally arrived to your letter of last Sunday so without further ado I'll start with it. It really seems strange in a strange sort of way that we are married now for a whole year but it is an actuality. I most certainly hope that when we are together to stay that the time does (? not) roar by as rapidly because if if does we will be old and broken down before we fully realize it. Let's both hope that time puts on the brakes for us as we have so very much lost time to make up and so very very much to get started. Once I do get home and settled down I'm going to be the best husband and with God's grace the best father that this earth has ever had the pleasure of seeing, believe me. One of these fine days it will all be realized I'm sure. Until then all that I can do is dream and plan for it. That first night that we were married was really something wasn't it. I took quite a few of John Barleycorn's 'persuaders' to overcome the self consciousness of both of us but it worked out all right for both of us. I have only one complaint and that is that I sleep much too much especially when I am with you on leaves. I plan and plan and dream all about what I'm going to do and what happens ~ I fall asleep. And to top it off when I wake up in the morning full of fire and energy where are you - over in Cambridge working your fingers to the bone to keep me in groceries. The irony and injustice of it all. Some day things will arrange themselves so that I will be completely satisfied but I doubt it. Nature doesn't seem to work itself along those lines. Time will tell and until then I'll keep thinking about it. Your compliments on my thoughtfulness and consideration made me feel quite wonderful honey, believe me. Inspirational and very lifting as far as my morale goes. You know you aren't too bad yourself either kid and I don't mean that as flattery but complete sincerity and I appreciate your love and tenderness more than I can possibly tell you. When all this separation is done and over with I shall attempt as best I can to repay you in some sort of way to repay you for all of the lonely days and months that you have so good naturally endured. Your presence and nearness is all that I ask when it is all over. I need you for stability of mind and body and your love for incentive and achievement. Everything will turn out for the very best once we settle down to living as human beings once again. With all the gifts and best wishes that you received this must have been a very good anniversary for you and I for one will try to make the next one hundred just as happy. I was day dreaming all over the past weekend just wishing that I could be home with you but it just couldn't be so I just dreamt on and on. I like your idea of taking a room at the Bellevue on our next anniversary and if all turns out well that is exactly what we will do. If we do you can bet your life we will make a night of it, all night. I'll be thinking about that also.

By the way since you bought some more silver how much silver have you got on hand now? If you give me the name of the maker and the pattern and maybe I can help you out a little. I'd like to give you a helping hand because after all I'll be using it too. Do that for me will you honey?

Well honey in todays letter your were mentioning income taxes and the like so I'm sending you something to clarify my previous statements on the issue. My pay and allowance are exempt because its military pay of enlisted personnel and the allowances are Govt contributions to monthly family allowances. All of my pay and allowances comes to about $2500 but I repeat honey it's tax exempt. What I'm interested in is the fact that we invested in a home for our own use and if I'm not mistaken that is deductible plus the taxes and interest that we pay on the mortgage. If and when you go to see one of these income tax experts make that point known and find out about me being a dependent. From the charts you have to pay about $220 so that is a good kickback to get this year now that we will be able to use it. Have that 'expert' figure out a way to get as low a payment as possible. I guess I'm money mad that's all there is to it but after all who isn't if you have to sweat and slave for it. Well honey you can add this letter to your collection because I'm about to close out for tonight but I'll pick up my pen once again tomorrow to continue where I left off. Please take care. I love you with all of my heart and miss you terribly.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxxxxxx


There were two envelopes postmarked Sep 14 and only one letter that was contained in one of them. 

According to the website:

"The Hotel Bellevue exemplifies the luxurious “apartment hotels,” catering mostly to permanent residents, that sprang up in Boston in the late 19th century. While this structure is located in Beacon Hill, the majority of apartment/hotels in Boston were being built in the Back Bay neighborhood. The original Beaux-Arts structure was designed by Peabody & Stearns, prolific architects who designed many iconic buildings in the region and beyond. The new Hotel Bellevue was described as having a commodious library, handsome dining room and good management. Early brochures showed luxurious interiors and praised the quietness of the area and its proximity to Boston attractions ...

"As the population in Boston continued to grow into the 20th century, the ownership saw an opportunity to double the amount of rooms in their establishment. As the American Unitarian Association Building (1886) next door went up for sale, they decided to buy the building and raze it for a large addition. The addition was built in 1925 by Putnam & Cox architects in Boston. The addition is clearly similar to that designed by Peabody & Stearns, but reads as an addition as intended. There are decorative mascarons (faces) on the addition which appear to be of Hercules and Athena. The building is now occupied as a condominium with retail at the ground level."

Black icon shows where the Belleveau Hotel was located.

Hotel Bellevue where my mother and father spent at least the first night of their honeymoon.

Below is part of 1948's income tax instructions for who must make a declaration - "In deciding whether you must file a declaration, you should exclude from your income any items which are wholly exempt from tax, such as mustering-out pay, military pay of enlisted personnel, the first $1,500 of military pay allowances of commissioned officers, Government contributions to monthly family allowances, and social security benefits." 

"14 February 1948

My very dearest darling Eileen Alana, 

Well honey at long last we put in a full day and the sun shone in all its brilliance for a change. It was a welcome relief to fog and rain but although the sun was shining it was rather chilly just the same. Since today turned out so well we don't have to work tomorrow so I can sleep in for an extra hour or two but I'll still have to get up for Mass at nine o'clock. I'm going to try to go to Communion every Sunday in Lent so I'm hoping that I can get up in time for Confession before Mass. Since I'm leading such a quiet and somewhat sheltered life my sins are few and far in between. As I told you last night I'm strictly on the straight and very narrow and since I feel very comfortable and content that's the way it shall remain until I get out. If this letter winds up with numerous corrections blame it on the club because I just returned from there where I partook of a few beers to build up my strength. Today was really a work day and I labored but good. As a result the day moved along at a rapid step much to my liking. The chief in charge of our crew is going on leave next month so I'm getting all of the information that I can get from him before he goes as upon his departure I'll hold the reins and the responsibility will be on my shoulders. The work is pretty simple but there are an awful lot of short cuts and information to remember. This chief has been doing this job for a few years now so he has all of the dope but I'm catching on at a good clip and will be all set to take over when his leave arrives. Once again I'll be back in the swing of things but I'm glad that it will be only temporary. 

My chief concern honey for the past month or so has been your arrival upon the scene and the watch that I'll have on schedule when you get here. Well from all indications I have it all arranged so that I'll be able to swap it off with my room mate. He has a watch tonight and after I checked over the watch schedule I found that he had the watch the Sunday before me so we have agreed to switch. For the time being and if all turns out well I won't have to spend any nights away from you while you are down here. OK?

I have only 56 days to wait if my schedule is right so time is moving right along. Incidentally speaking of Mass have you been going to morning Mass as you planned for the season of Lent? I was thinking about it last night after I had finished my letter. I didn't receive any mail from you today but I still have a letter or a part of one I should say but I'll save that for tomorrow night. I'm going to cut this short for now but tomorrow I'll write again. I love you with all of my heart and I'm longing and pining for you. Please take care of yourself honey.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxxxx


"16 February 1948

My very dearest darling Eileen Alana,

Hello honey baby how are you this lovely of lovely days. I'm really jumping honey because the day went fast and I receive so very much mail from you. I got three letters, your swell Valentine and at long last the Civil Service Manuals. The mail man was really wonderful and I'm loaded down for fair. Today was a so so day as far as the weather went but they did manage to fly so that in itself was a real consolation. The work for my department really piled up but by steady and constant work we managed to clean it up, the greatest part of it anyway and the rest we will get in the morning. All in all though everything went along swell and your huge influx of mail made me tremendously happy and my morale suffering the effects of a slight cold picked up tremendously. You are most assuredly my most very wonderful one and I love you terrifically.

Well honey only thirty more weeks to go until my release  and time is running along at a good clip for us. Lent which seems to have just begun is now a week old. I don't realize that time is moving along so fast because my mind is constantly thinking of the future but when I do look back upon the past few weeks and months it's quite difficult to fully realize that they have gone by so rapidly. If only it keeps up at this present pace I'll be here and gone in no time at all. As long as the work remains interesting and diversified time will roll along at a great clip. The tasks that I have to perform are really interesting and call for ingenuity as well as skill and each day seems to be a new and happy experience. I'm hoping that it continues that way for me. At the rate that it's going it should without any strain whatsoever. Last night I had intended to write a long letter but I picked up the sniffles which has turned into a mild cold and being out of sort as a result I would up with a headache. I must be getting ancient here in my late youth but I guess I'll manage to survive. All I really need as a cure is you and your  comforting presence and affection. It will all go in time as soon as the weather clears up I hope. 

Your Valentine was swell honey and I thank you very very much. I hope that you liked mine just as much as I liked yours. Next year I'll be able to deliver it in person for a change and it will indeed be worth while. The books that (I) have received have taken up all of my time today since I left work reading them and picking stuff at random. I have finally settled down to the Police Manual because it's much small(er) and not quite so involved. It's divided into sections so if I concentrate on it a section at a time I should really get it down quite well in a short  matter of time. I'll keep at it each and every day and it will really put all of my excess time to practical and beneficial use. Studying them both at the same time would be very confusing so I'll settle down to one at a time. The Fireman's manual is comparatively huge so that can wait. It has a lot of mathematics and assorted theory that will be helpful so I'll have to brush up on my math before I tackle it. I'm pretty rusty on square root and algebra but in time I'll sharpen up. Sometimes I could kick myself for not going to college when I got out of high school but since circumstances beyond my control delayed it I won't complain too much as it's water over the damn now but who can tell what the future may hold for both of us. I keep thinking and wondering about it but time will tell. What ever turns up we shall make the most of each and every opportunity that heads our way. Well, honey, before I get too serious and glum I'll turn to your letters for something else to speak about. My mail seems to have slowed up for you but be patient and it will all be there before too long. You asked me  for a reprieve in the last letter that you wrote to me and although my pen keeps rolling along Uncle Sam's Mail seems to be obliging you with the lull. I only hope that it won't be too long though. I see that it continues to be cold around those parts but I'd really love to be there regardless of the temperature or weather conditions. I fully sympathize with you on cold nights because I'd love to have you warming my bed down here. That is another chore that will be a pleasure when I get home and every time that I read the temperature charts I long to be home with you just to keep you warm. I guess when I get old and gray and can't wrestle and struggle with you any more in the bed I can at least keep you warm and vice versa. The more that I think of it the more cruel this life appears. I hate to see all this heat and energy going to waste. I see at long last that you have finally quit smoking for Lent at least. I'm really terribly glad that you have honey as no matter how I try I can't imagine you or picture you smoking. I've seen you smoke and all but it just doesn't seem natural to me and although I have never said anything I hope that you quit for good. It just doesn't seem to be you for some reason or the other. Please try to quit for good will you honey, just for me. I'm rooting for you to follow through in your effort to go to Mass every morning in Lent and I hope that you do succeed. I only wish that I had the opportunity to do so but like everything else I'll wait until I live next door to the Church. Not being able to go to Church every day is one of the things I miss about Texas where everything was arranged for my convenience it seemed. It was a very wonderful habit to get into and now that it is denied me I really do miss it very much. In the past year or two I seem to have had a whole new outlook on life and since I returned from overseas and married you life has taken on a very beautiful hue and I'm mighty glad of it all. I'm all through going around in circles getting nowhere and not caring very much. Life is like that I guess. Well I see that all is not a bed of roses at the office anymore now that Miss Mac is returning to the fold. I guess she will be the Lenten penance of the office help. If she keeps telling you all the story of her accident in time you'll be almost conscious of the shock and pain of it. If I didn't know better I'd say that she would get sick and tired of telling it but knowing her indirectly as I do the tale may go on for years. She is a typical old maid with her stunted outlook on life and the usual hypochondriac symptoms.  It's all in her head. All she needs is a man just like all old maids who are cranky and uppity. I can put up with just about anything boring but I'm sure that she would drive me completely out of my mind in no time at all. I really do extend my deepest sympathies to you and all of the girls in the office. It's really too bad that with the changeable weather that she doesn't catch a prolonged case of laryngitis to keep her clammed up for a couple of weeks. If she ever did though I guess it would just be adding another log to the fire. About my leave that I contemplate taking in July it's the best that I can do to break up the remaining time after you come down to see me. The Fourth is on a Sunday but according to the calendar it's celebrated on a Monday so you needn't take any time off on my account. You can save your vacation until my discharge when you can come down to take me home to stay at long last. I've been giving that a lot of thought also but since it's still a good piece off as yet I won't go into it very much at this writing. Right now my big concern is your arrival down here in April and that has top priority to me. Please hurry along. 

I hear Perry Como sing 'Sweet Sixteen' quite often down here and I get quite sentimental as it brings back such very beautiful and unforgettable memories to me. Love, sweet sweet love! I see that 'Nightmare Alley' is still drawing customers most of them directed to the showing by you. I didn't mind the picture at all in fact I thought it was quite good considering the run of the mill affairs that grace the screen nowadays. Everyone to his taste I guess. Since Mary is contemplating marriage I guess she likes them romantic but who can blame her. It was depressing but the moral of the story was good I thought. Too many people today attempt to play God only to tumble and fall. How are Henry and Elizabeth doing these days and have they formed any concrete plans for the future that may possibly concern our presence? Keep me posted.

You certainly made out in the anniversary greetings department but you must forgive my folks if they have forgotten the all important date. Their memory for anniversaries and the like is about as long as their thumb. I'd venture to say that my father couldn't tell you our birthdays  or our age exactly. Their intentions are golden but their memories I'm afraid are quite short. 

Well honey I'm running out of time and paper so I'll sign off until tomorrow night when I shall write once again. I miss you so very very much my dearest and I love you with all of my heart and soul. Please take care of yourself. 

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxxxxxx



"21 February 1948

My very dearest darling Eileen Alana,

The week has finally closed out but I still have a four hour watch confronting me and it really won't be complete until that ordeal is over. We had to work today but nothing was accomplished whatsoever because we were and still are completely weathered in. The skies are black as pitch and although it's only about six o'clock it's dark outside. Next week will probably turn out to (be) extra special good and who knows but what we may get next Saturday off for a change. It really doesn't affect me too much but just the luxury of sleeping in once in awhile will indeed be very much welcome. I'll have to wait until Monday now since tomorrow is Sunday & church.

received a letter from you today so my day wasn't completely lost. It will come in mighty handy since I won't get any word now until Tuesday sometime. I still have one letter to answer but I'm trying to think up something to write before I resort to it. I guess I'm at a loss for thoughts so here goes. I didn't cut my hair as short as you may think as I can just about comb it. I no longer part it but just through it back at an angle, back as far as it can go that is. If feels so much better and it's much easier to manage that way. Your long hair gives you some idea. I was being bothered by a constant plague of dandruff but now that my hair is short enough so that I can manage it the dandruff has disappeared. When I first got down here I could pull my hair out in clumps with little effort. My short clip is a desire on my part and I know quite emphatically you desire that I keep my hair and prevent baldness either premature or natural. In reality it's all to please you and to keep you happy. See how much I do for you! I remember years back when you would almost assassinate me if I even mentioned getting a crew cut. I was very obedient and didn't even think of it. It's all the power of love. It doesn't look bad at all and I can't tell the difference at all except when I comb it. It's really a relief.

I see that the curse is going to be a detriment to your visit down here to see me in April. Ugh! It just goes to show that you can't stall of(f) nature.  If it is due the week that you are scheduled to come down here there isn't much that we can do but postpone your arrival for one week if it's all right with you. As you said in your letter they are the only two weeks that you can get off without a struggle so since you have to work with Miss Mac there isn't any sense in straining relations as she is miserable enough as she is. Your arrival and stay down here on the week of the 19th will be all right for me. I only hope that your schedule arrives on time in April so please don't get excited or upset over the trip please. Bring it on sooner if possible or else I'll be a frustrated wreck if you know what I mean. Hope and pray that all turns out well that's all that there seems left to do. It should all turn out all right so don't get overly excited. I see that you are enduring the pangs of natures curse now and I'm glad that everything is going along smooth without any bad effects as you have been having in the past. When you wrote to me in Texas of all the trouble and miseries that you were enduring it scared me to say the least but I guess it's because I'm an amateur in such affairs and besides I don't want anything happening to you. I hope that they will all be as painless until we can get together and eliminate that inconvenience for a while. Well kid it's getting time for me to say adieu and go on watch about now. Please take care of yourself. I love you and miss you tremendously.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxxxxxx




"22 February 1948

My very dearest darling Eileen Alana,

Well Washingtons Birthday is about over but since tomorrow is a holiday I can really relax for a change after getting up so early for so long. I'm only hoping that my early risings haven't become an unconscious habit with me. This morning I was up before dawn primarily to turn on the heat in the radiators because I almost froze in bed. I should have realized that it was going to turn cold because it was raining last night and cold usually follows the rain down here. I really could have used your comforting presence my pet. Now I fully realize how your bed felt on the cold nights just past. Someday in the not too distant future we will finally get together on it all. What a welcome relief that will be. While I had the watch last night the Chaplain had a dance going full blast over in the gym. So that everyone could maintain their strength he had a mess of fried chicken and sundry other niceties all set up for the taking. As a result I munched and gnawed on chicken bones during the greater part of my watch. It really was different from the usual dull routine that usually prevails. Too bad it can't go on like this always and the watches would really be a pleasure. They brought in a couple of busloads of girls from Mobile Alabama about fifty miles away and I guess everyone had a pretty good time. The girls were only kids though but as long as they could dance seemed to be all that mattered. The morning I went to Mass but once again my efforts were thwarted as I tried to get to Confession the priest doesn't get here until ten minutes before Mass so not too many guys got a chance to go. I'll keep trying though and maybe I'll get there by Easter. Chaplains are really scarce down here and the one that we have has to cover an awful lot of territory in a short period of time. I guess even the chaplains are giving up on the Navy. I'll get home and settle down to certainty as far as religion is concerned. 

I've been listening to the radio and studying my police manual. I'm beginning to get it down to some sort of system now and I'm concentrating little by little. In a couple of weeks I should have it down pretty well. I was going to answer your letter tonight but I'll let it go until tomorrow night when I'll be in need of a little inspiration. Nothing at all has happened today and its mighty quiet around here. I'll be glad when it's a work day once again so that I'll have something to do to keep me actively occupied. Incidentally four more chiefs are restricted and awaiting action for various doings. This town really gets them messed up. I'm still determine to keep my nose clean as long as I'm here. Well honey I'm going to cut this short and I'll write a long letter to you tomorrow. I love you with all of my heart and I miss you so very very much. Please take care of yourself. 

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxxxxxxx


"24 February 1948 

My very dearest darling Eileen Alana,

Another dull dreary day down here with not a minute of sunshine resulting in a non flying condition. We seem to be in a rut it seems and I'm hoping that it ends soon before it gets monotonous. We had one plane to work on so the day wasn't a total loss for us. Your mail really hit the spot kid because I was literally swamped with it winding up with five letters, three from you and one a piece from my mother and Aunt Hannah no less. All in all it was a very invigorating day for my lowered morale. If only it could keep up but then I'd really be spoiled.

Last night I threw caution to the wind and went to the club where I partook of a few(?) brews and before I knew it the joint was ready to close up. As a result I awoke this morning quite logy and with a faraway feeling but as I write it's slowly fading and I'm getting back to normal once again. For a change I didn't wind up with a big skull but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed. Every time that I convince myself that some ill omen has by-passed me it usually sneaks upon me quite unexpectedly and wham - I'm flat on my back. My view on life seems to be taking a turn from the idealistic to the realistic but nevertheless I'll continue to be a dreamer I guess. The whole rating structure of the Navy is due for a change after the first of April and today we had the change noted in our records. It doesn't mean a thing only a change in the name of my rate. I'll be doing the same work but under a different name. Anything to keep us confused it seems. One of these days they will cease. 

Well honey the time is moving along as only time can and only 29 weeks remain or 203 days to go until I get out of my incarceration to venture forth in a new world and attempt to conquer new fields. Wow! I have so many figures and scratches on my calendar that sometimes it confuses me but I'm sure that those figures that I just mentioned are correct. I try to be unassuming and nonchalant about it all but the more that I think about it the more eager I get that it will all come running by me so that I can mark down that great big zero indicating that my day of deliverance is at long last at hand. Right now there is nothing that I like to do better than to rip the pages off the calendar as the months go by. About a year ago this time I was getting set to bid you my first goodbye as I prepared to go to California after a wonderful and glorious leave wedding and marriage. At that time the time seemed unsurmountable but it has been rapidly elapsing and already over a year has passed us by. When I reflect it seems to have flitted by but the present, the real tangible present, confronts us stubbornly although it is yielding to some degree. I guess I'm just straining at the leash; one of these days it will all end and we can both settle down to life. Tomorrow will split this the last week of February and I'll be able to rip another page from my abused calendar. March Easter and Spring are just around the proverbial corner. In your letters the theme seems to be for the date of your arrival down here and once again I say April 17 when all of your inconveniences should be all straightened out and in order. I for one am hoping so but straightened out or not come anyway because I just have to see you that's all there is to it. Only fifty three days separate us and let us hope that they whiz by quick like a flash. We can only let nature take its course I guess. By the way you say that Rita is now working, how come  - no school or is it just vacation time for them? If she doesn't slow down she'll wind up by paying an income tax and drop from the ranks of the exempted. Income tax, income tax that seems to be all that I hear and read about. I see that you have become accustomed to your stay at home life but as you say it won't be forever and we will be together soon to cheer each other up. Poor Mae, her outlook is pretty drab I fear but maybe like Aunt Hannah and Aunt Nellie, she will make her catch later in life. Some of the Keohanes are quite unpredictable you know, or don't you. Please don't worry too much about my watches because I'll try to swap off with someone while you are down here with me. I can't see this deal of you coming down for a week and me spending a whole day and night cooped up out here while you are alone downtown. I can't see it scoot.

Our positions will really be reversed when you get down her(e) but where I had your mother to chat with you will have yourself or a book to keep you company. I'm hoping that the weather will be nice sunny and balmy and that all the clouds will have passed us by. After you go home it can return to normal. While you are hear I'll try to get as much time off as I can get but seeing that it is so far off as yet I won't plan on it nor will set my mind on it. I'll just wait and see how things turn out. I congratulate you on your good deeds for Lent, namely daily Mass and your cigarette famine. Keep it up kid because I'm really rooting for you like mad. If you would give up cigarettes I would be very happy indeed. I see that the Frustrated Frump is still acting up around the office but she'll settle down after awhile after she forgets herself a few times. From your description of her dress and attire she must be really an awful slob and it's a wonder that with the money that she gets each week that she can't dress herself neatly and presentably as she should. It's too bad that you can't insult her a few times so that she will catch on to herself. Well I got a letter from Aunt Hannah today the first that I have ever received from her. It wasn't a relaxed sort of letter as we write to each other but a semi-formal sort of affair. She told me that you looked sweet in your new blouse etc. She regretted that I was unable to attend but she couldn't have possibly regretted it any more than I regretted it. Next year I'll be there for sure, I promise. My mother didn't have too much to say although everything seems to (be) quite well at home. She told me that Tom and Edwina took the baby into Children's Hospital for X-rays but they turned out not so good. When my brother told my mother about them she blew her top and told him to leave the baby at home and take that horse of a wife of his in there and get her examined and xrayed. He blew his top then so they have been at odd's end since then. Edwina has a terrific habit of falling flat on her face upon the slightest provocation and she took a few sprawls while she was carrying the baby and that in my mothers estimation is the cause of it all. I feel really sorry for the kid but I haven't any sympathy for the parents because they are both lazy shiftless and selfish and any misadventure that comes their way they deserve. Oh well I guess it takes all kinds to make up the world so, so much for them. All in all everything seems to be going along at a swell clip in Massachusetts. All I need now is a letter from Aunt Nellie and my circuit will be complete but since none will be forthcoming I'll have to start the cycle once again by writing to them in a couple of days. I see that my mail is pouring in upon you as usual and it does my heart good.

My cold has gone completely as it was only a stiff case of sniffles. Just the change of temperature does it I guess. I'm getting accustomed to the these sudden changes in weather now so my colds should be few and far between. Please don't worry to much about my financial straits as I can manage down here by hook or crook. I haven't any financial worries down here so please don't worry too much about it. I'll eke out an existence somehow but as long as you are happy and I can help you out I'm content & happy myself. I guess I'm getting myself acquainted with my future life when money will be tight and we will be watching our dollars and cents. It's mighty good practice because when the time comes I'll be right in the groove. I see that Rita has a new boyfriend on her hands and where they get the nicknames I'll never know. He must be quite the boy if she wakes up screaming. It reminds me of your nightmare when we all gathered in the kitchen to discuss it the next morning and no one seemed to know who did all of the screaming. I hope that it doesn't become a habit with screams and moans periodically. Ugh! I could never stand it. Well honey I'm going to sign off now until tomorrow night when I shall write again. Please take care of yourself my pet. I love you with all of my heart and I miss you madly.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxxxxxx



"25 February 1948

My very dearest darling Eileen Alana,

There is a huge, gigantic yellow moon filling the heavens tonight but I suppose it's hanging over New England also. That last sentence started out quite romantic but it ended up quite glum. Oh well how can I be romantic without you around to give me inspiration. I'll save it all up until we are home and together once again and then I shall let loose and be as romantic as you wish me to be. What a life it will be! You know I was having one of my dreams tonight or this afternoon I should say and came to the conclusion that a school teacher has the best job in the country. A good salary year in and year out with a summer vacation plus a Christmas and Eastertime vacations. It was just a passing thought but as it did pass I gave it a lot of thought. It's too bad that I'm not home so that I can look into the affair. That's what gets me down being so far removed from the scene that I can't check up on anything that appeals to me. I guess my mind is in a whirl as far as my or our future is concerned. I'll let time settle it for me. 

Today turned out to be another dull day with a drizzling mist most of the time. With no work to keep me occupied the time dragged along for me. It's almost over now and tomorrow will probably turn fair. This weather is getting monotonously lousy and I'm really waiting for it to change for the better. By the way how is your weather these days? From all indications the snow must be slowly disappearing.

Today splits the week and the month is drawing to a close slowly but surely. You know the time is hurrying along and if we could be kept busy each and every day it would really race along for me. All I can do is hope. With all of this inclement weather we will probably have to work again this Saturday. Maybe soon we will have a chance to get a weekend off and sleep off all of this monotony. I had the opportunity last Monday but all of those early risings regulated my system to a fine pitch and wouldn't you know that on the day that I could sleep in I had to get (up) for an urgent call of nature at 6 AM. That really griped me no end. Better luck next time. I've been listening to the radio off and on so I'll try to settle down and concentrate on this letter. Wednesday night seems to be full of good programs from suppertime up to bedtime and after listening to disc jockeys all day the change is really a welcomed relief. Down here it is one disc jockey after another with the same records day in and day out. The record situation must be getting tight because very few new ones seem to be on the market. That record ban really hit them on the head. If it isn't one thing it's another. One of these days everything will turn out to be quite wonderful all around and the sudden shock of it all will probably drive me nuts. It really won't be complete though until we can be together to stay forever. Now I'll look over your letter and get some inspiration. 

As I told you last night my cold has cleared up quite well with no after effects whatsoever. For you I'll take very very good care of myself and I won't let anything overtake me or overcome me. This winter I have been quite fortunate in not getting any colds or grippes so I feel quite relieved. I remember when I was at Newport and Willow Grove I was constantly plagues by sore throats and cases of fevers. I'm knocking in wood.

You may think that I'm surprised to hear that you are still going to Mass each and every morning but I'm not really because if I remember correctly you have a streak of stubbornness and tenacity whenever you put your mind to it. I may be wrong but I doubt it very much. I guess we all have some sort of stubbornness. I'm counting on your tenacity to keep it up and to quit your smoking. It really would make me quite happy if you did. I haven't seen that picture 'Daisy Kenyon' and I doubt if I shall put myself out any to do so because for some strange reason I can't quite stomach Joan Crawford especially when she goes through those neurotic tirades that seem to be the motion picture vogue these days. I saw her in 'Midred Pierce' a long while back and some other affair where she was a neurotic nurse and after that I gave up on her. If she keeps it up she will be really a case for the psychiatrists. 

When you wrote this letter I'm reading 19 Feb. you were set to hop into bed and how I only wish that I was there to join you. By the way when are you going to get your permanent wave my pet. I'm anxious to know? I'm really glad for you that you are getting caught up in your work and that you can finally relax for a change. I suppose by now you have all become quite accustomed to the return of Miss Mac and that she has ceased giving you discourses on her accident and imaginary ailments. I fully realize the suffering boredom she must have caused because occasionally I'm confronted with a chronic moaner who disrupts everything and gets everyone on edge. They really get you down in the dumps without any effort whatsoever. Seeing that she is only there in the afternoon it shouldn't be too bad. 

I guess you just can't get a break if you are honest and conscientious you just have to be a moaner and groaner to get a break. When she finally files a suit against the 'El' and it's ever settled no one will be able to hold her I'm afraid. Well honey I'm coming to the end now until tomorrow when I shall write again as usual. Please take care because I love you terrifically and I miss you an awful lot. 

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxxxxxxx



"26 February 1948

My very dearest darling Eileen Alana,

Here is your ever-loving poor husband once again feeling in fine fetter and hoping that you feel the same way my pet. I got a letter from you today so that really made the day complete. The sun finally broke through about noon and they flew like mad all afternoon. It's about time as we were beginning to get despondent due to lack of work and too much spare time. I hope that this break lasts for a while so that enough work will pile up to keep us busy for a few days. The way that my luck has been running lately I doubt it very, very much. 

Last night when I wrote to you I mentioned the teaching profession plus my favorable viewpoint of it. Well today I wrote to my headmaster in high school and requested my scholastic record plus all of my college entrance credits that I have amassed. It's been so long that I have forgotten them completely but when I get all of the information that I seek I'll know where I stand and how many credits I need to get into the portals of a college or university. I also requested some information on the requisites and schooling of the teaching profession. I can always look forward to a college education since it is within my grasp through the G.I. Bill of Rights and from my point of view I can always be a glut on the labor market, but if I get a college education I can be a very high classed glut. Let me hear your comments on it all. It has me at odds end not being able to talk these things over with you and since our mail is our only means of conversation I really would appreciate all of your comments pro or con. I hope that they may be favorable but if they are not let me know anyway because I'm truthfully trying to make a good step and prepare for it. I'm probably driving you nuts with all of my brainstorms but bear along with me for awhile and I'll settle down to something definite. It's really puzzling kid. If you have any advice or good counsel I'm all ears. Well time is moving away and only 200 days remain until I get home and in fifty one days you should be arriving upon the scene. I'm looking forward to your arrival longingly and in a couple of weeks I'll start checking off the days 'till you get here. Then I'll really be able to talk things over with you as we should. The mail continues to pile upon you and I'm mighty glad of it. I see also that my bonds continue to arrive and they should be piling up for us by leaps and bounds. Our bank account should also be on the way up also now that I have given it a rest for a change. Someday we will pile it up again just like it used to be. I've been reading those Civil Service Manuals as much as possible and regardless of other ideas I may have I'll keep it up and attempt to concentrate on one thing at a time. They really come in might handy after I run out of reading material such as papers and magazines so I lay back and pore over the Police Manual. 

I've been following the basketball games over most of the country and I see that Holy Cross has been invited to the big tournament at New York once again. Last year they were National Champions and I for one hope that they repeat again this year. I see that Mary and Eddie are still going strong and that the family is monopolizing their time. Such is life! I guess Mary is all agog over it all and I'm mighty glad of it. That picture - T man - that you saw the coming attractions and I remember the scenes that you described. It was really a hard boiled picture and I liked it a lot because it seemed to be down to earth. As for my commentary on our children I guess I stepped overboard when I said I hoped that they would all be girls but if they are I'll be just as happy because as long as we have children I'll be completely content. To be completely agreeable I'll let you do the choosing on the whole matter. You say that you are content to wait a few years. Why honey by the time we get around to settling down we will be to old to produce an heir but since time changes everything we shall see what we shall see. Now on this matter of twin beds on your visit down here, how can you even mention the subject. Don't you want me to have any fun at all? Here I haven't seen you for months and you want twin beds. Outrageous! After all of our unsuccessful attempts a success would surprise me more than it would you but we will let nature take its course. We can discuss it more fully when you arrive upon the scene and then we really (can) settle it. This will be one of the few times that we will be together prior to my discharge and I want to enjoy it tremendously and I know that we will.

I'll tell you all about my adventurous youth some night when we are sitting before the fire some cold, snowy night. I'm looking forward to it very much. I'm just longing and pining to be home to stay with you so that we could really get started out on our life together. 

The weather should be in fine shape when you get down here nice and hot and sunny. I hope! I'll be praying and hoping for the very best anyway just on your account. I'll have to check and find out when the beaches open down here. They are quite a few miles out of town but somehow we shall mange to make out. I hope that you can christen your new bathing suit with a beautiful tan because it wouldn't really be right to return without one. Just hope and pray that all turns out perfect for both of us and that I'll be able to get some time off. I have the letter that I received from you today to answer yet but I'll let it go until tomorrow. I miss you so tremendously and I love you with all of my heart.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxxxxxxx



"29 February 1948

My very dearest darling Eileen Alana,

Hiya honey, well here I am once again about ready to start a new week and a new month. I slipped up in writing to you last night and I hope that you will forgive me. I guess I was just down in the dumps. I got your letter of last Wednesday night and with all the bad news I felt really blue. I'm all over it now though so I'm back to normal once again, I hope. Today although a long day is passing quite rapidly. The sun came out early and it was a beautiful day with a nice breeze blowing. I only hope that it keeps up and stays on this way for a while. Yesterday and today I missed you an awful lot and wished and wished that we were together. Tonight I can rip another page off my calendar and one more month will have passed us by and we will be one page nearer. If this month can pass as rapidly as the past two it shouldn't be too much of a strain. After whizzing through February the 31 days of March will seem quite long. You should be down here in about seven weeks and I'm really looking forward to it believe me I am. Today seemed to pass quite rapidly and I'm quite pleased about it. I had to get up as usual to go to Church but after Mass time moved right along although I didn't accomplish anything. 

Now if tomorrow turns out to be a good day and it provides us with a little work I'll be satisfied and March will have started out quite satisfactorily for me. This afternoon I wrote a letter to Aunt Nellie so I did accomplish something. I was going to write a few more but I went out in the sun instead and attempted to get a little sunshine on my carcass. I think I did manage to get a little color because the sun was really hot and in its full brilliance. By the time that you get down here the sun should be blazing hot and one good day should give you plenty of tan and sunshine. I only hope that the weather will be nice and clear so that you will be able to enjoy yourself. This week will bring on pay day so at least some good news is in store for me. I'm still very well flush and this pay day should really build up my reserves quite a bit. Well I had better answer your letters now as I should be getting some more tomorrow and I don't want to let it pile up. Miss Mac seems to be going along her merry way but she is continually being confronted by those people who compliment her and thwart her attempts to gain sympathy and pity. It's the first I've heard of a woman shunning a nice compliment as to her looks etc. She must really be cracking up for fair. I imagine that about now it would crack her face to smile. So much for her as just the thoughts of her are quite depressing. I was sorry to hear that you broke your cigarette fast because I was hoping against hope that you would stick it out and finally discontinue it completely. I guess my hopes have been shattered once again but I'll keep trying to succeed just the same and hope for the best. I guess I'll have to wait until I get home and then we shall see just what's what.

Now that Henry and Elizabeth contemplate marriage maybe we will have a chance to go to a wedding together for a change. Henry seems like a very nice guy and from what I've seen of Elizabeth quite the opposite but I guess they will manage somehow. You seem to have that strange but strong trait of the Irish, a prejudice but since it's over your favorite cousin I'll overlook it this time. Now I come to the letter of yesterday with all of its glum news. I was stunned to hear that the baby died and I could hardly believe (it.) I knew the baby was sickly and undernourished but it never dawned on me that the little feller would die. All day yesterday I kept thinking about it and recalled how they traipsed around with the sick child. Remember that night before I left to come down here how we ran into them returning from some trip they had taken. All day yesterday I wanted to send them a terrific blasting telegram but I decided against it. God in all of His infinite goodness claimed the child to save him from a life of Hell and torture at the hands of those two selfish inconsiderate stinkers. I'm awaiting the details from my mother. I'm afraid she has finally cursed them in typical Irish fashion. I was tempted to curse them myself but I'll ignore them completely. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions in blaming them but at present I have no alternative. I blame them either for carelessness and neglect but who am I to judge after all it takes God Himself a man's lifetime before he is judged. I'll stop being philosophical and just forget the whole thing completely. It's too sad.

I'm sorry that you and Rita had such a set to but it's about time that someone checked her as she is beginning to act up. Your mother baby's her too much and I think that she is spoiled in some respects. If she isn't checked now while she is still in school after she graduates no one will be able to hold her down. A man is really needed in that domain now and when I get home I'm going to rule the roost the same as a despotic czar. What powerful talk! It sounds good though but like everything else we will have to wait and see.

Well honey I'm about run out so I'll sign off for the present and I'll write again tomorrow night. Please take care of yourself honey. I love you desperately and I miss you terribly.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxxxxxx


So another month down - 6 1/2 more to go. My father constantly writes that he will "write again tomorrow night," but there are gaps in the letters. Again I'm not sure what might have happened to them. But let's get onto March! 

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