Friday, August 18, 2023

1947 May 16-May 31

As I noted previously, a couple of these letters did not have envelopes and some of the envelopes predated the letters but I left the letters with the envelops that they can in.  

"16 May 1947

My very dearest darling Ellen,

Here I am again at the end of another week with the only thought in my mind being that I'll be able to get home to you in six weeks. It seems like a long time but the time is moving right along for us. I should be home in a short while. Today was another dull day but I kept moving along doing a little here and a little there to make the time pass by a little faster. I have the duty over the weekend with a watch tomorrow noontime. That's a break as I won't lose any sleep for a change. I'm hitting some pretty good watches since I got here so that's one thing I can't complain about. I got a letter from you today so without a phone call to look forward to tomorrow and no further mail until Monday it will have to be my sole source of good cheer and inspiration. It will be I can assure you. I wrote to my mother last night thanking her for the use of the car in my coming leave and wishing her well. Things are still the same at home I guess with no changes of note so far.

I had a terrific dream last night but I can't figure it out. I don't know where I was or what I was doing but I was going past a bench in a waiting room in some station or terminal and I saw someone who looked like Hannie and sure enough it was. After that everything went blank. I'm afraid I was talking in my sleep as I kept waking up all night long. I wish that I could remember it all and then maybe I could be able to diagnose it or at least sort of describe it. Such is life I guess. 

I'll get to your letter now I guess as my inspiration is nil. I'm glad that the weather is warming up for sure back home as I want to have nice weather when I get home. As long as you're with me it really won't matter but it will make it so much more comfortable and enjoyable to have a little sunshine and a few balmy breezes. 

I see you are developing your walking legs. Mine are in rare shape as I swear that I must walk at least ten miles a day just going and coming from work. What a hike! With the heat, humidity and blazing sun I'm all in at the end of each trip but I just keep on and on doing the same thing day in and day out. It will seem cool to me up there after getting accustomed to this climate. Hot cold, rain or snow I'll be just very very happy to get home to you and as long as you are there nothing else really matters much. With your hair done up in a kerchief and your face shiny and pinkish you look wonderful, so clean and fresh. Since we have been married that is the way that I remember you most and I guess it will be the way that I'll always remember you. You're swell and grand and I love you so very very much. As for the pajamas or night gown choice well I really wouldn't care if you wore a fur coat to bed just as long as it was you but I do like night gowns a lot and since you aim to please please oblige. I can't wait to get home honey. I'm afraid that we'll both have to get accustomed to sleeping together once again but I don't think that it will take us very long. I hope not as I only have twenty-five days. 

I'm sorry to hear that Madelines fire is dwindling. Personally I don't believe that she has grown up mentally and hasn't the power of judgement or decision to make up her own mind. I just can't understand her at all. I hope she gets settled before she takes the step because once she steps into marriage she can't step back but with her and all her experiences I'm not too certain if she could or not. She is too unpredictable for me to bother my head over or you either. It's up to her to do or undo as she sees fit. I guess the only reason that you aren't getting sick from smoking is because you aren't smoking an awful lot. You can smoke but don't smoke too much as it will only make you a nervous wreck and you will wind up sucking on a cigarette every time you have a spare moment. Well I've got to close out for tonight until tomorrow night when I shall write once again. I sincerely wish that we could be together so that we could be truly happy. I guess I'll just have to bide my time for a while so please take care of yourself honey. I miss you very much and I love you more and more each and every passing day.
All of my love to you
God Bless you 
John x" 

"Ma - 
I have to get up at 7:00

"17 May 1947

My very dearest darling Ellen,

It's as hot as all h--- down here tonight with absolutely no wind at all and everything feels sticky and clammy. What a spot this is. One day the sun is so hot you fry while other days the wind almost knocks you down and now we have to get days and nights like this. As long as I can sleep all right I don't mind it much but when it interferes with my rest I'll do a lot of screaming. I had a watch this afternoon and since the office is air conditioned it wasn't bad at all and the time flew by. When I got off watch and stepped outside into the heat I broke into a sweat. What a difference in atmosphere. I'm still a little damp even though I took a hot and cold shower right after the watch. I'm afraid I'll wind up dehydrated before I get out of here. Outside of the watch I haven't done much besides washing some clothes. It's a good thing that we have a washing machine at our disposal otherwise I would still be scrubbing and washing. I had a mess of clothes to wash but the genius of the Bendix company took care of them all in about an hour and half.  It's quite a gadget you just throw the clothes in put in some soap and turn on the machine. In about a half hour you take them out all clean rinsed and damp dry. I'm waiting for the sun to finish them off now. You can put a washing machine high on your list of essential household effects when we settle down. I think I told you that once before so this will be a sort of second endorsement of the item. 

I didn't go to the show tonight as I saw it last night. The 'Two Mrs Carrolls' is the picture with Bogart and Barbara Stanwyck. It's pretty good, all about a painter Bogart who goes nuts and after killing one wife is thwarted in his second attempt. We also had a stage show with a band and a few acts of vaudeville. They were pretty good, the acts and the band and I think if vaudeville if it ever does make up its mind to return we'll make money and it will provide a world of joy and good cheer to all who see it. 

There is only 42 days left now until my leave and I'm in the same spot that I was in last weekend only there won't be any delays this time. Last Sunday I only had 42 days to go but Monday I had 47 days but not any more. I'm dying to get home to you once more and I can't understand why it takes so long for a day, twenty four measly hours to pass by. I guess I'm overanxious but who wouldn't be under similar circumstances. It won't be long though, so I'm hoping my nerves hold out. 

According to the papers they have taken a goodly slice out of the Navy budget for the next fiscal year and everyone is on edge as to the final disposition of this place. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping. I guess every big air station is under similar strain just waiting and hoping for something to happen. If this joint ever does get the ax I can't figure out where we will be sent. I have Quonset Point in my record as my next choice of duty so if it does close maybe my choice will come true with a little luck. It really doesn't matter as I can stand anywhere just as long as I can get in contact with you over the phone and can get home to you when my leaves fall due. I would sooner be home with you always and always but circumstances won't allow it at present. I would bring you down here but there is still no housing available and none in sight for a long while. The chief that shares the room with me has had an application in for a house since last August and still no house and none in sight. Such are conditions down here. When I see these other guys down here with their wives I get mad at it all and I get homesick and lonely. Some of these women who have been trailing their husbands around and living in all kinds of holes in the wall are feeling the effects of the strain both physically and mentally. The hospital is full of women, maternity cases and just plan sick women who broke down under the strain of it all. With all this heat and poor living conditions it just doesn't do a woman much good. I've seen a lot of women, Navy wives who came back up from Panama and they look years and years older than they are, so drawn and nervous. I'd go over the hill before I'd subject you to such an existence, sometimes it doesn't seem human, honest. 

Well honey I had better close out until tomorrow when I shall write once again. I love you with all of my heart and soul and I miss you terribly, so very terribly.
All of my love to you
God Bless you
John x"

"18 May 1947

My very dearest darling Ellen,

A rainy dismal Sunday has almost passed us by and the day that started out so beautifully has turned out now to be hot and muggy. I went to Mass early and after Mass was over it began to rain and rain. By the time I got back to the barracks I was soaked all of the way through. The rain had a nice effect though as it made the grass and flowers smell so clean and fresh like the spring time instead of the dry dusty smell that usually hangs over every thing most of the time. It usually rains here at night but today it rained during the day for the first time since I've been here. With the rain and having the duty I didn't and couldn't go anywhere nor do anything so I remained in the barracks listening to the radio and reading. With all the nice Sunday afternoon music the day wasn't long in passing. I heard Al Jolson on the Jack Benny program and he sang 'April Showers' and 'You made me love you.' They sounded swell and they made me want you so very, very much. I intended to go to the show to see 'Egg and I' but when I got over to the theater all of the dependents with their children had the place packed. I can't understand why they bring babies five and six months old to a night show. Some nights the theater sounds more like a nursery than a theater with all the babies bawling and squawling all thru the picture. California is like that with the show full of kids all day and night. Sometimes I think half of them are abandoned. I guess I'm just bitter because some infant filled up my seat. I'll get over it. I miss you so very very much honey and I'm looking forward to our leave together very, very much. To be with you will do me a world of good and it will lift my spirits sky high. I need something to help me out of my rut and you are the only one that can do it. Only forty one days remain until I do get home and I'll be hoping and praying that the days will fly along at a terrific pace. I've been thinking about you all day long and I really missed our usual telephone conversation. That telephone talk really builds my morale and makes me feel wonderful all over. I'll be waiting as patiently as possible for your call next Saturday and I hope that you can get thru all right. Since nothing has happened here all day I'm completely out of inspiration so I think I had better close out for now. I love you with all of my heart and soul and I miss you terribly.
All of my love to you
God Bless & keep you
John x"

"19 May 1947

My very dearest darling Ellen,

I just returned from the movies when I finally managed to get a seat to see 'The egg and I' with Claudette Colbert and Fred MacMurray. It was really good although it sort of tapered off toward the end. If you haven't seen it please do so as it's worth seeing. Marjorie Main as the mother of a brood of kids steals the show. I almost missed out again as pretty near all the seats were filled once again with babies and dependents This is the first station when I saw them allow babies and kids in the night shows. They have an afternoon show for them here but they never go to it. Oh well, my day is coming so I'll not find fault. Maybe I'm jealous. I received two letters from you today so I'm happy regardless of the movie situation. I've been looking forward to them since Saturday and they boosted my morale clear out of the dumps. Today was a busy day for me for a change as I worked pretty steady. Mondays are usually quiet but today the work just poured in on us. I hope that it keeps up and I'll be happy as the time will go by an awful lot faster than it is although I can't complain as it really is moving. I've been down here for two months now and if time keeps clicking along as it has been, my time won't be long in passing. Only 40 days remain now until I get my leave which is really only one good long month so things are moving right along down here. I got a little more sun today. I waited until this afternoon as I don't want to get burned again. The wind and the sun will give me some color I really can't say how much. I'll try like mad to tan and if I succeed I only hope that we will have good weather for our vacation. I'll get around to your letters now as I need inspiration. They were your letters of the 14th & 15th, last Wednesday and Thursday. You are doing wonderful in your letter writing and I hope that you can keep it up. Do the best that you can and I won't complain. You are really wonderful. You pick out where you want to go for our vacation as anywhere you choose will suit me fine. Just to be with you will suit me fine anywhere and anytime. I really would like to go to Falmouth for a week just to see what it is like down there. I've been to the Cape a few times but I've never spent any time down there so if you would like to spend a week down there a week we shall spend. After being away from New England for so long I have forgotten all of the vacation spots so if you have suggestions or any spot in particular that you like choose it and let me know. As I said before as long as you are with me I don't care where we go just as long as we are together. 
Speaking of Church and Novena's our priest from Boston arrived and he is a wonderful speaker. He let every one know where he was from the very first day. When you travel around you can pick out priests from Boston because they say the prayers at the foot of the altar after Mass. They don't do it other places. They usually say the 'Hail Marys' and the Hail Holy Queen and that's all, no 'Blessed be God' etc. It seems like being home when I hear it. 

I hope the weather takes a permanent change for the best soon or our vacation will be chilly and wet. We'll have to wait and see I'm afraid. Keep your fingers crossed and hope and pray for the best. 

Your Wednesday letter sounds as though you are bored with monotony and the want of something to do. I don't blame you kid as I get that way quite often. That's when I take a walk to ease my nerves it doesn't cure it but I get so tired I fall asleep as soon as I get back. It won't be long before we are together once again so keep your chin up. When does your Aunt Nellie go to Falmouth? I thought that she was probably down there by now?

If that Scotch is 50 years old and she gives you some hold onto a bottle for me and dig up some soda as a chaser. I haven't had a drink, beer or whiskey, for so long that I've forgotten what it tastes like. Instead of you slurping it up alone save it and we will slurp it up together. Okay?

Your smoking situation seems to be meeting opposition from all sides so to appease everyone why don't you give in and quit before it gets too strong and difficult for you to stop. I can't argue with you from here so I'll have to wait until I get home. I'm going to close out now as it's pretty late. I miss you terribly and I'll get home as soon as time will permit so that I can help you get back on the straight and narrow. I love you with all of my heart and soul. 
All of my love to you
God Bless & keep you
John x"

There are two envelopes for May 20 - the letter of May 19 was in the envelope above. 

"20 May 1947

My very dearest darling Ellen,

I have at long last come to the end of a hectic day. I hope I never experience another again. It all started about three this afternoon. About then it started to rain in torrents and I mean torrents. It was still raining when I got out of work so as you can probably guess I got quite damp on my return to the barracks. When I got to the barracks I gave up. The windows of my room had been open while it rained and the floor was covered with water almost an inch deep. On top of that my bunk just inside the window is now a soggy heap of mattress. After cleaning up the mess I took a shave and a shower and when I went to get some clean clothes out of my closet I discovered that I had lost my key. So here I sit disgusted and disgruntled. Not that it makes any difference to me they cancelled all liberty due to serious storm warnings along the Gulf Coast. What a day! I had a bright moment though as I received two letters from you. They were postmarked May 19 so I guess I'll have to wait until Thursday now for your next one as they both came in on the afternoon mail. I won't mind though just as long as they don't delay the mail too long. Sometimes, like today for instance, your mail gets here almost over night while at other times it takes two or three days. I think if the Navy moves out of Corpus Christi  they will discontinue air mail service down here altogether because as far as most airlines are now concerned it's an out of the way spot for them. I still don't know for sure if they fly the mail in here or dump it off up in Houston and send it down here by train. Sometimes I think the latter is the case. 

Tomorrow is Wednesday the middle of the week and also a day for me to report to the dispensary for some shots. I thought that by now I should be immune to every disease there is and a lot that haven't been accounted for as yet. If I had as many needles outside of me as I've had  stuck in me I'd turn into a porcupine for sure. Overseas every time that I turned around some Joe was sticking a needle into me for some disease or affliction that was newly discovered. Maybe they have dug up a new germ down here or else they have a new bunch of 'boots' in the hospital who need a little experience in needle jabbing. 

The past two days have hustled right along honey so the time is growing shorter until I'll be home on leave. Oh Happy Day! There remains but thirty nine days and I'm anxiously awaiting their rapid passing. If they keep passing as quickly as they have been I can't complain too much so here's hoping that they do. 

I had better swing over to your letters now for a few points to talk or write on. Your letters were of Sat. and Sunday and I want to thank you for them very very much. I'm sorry the delay in my leave caused you so much disappointment but there wasn't anything that I could do about it. I was lucky to get to go the twenty-ninth. It disappointed me very much too but I was too mad at the Waves oversight that I didn't give it much thought at the time. The Wave hasn't returned from leave as yet so I can't give her a bawling out; she'll get it when she returns though. 

I saw 'Pusued' down here and I enjoyed it a lot too. It was the first time that I had seen Robert Mitchum and after hearing so much about him and his attributes and stuff he wasn't so bad after all. 

This may hurt but I've got to say it. Stay out of Pat Lynch's and stop drinking. I mean it. Honest. I do. I know that it's dull and boring to be separated as we are and it's as dull and lonesome for me as it is for you. I don't want you going to those joints slopping up beer and I don't want you slopping up beer. It's at times like this that I wish to hell nobody ever thought of the Navy especially me. 

As far as women are concerned, one is plenty and all that I'll ever want. You married a one track individual and I'll remain one tracked until the day that I die. I hope that your jealousy hasn't completely disappeared as mine hasn't. I have quite a bit of it left but I'm able to control it now instead of letting it get the better of me. 

I think I had better close out now as the other Chiefs have all turned in and it's getting pretty late. I love you and miss you with all my heart. I'm hoping that my leave rolls around rapidly so I can get home to you.

All my love to you
God Bless and keep you 

"21 May 1947

My very dearest darling Ellen,

Well this week is half over so it shouldn't be too long now until I get home to you. Only thirty eight days remain until the happy day arrives and that's really not too far away. I'm looking forward to it longingly and hopefully so it's got to hurry around just to keep me happy. I got my 'shots' today but they turned out to be only one. As it is I have a lump on my arm at the shoulder where the injected germs are now abiding. It will be gone by tomorrow. I hope so I'll be back to normal once again. Today turned out to be clear and cool after the rainstorm yesterday and I think I'm breaking out with a case of sniffles as a result of my drenching. I'll have to shake them before I get home so I'm going to count on the sun during the day. I didn't get any mail but I didn't really expect any. Those two letters that I received in the afternoon mail yesterday took care of it. Tomorrow if you are still on schedule I should get another so that's what I'll be looking forward to. 

A mess of chiefs have come in over the past week-end. Most of them came from Alameda. I saw them there when I was out there and they are just reporting after having their sixty days leave. All ready they are building up a disgust over the whole deal as there is nothing for them to do only lay round and make themselves scarce. Everyone is watching and waiting to see what will happen since Congress slashed the Navy appropriation and recommended the release of 52,000 (?) men to cut down expenses. When I was out in Okinawa they gave them a chance to get out and why I didn't I'll never know so help me! If they give me a chance to get out now I'll be gone and home before the ink is dry on the papers. I'm afraid if they give the guys a chance to get out the Navy will wind up with all ships and no men. Everyone is disgusted and uncertain about it all. If nothing happens another year isn't too much but if they do give me the opportunity I'll be home that much sooner. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and I'm hoping for the best to happen. Last night I only answered one of your letters so tonight I'm going to answer the other. While listening to the ball scores tonight I learned that the game in Boston was postponed due to rain so I guess the rainy season is still in effect up in that region. Better now than when I get home. I don't know if they have a rainy season down here or not but if it ever rained for a spell like it did yesterday I'm afraid that we would be up to our knees in mud. From mud to May Processions is a long step but - I guess the last May Procession that I have seen was the one that I saw with you at St Patrick's a few years back. May processions make me sentimental and dreamy eyed as they remind me of my younger days and all the hustle and bustle of preparing for it. I remember in one procession when the Sister told me to bring some flowers so I plucked all the long stemmed tulips out of my fathers special flower bed. He almost had a stroke and I almost wound up with a broken back but a sore sit-down was my only set back. The time I carried the banner in the Eighth Grade I'll never forget. The banner obstructed my view so every time the class of girls would stop in front of me I would walk all over their shoes and stockings. Being shy & reserved it was an awful strain on my nerves. I guess they were lucky that I didn't knock them down. 

Hasn't Annie set a definite date as yet for her marriage? I guess she has too much on her mind to giving out dates but if it's early in July maybe I'll be fortunate enough to attend. I hope so as I'd like to see Annie settle down and let some man take the strain and worry that she places on herself off her hands. It would really do her a world of good and would help an awful lot toward her getting well completely.

I'm anxious to get home on leave as it will make my time to go an awful lot easier to bear and just being with you will do me a world of good. My six year term is like six cycles and after my leave I'll be on my last cycle and the end will be in sight for me. Once September has come and gone I'll be going down hill at a rapid pace and I'll be able to breathe easier.

I'm going to close out for now as it's time for me to hit the sack once again. I'm looking forward to the phone call Saturday after such a long wait. Two days to go and I'll be able to talk to you. I love you with all of my heart and soul and I miss you so very very much.
All of my love to you
God Bless & keep you
John x" 

"22 May 1947

My very dearest darling Ellen,

Hello again. I received two letters from you again today so I have a slight fear that I won't get one tomorrow so I'll have to wait now until Monday. I hope it won't be so but I'll be set for it. Outside of your letters it was a dull day as usual but I must say that I did quite a bit of work. We were quite busy and handling rough metal during the day left me with a couple of sore cut fingers. Since we dunk the hot metal in brine to harden it the salt played merry hell with the cuts. They didn't get infected so that's a help - they will be all right in a day or two. 

I'm listening to the radio as I write so if this letter goes off in a tangent now and then please forgive me. It's one of those Union programs urging the defeat of Congressional labor legislation. It's loaded with talent and so far it's really good. I'm waiting for Bing Crosby  to come on. I heard him from San Antonio last night so I'll hear him again tonight. He has Maurice Chevalier with him as a guest star and he sounded real good. I haven't heard him sing Mimi for years and it seemed good to hear him again. I remember him when I was a kid as the Frenchman with the straw hat and flashy clothes. With Chevalier, Beyer and Jean Sablon now in the United States entertainment seems to be on a French tint. This Jean Salon has a radio program that I pick up occasionally. He isn't bad at all as a singer, a sort of French Bing Crosby. After hearing Salon and Chevalier last night I began impersonating them at work today. I only wish that I had an audience of a million or so like my boy down here. He laughs and laughs, at what I don't know as I'm certain that I'm not that funny. I keep telling him that I'm going to learn how to tap dance and wait for vaudeville to come back. That really kills him. One of us is absolutely nuts and I think that it's him but sometimes I wonder. 

I'm going to answer your letters now as I'm running out of chatter as far as my doings are concerned. They were your letters of Monday and Tuesday and if I haven't said so before they built my morale up sky high. You are swell kid, keep it up as I appreciate your letters more than I could possibly say. With all the reading that you do please don't ruin your eyes as the light in your bedroom isn't so hot. I don't want you going blind on me.

As far as the car is concerned my mother wanted to know why I couldn't have it when I got home. I was thinking that my father would probably be on vacation about the same time but I guess not. With Joe having a car too I guess they have plenty of transportation for the time being. I hope so anyway. I'll attempt to give you driving lessons when I get home but if you do get enough finances together to take a couple of lessons please do so as it will help out an awful lot. I'm thinking of getting a car of our own when I get out but I guess we'll have to wait and see what turns up in the mean time. There are so many things that I think I'll have to catalogue them in order to keep track of them. First off I have to get a job to support us, then get a place to live and after that we can take things as they come along. As I told you in a previous letter I am boosting my allotment to you up a hundred dollars so maybe we can do a little splurging in autos when I get out if nothing comes up to deplete our finances. I've come to the conclusion that a good bank account isn't a bad feature when starting off in life. 

I'm sorry to hear that Bob is in the hospital and I hope that he can get out soon. Their baby should be as big as Frances by now. In a few months she won't be able to budge the poor kid. How is May behaving by the way? I wish that I could be home with you honey as I want nothing else on earth more than I want you and to be with you. It won't be long now as we have only 37 days left and then I'll be with you for a stretch. It will be wonderful I know. I could never figure out my dream that had Hannie in it as a character. I only know I was somewhere in some station and walked past her and when I came back to say hello I woke up. Maybe a phone call was on my mind. I'm hoping very very much that she can get thru Saturday as I'm waiting very anxiously to talk to you once again. It will pull me out of my rut completely. I think I'll close out for tonight and save the rest of your letter until tomorrow in case I don't get any mail. I love you with all of my heart and soul honey and I miss you something fierce. I'm hoping the next few weeks roll by at a rapid clip so that I can be with you once again.
All my love to you 
God Bless & keep you
John x
37 days left"

"23 May 1947

My very dearest darling Ellen,

Another week and another very hectic day has drawn to a close. The week in itself went by at a fairly rapid clip but this day was almost the death of me. I went to work as usual with the sun bright and everything clear and cool. It remained that way until about nine o'clock when the storm clouds overcast the sky and it grew pitch black. It was as dark as night and then it commenced to thunder and long flashes of lightning darted across the sky. After thirty minutes of suspense it commenced to rain. Just to say that it was raining wouldn't do the elements justice. The sky opened up and a deluge fell upon us. All the storm sewers backed up and geysers of water spewed out of drains in the floor and drinking fountains. Even the seams in the concrete floor bubbled up water. In no time at all the flooring of the whole building was under water. It rose slowly and steadily and about chow time it stopped raining and the water stopped rising. It was about three inches deep all over the place while outside the building streets were flooded and hollow areas were like lakes. In order to leave the building I had to remove my socks and shoes and wade knee deep for about a quarter mile until I got to a spot where the ground was firm high and almost reasonably dry. I bummed a ride back to the barracks wondering if my room was wet or dry  but fortunately I closed my windows before I left for work and the room for a change was bone dry. A few hours after it stopped raining the water seeped into the ground or flowed along its path of least resistance into the bay. It's about completely drained off about now but I don't figure they will have to water their lawns around here for a while. I hope days like today don't happen often or I'll begin to go about in my barefeet. 

I sent off a letter to the State House in Boston for an application to get my State Bonus. I sent it airmail so it should be there soon. I've been thinking about applying for it for quite a spell so I did finally get around to it. It will be an addition to our bank account. After this bonus the only other money that I'll get for nothing will be my mustering out pay unless I run into a very rich uncle. As soon as I get my form I'll try to have the money forwarded to you and you can deposit it in our account. Okay?

I received a letter from you today so the Post Office rates a compliment from me for its fine work. I won't answer this letter until tomorrow when I'll have no mail to fall back on. Tonight I'll answer the rest of the mail that I didn't get around to last night. I'm looking forward to our phone call very very much and I'll probably be up at the crack of dawn waiting for it. I hope Hannie can get us thru all right. As far as your new hair do goes it sounds pretty good. Don't cut your hair until I get home and I'll give you my opinion on how it looks. It should look swell if it turns out the way that I think it will. I'll wait and see. 

I think you look swell when you have your hair done up in a kerchief so this will be the same effect minus the kerchief. It sounds swell. As far as your nightgown and pajama problem is concerned I'm willing to compromise with you. One night you wear a nightgown the next you wear pajamas. How does that sound. If you really do despise gowns I'll give in and you can wear your pajamas if you like. To be truthful I don't care if its pajamas nightgowns overalls or what have you just as long as you are in them and I'm there with you. To me you would look swell in anything so wear whatever is comfortable. I guess when I get out of this navy I'll have to get civilized once again and start wearing something besides my 'birthday' suit to bed. It's comfortable this way but I'll sacrifice comfort for civilized decency.

I'm getting quite accustomed to the heat now what with Okinawa and now Texas. I haven't been in real cold for so long that I don't know how I would stand up under it. I have the rest of my life to sample it so I'm not going to rush into it just now. I went to the show tonight and saw 'Stairway to Heaven' with David Niven and Kim Hunter. It was a foolish yet pretty good show but very very British. I've been reading a lot about them going to give our Hollywood a battle but they will really have to improve quite a bit I'm afraid. I guess I'll have to close out for now until tomorrow when I'll be standing by awaiting your phone call. I'll write again tomorrow night as usual. I love you with all of my heart and soul and I miss you so terribly much. Please take care of yourself honey. I'll close out for now - 
All of my love to you 
God Bless and keep you
Alway & always
John x"

"24 May 1947

My very dearest darling Ellen

It was wonderful to talk to you again today and once more I feel swell. I miss you very very much and after hearing your voice I want to get home just that much more. If I didn't say much blame it on the effects of your voice. You sounded swell and I only wish that you talked a little longer. I guess we discussed everything that has occurred in the past few weeks and since you are going to plan the vacation I'm just waiting patiently to get home. I went down town today after I had dinner and toured around. I sent you something for our sixth year of courtship. I had something definite in mind but when I got around to ordering it, it got so confusing that I'm afraid I don't know just what you will get. You can let me know Thursday when they arrive. I hope you like them. I also payed a visit to the airlines ticket officer and now I learn that getting to Boston is like getting to Heaven, I can make New York okay but I'll have a lay over of a few hours and won't arrive in Boston until Sunday morning sometime. I'll keep buzzing them and see what I can dig up to speed up my travel home. I want to get home just as fast as I possibly can so maybe there is a fast route to be found somewhere. I only hope my return trip won't be as confused and as long because I want to spend as much time with you as possible. I'll keep trying and maybe something will turn up. I topped off my afternoon with a great big sizzling steak served to me in a sizzling hot metal platter. It was swell and I gulped it down as usual in nothing flat. I guess I need you with me to help out by reminding me to eat slow and season my food with salt. When we settle down for good you can be my guiding hand. After eating this slop down here I am beginning to wonder what a home cooked meal will be like. That's an added reason why I want to get home. 

We are having more rain down here tonight and according to the weather man still more is headed this way. I guess it must be the rainy season in these parts. Hurricanes should start soon but I hope that they hold off for a while. They create too much of a mess and an awful lot of unnecessary work for everyone around here. I hope these officers have been thru some before because if they haven't they will be running around like a pack of old hens butting their noses into every place at once and asking very foolish questions. That is something I guess I'll have to sweat out. After Okinawa one more won't make much difference one way or the other. The thunder is rumbling outside and every now and then a flash of lightning flashes by. I hope it doesn't keep me awake. I doubt it. If this rain keeps up I won't be complaining about the heat again for awhile as there won't be any heat to complain about. The variety will keep life interesting I guess and if it will help the days roll around faster I'm all for it. As I told you over the phone only five weeks remain until I get home on leave, thirty five days that's all so time is moving right along. I'm going to refer to your letter, the one that I got yesterday and see if I can dig up some inspiration. Your letter writing has been swell for the past few weeks honey so keep it up. Getting mail from you is the only really bright spot in these otherwise dull and dreary days. It's the God's honest truth, believe me. 

I guess Nutting's will be the place this summer as far as dances are concerned. I remember that it was quite a spot once upon a time so maybe it's getting a revival after all these years. 

As far as my watch goes, the only thing I do is answer phone calls and make entries into a log book if anything of importance comes up. Nothing usually happens so I sit and read and wait to be relieved. It's not really necessary but Navy tradition and custom will never change, so we have to stand them. 

As far as the Goodale case goes I haven't any opinion pro or con. I've read a bit about it and they have built up a pretty good case against him. As long as they keep building up the girls character and keep making her evangelic as the newspaper sob story writers are so prone to do it will continue to look bad for him. If she went out on a petting party with him and I surmise that he had a few drinks she should have known no good was to come out of it as he wasn't going to read poetry to her by the light of the moon. If he did do it he was stupid and if he didn't do it he has wound up behind the eight ball and is taking the rap for a shrewd operator. I guess the old saying still holds true 'Don't go out with strange men' or with strange women either. There are a lot of cases on record where some woman picked up a guy and left him on the road shot up and robbed. I guess we will have to wait until the trial is over to find out his fate. I guess I'll close out for now and I'm beginning to feel a headache coming on. I love you with all of my heart and soul and I miss you terribly, honest I do. 
All of my love to you 
God Bless & keep you
John x
P.S. Thank Hannie for the call. You sounded grand."

I hadn't heard of the Goodale case but found the following information in the Cape Cod Times - :

"In 1946: Ruth McGurk of Onset was last seen leaving a dance hall on July 27, 1946. The 25-year-old's half-nude body was later found floating in Gibbs Reservoir in South Carver. The prime suspect in her murder was Charles Goodale, 24, of Onset. On Aug. 29, 1946, a special session of the Plymouth County Grand Jury met to hear the state's case against Goodale. A succession of motions, mental test demands and arguments delayed the start of one of the most famous murder trials in Massachusetts history. On May 26, 1947, as the trial entered its third week, Goodale took the stand and testified for four hours. The 14-man jury found him innocent."

"25 May 1947

My very dearest darling Ellen, 

It's pretty late so I won't be able to write very much. We went on daylight saving time on the base today and it all adds up to one great big terrific mass of confusion. The Navy is on daylight saving time and the civilians are on Standard Time. They made up some excuse for it but even that doesn't make sense. It wouldn't be regulation if it wasn't confusing so I'm afraid we'll have to just pick up with it from now until I don't know when. It will mess up my schedule of departure out of here on my leave but I'll get home to you just as soon as I possibly can. Nothing has happened around here today. I went to noon Mass and spent the afternoon listening to the radio and sunning myself. I overdid  it again I'm afraid as my back feels dry and hot but as long as it doesn't blister I won't mind at all. I'm red in front this time so I've accomplished something. I went to the show tonight and saw 'Calcutta' with Alan Ladd and William Bendix. It was another whodunit similar in vein to all of Ladd's pictures. It was confusing but it was good and I liked it a lot. As usual at a moment of great suspense when everything seems to be hanging in the balance some baby would let out a plaintiff bawl to bring everyone back to reality. I can't figure these people out as there is a nursery here on the base that will take care of the kids for a couple of hours while they are at the show and yet they insist on bringing the kids, anywhere from two or three months old on up to a year or two. Nursing bottles and blankets bring up the rear. You would imagine that they were going to a picnic with all the baskets and blankets. Maybe my day is coming in the future I'll not complain too loudly but I hope I'll have sense enough to keep them home instead of dragging them all over creation. 

Only 34 days remain until my leave rolls around so the time is rushing along. Getting home to you is about the only thing that I think of all day long and with the days rushing along as they are the day shouldn't be too long in arriving. I know that we will have a swell time together so I'm counting the days longingly. The calendar for the month of May is pretty well scratched off and this week will finish it completely. When we get together I hope that time stops altogether for us. Here's hoping that it does. I'm going to close out for now handy until tomorrow night. I hope I have some mail from you to brighten up a dull day. With this new time shift my mornings will be short and the afternoons will seem endless. I love you with all of my heart and I miss you so very much constantly.
All of my love to you
God Bless and keep you
John x"

26 May 1947

My very dearest darling Ellen,

Today was a day of disappointment and bad luck for me and with this new hour shift that commenced today it seemed as though the day would never end. My disappointment was in the mail department as I drew a blank which didn't help my sinking spirits at all. I returned to the barracks to find out that I will have to stand a mid watch tonight from 12-4. I stayed in to hear Christopher Lynch and it turns out that he isn't on tonight. What a day this has been. I'm hoping tomorrow will see my luck take a terrific change for the better with mail and no watches. After experiencing a long day they should begin to get short from now on in as I begin to get used to the routine once again.  This time shift on the base puts me one hour behind you so when it's noon in Watertown it's eleven o'clock on the base but only ten o'clock downtown. It seems foolish but this Navy is full of foolish rules and people. I didn't have an opportunity to do a blessed thing down here today so maybe that's why it seemed so long. Tomorrow will probably be different in many respects if not I'm going to buy a couple of magazines and spend my time catching up on current events and anything that interests me. If things continue like this after I return from leave I think I'll go to night school downtown and learn something new that will come in handy to me later on, maybe typing and short hand. It will be something to do and knowing either subject won't cause me or do me any harm whatsoever. This morning I was all hepped up to go to the fights downtown tonight but having the duty kind of ruined my plans before they were really formulated. Just one of those unlucky days when nothing seems to go right. With only 33 days left until I see you again and with such only a short time remaining I think I'll be able to hold out no matter what happens down here. I'm just aching and almost dying in fact to get home to you and nothing else will matter at all until I do. I only wish that I could get transferred to Quonset but that would only be accomplished by a political drag which I haven't got right now. This is the most beautiful time of the year to be home and as is the usual case I'm missing out once again. I won't miss out much longer because by this time next year I'll be within grasping distance of a discharge thank the Lord. I read a few Boston papers today and of course the Goodale course was the big item. As everyone says it's circumstantial evidence, I agree but it's very  substantial and he is going to have to put up a terrific defense to beat it. He must have been a terrific ladies man in Onset and that escapade with the nurse from Lowell isn't helping him one bit. I wish him luck, I don't know why but I'm afraid his lady killing is going to hit him right between the eyes. I'm going to close out for now honey and I'll write to you again tomorrow. I love you with all of my heart and soul and I miss you so very very much.
All of my love to you
God Bless you & keep you 
Always ~ John x"

27 May 1947

My very dearest darling Ellen,

Another day has passed away and only 32 days remain until I get home on leave. I'm still counting them and marking them off on my calendar. It shouldn't be too long now until I get home so I'm just hoping and yearning that time really rolls by. Today as usual was quite dull but I did get a letter from you so it wasn't too dull after all. It was the letter that you wrote Saturday and it filled out my day. After three days without a letter it really hit the spot and I thank you a lot. This place is completely dull and there isn't even a rumor - floating around. When it gets that dull things are really tough. It was only a few weeks back that rumors and so called 'sure dope' was passing around us like mad. It all faded out though and with things pretty low a good rumor  would help out a lot. It would be something to thing about and thrash out.  It isn't very often that the Navy is rumorless but today seemed to be one of those periods. I went to the show tonight and saw 'Time out of Mind.' I didn't like it very much so I got up and left. I guess a woman would enjoy it as it appeared to me to be a picture written especially for a woman to see. It runs along the lines of a Bette Davis picture but it isn't quite so deep. Tomorrow night we have a comedy scheduled so I'll be sure to attend and sit thru it. I read some more Boston papers tonight and the Goodale case is still the big issue. I guess these court trials will cop all the newspaper space for the next few years. I see another trial is going on over in Framingham or thereabouts. Oh well as long as it doesn't crowd out the sport and comic pages let them do what they wish. I read in the local paper that a ship came in for a load of cotton, the first ship to clear the port in quite awhile. As usual I missed out. Maybe I'll get a chance to use my Social Security Card someday. Incidentally while I think of it a rumor did pop up today. One of the chiefs told me that they are going to put out calls for instructors soon. I'll look into the deal if it does pop (up) but I doubt if I'll make out. You see they usually want guys with over 18 months to do or guys like me who will agree to extend their enlistment another three years. If that's the case I'll stay put right here otherwise I'll give it a trial run. My boy the chief I usually run around with, is buying a car. It's a '41 Pontiac but it's in bad shape but it's a steal down here at the price he is paying for it. I'll undoubtedly wind up fixing it with him. This salt air and heat ruin the fenders and grille work on them and half the cars down here haven't got any fenders at all. They just rust away. When and if he does get it I'll have something that will keep me content and make the time roll by. I think that I had better move over to your letter now and stop boring you with my troubles, such as they are. I guess our phone calls on Saturdays do us both a world of good as I know I feel simply wonderful just talking to you and just hearing your vice does me a world of good. You are the only cure for what ails me. 

As for my wait for the phone call, that I guess will be my routine each Saturday morning. I take a book along with me and every time the phone jingles I jump up with a start and usually it's the house phone but eventually the pay phone rings and for the past few Saturdays it's been you. While I'm waiting I curse under my breath at the other guys who use the phone as I'm afraid Hannie will ring just when the line is busy. I think I'll hang an 'out of order' sign on it until I get my call thru. You must have been working like a hellion airing those winter clothes and then putting them away in moth balls. I only hope that the summer months will be good to you and you won't have to break any of the clothes out for a sudden cold spell. Did you manage to get to the beach Sunday as you planned? I was listening to the ball scores Sunday afternoon and one of the games was called due to rain so I was wondering if it caught you taking a sun bath. I'd really love to be home driving around the country side evenings just like we used to do with no objective in mind and in no hurry whatsoever. We'll have to try it some night just for old times sake. Okay?

I'm going to have to close out for now until tomorrow when I'll write again. I love you so very very much that it hurts just to be away from you. I'm terribly lonely for you and I'm dying to get home to you
All of my love to you
God Bless & keep you
Always and always 
John x"


28 May 1947

My very dearest darling Ellen,

The week is rapidly passing by and it's half over. Tomorrow will end the work week and I'll once again have a few days of rest. These new hours have been robbing me as far as sleep is concerned but as usual I never do get enough sleep no matter how long I stay in bed. The days will move along a little bit faster for me as they changed my noon chow hour and we are eating at twelve instead of eleven. A five hour afternoon was pretty hard to take as it seemed endless now with the day split equally in half it will move at an even pace. Maybe the powers that be are getting a little smarter as they go along. 

I checked into that instructors deal that I mentioned in my letter to you yesterday as it turned out as I expected. In order to go I need 18 months of obligated service and since I haven't got that much I'm to remain firmly planted in this spot. Maybe it will be for the best because  if I went out of here I would have to go to some school to learn a routine. I'm keeping my ears open for anything worthwhile that will pop up to get me out of here. I can stand it down here but as you know I don't love it any. With only thirty one days left until I get home to you I don't even think of this place much, just to get out of here on leave is my only thoughts & concern. 

I went to the show again tonight and saw Jack Carson in 'Love and Learn' and he was swell. He was the only one in (the) picture that was any good, and he really kept the picture moving right along with his mugging capers and wisecracks. It's too bad that he doesn't appear in a few more movies as he is a good comedian and a good actor besides. The story was poor and the supporting actors weren't so hot either. It was for nothing so maybe I shouldn't criticize too much. 

I received a letter from you today so as you know I am in good form after receiving it. I look forward to your letters each and every day and they mean a great deal to me. As you know they are a spark of something nice and wonderful that affects the heat and dullness of these seemingly endless days. If I get a letter from you tomorrow, which I'm hoping for very very much it will have to hold me over until Monday as there will be no mail hours here over the long weekend. I'll be looking forward to your phone call Saturday so I'm hoping that you can get thru. I think that I'll get around to your letter now as I'm in need of inspiration just about now. This was your letter of Sunday and it was quite long. You were wondering if I were out with a blonde or brunette but as things go I was taking in a movie or sleeping depending on when you wrote the letter. Blondes and brunettes are things of the past and I am pursuing a very firm, steady, straight and narrow path and I have no desire to deviate one inch from it. I'm a happily married man and I'm working at it very hard.

I'll never forget it for a moment. My only desire right now is to get out of the Navy and get home to you, my wife, where I can live like a married man and be truly happy. You are the only girl I think of or ever want to think of and the sooner that I get home to you the better I will like it. 

I saw 'Dead Reckoning' that you didn't like at all and I didn't think it was so hot either. We are back on your smoking again I see. You must be turning into a cigarette fiend by now smoking so much. You will be the undoing of your mother's patience if you keep it up. I guess I'll have to bend you over my knee and give you a good thumping. I guess I'll spend my first few hours of my leave in conference with your mother finding out what is what. Don't figure on me succumbing to your womanly charms because if you are raising a rumpus around home we are going to have a little understanding about it all. We'll see what we shall see when I get home.

I see Hannie is still going strong as far as dates are concerned. They are certainly picking their guys from a long way off. Things must be really stiff in Salem if they come all the way down to dear old Watertown to get a date.  Hannie and Mary must feel quite favored and important about it all. I only wish that I was home and then we could be going out on dates together once again. My leave is only a short time away and then things will be different for us. I miss you so very very much and I only wish that I was home with you to stay. Every time I think of it I feel terribly blue being separated like this and I just want to pull my hair out. I love you so very much kid. As usual I'll be hoping and praying for the next month to roll by at a really fast clip. I have to close out now honey. Please take it easy and take care of yourself.
All of my love to you
God Bless & keep you
John x"

"29 May 1947

My very dearest darling Ellen,

The work week is over and I have a long peaceful weekend to look forward to with lots of rest and relaxation. This week being a short one, really ended almost before it started and with only thirty days remaining until my leave is due the time shouldn't be long in passing. Since you expect to work Saturday morning I'm beginning to wonder if you will be able to call me or not. I won't be too far off anyway so if you do call I'll be around to answer. I hope you can get thru all right as it will do me a world of good to talk to you. I'm afraid that when I get home all I'll do is listen so that I can get used to hearing your voice once again. It will be a real pleasure.

As usual nothing is happening around here as we seem to be in a lull. My chief friend has a character on his hands now and when I drop down to see him during the day to shoot the breeze I run into this character. He is a little daft and one look into his eyes will convince anyone. All day long he stares at nothing at all even when you carry on a conversation with him. He comes from Louisiana somewhere and is a typical hillbilly. He married some hillbilly and got sick and tired of her. He ups and leaves her and marries some other girl. No divorce or annulment or anything just leaves her - that's all. He is married to some gal now who drove big trailers cross country during the war and I guess she can get pretty rough at times. She must have clouted him a few times as he said that the lumps on his head get pretty uncomfortable when he puts his hat on. He wanted us to go down to his house some night and referee a fight between himself and his wife. When we asked him what we were supposed to do as referees he said in all sincerity for us to tell his wife not to throw the iron at him as it was to heavy but to through the electric toaster as the toaster didn't hurt him as much as the iron. He was serious too. Every once in a while he takes a nickel out of his pocket and tells my boy to call his wife at work and tell her to go to hell. He is strictly a character. He has an automobile that's in pretty bad shape and instead of selling it he is going to park it in front of his house and let it rust away. He tried it once but it didn't rust fast enough. The Navy is full of characters but he is the greatest I've seen yet. Listening to him helps bide away the time but I'm afraid if I stay around him too long I'll start spouting out some foolish verses of my own. As we quit work one night some guy whacked a board on top of one of the work benches and it made a loud, sharp report. This character spun around and fell flat on his face right on the pavement. We didn't know what happened to him but in a few seconds he got up, brushed himself and said it was pretty dangerous even in Texas with people shooting at you all of the time. He isn't shelled shocked as he spent most of the war in Bermuda so I can't figure out what it is. My buddy who is a nervous wreck is pulling his hair out, he belongs in a hospital, this character that is, but nobody will commit him. Maybe the Navy medics will catch (up) with him in time and probably straighten him out. 

I missed out on mail today as I'll have to wait until Monday now before I make out again. This week only turned up two letters so my luck has been poor. Maybe it's the mail service and I'll get a bundle in Monday mornings mail. I hope so. Just about now I'm running out of inspiration so I'll have to close out for now until tomorrow when I shall write once again. I love you very very much and I miss you with all of my heart. Please take care of yourself honey & take it easy.
All of my love to you
God Bless you
John x"

"30 May 1947

My very dearest darling Ellen,

The first day of my long weekend is about over and only two more days remain. Right about now I am the victim of a pretty rough wind burn that has drawn the skin of my neck and arms up tighter than a drum. I didn't even try for this burn it just happened. After getting up late and going to dinner I went fishing for trout off the sea wall down here by our seaplane camp. I didn't catch any trout but we did manage to get small fish in abundance. We either threw them back in or fed them to the sea gulls so we came back empty handed. It killed the afternoon for us and since the day was dark and cloudy I was glad in a way to see it go. Tomorrow will be another day for me and as yet I haven't decided what I will do to while away the time. I'll think of something. My morning will be spent awaiting your phone call and since that's the most important thing to me on any weekend nothing else will matter much. I hope that you can get thru all right. I'll keep waiting if you can or not. 

I went to the show tonight and saw 'Ramrod' with Joel McCrea and Veronica Lake. It stunk. It's a western picture with a lot of shooting and scheming by all concerned with the hero and the villain shooting it out at the end. Regular western stuff. I'm waiting for a good musical to come along so that I can get a couple of laughs and hear a few songs for a change. They don't seem to be making them any more, if they are they are not being shown in this neck of the county. 

Four weeks from today I'll be on my way home, thank God and I'm afraid I'll be counting every hour that passes until it's time for me to depart from here. I guess I'm running out of patience so I'll have to knuckle down and start controlling myself. If I don't I'll go nuts with anticipation and anxiety. I miss you very much but with the realization that I will be with you soon I feel a lot better. With this leave I will be with in sight of my goal, a discharge out of the Navy and a chance to settle down. It will be a dream come true, so help me as I'm building up a terrific dislike to this roaming and wandering life. If you were with me maybe it would appear differently to me but life would still be a lot of uncertainties and our planning for the future could only be from day to day. I married you to be with you always and Navy life won't allow it so out I go just as soon as the opportunity presents itself. I used to be jealous of the guys down here who have their wives and kids with them but not any more. I pity them. Housing is terrific down here and the guys who aren't fortunate enough to get Navy housing are living in shacks and coops that aren't fit for hens or pigs. It's terrible. They aren't living they are just existing and it's inhuman for them to have kids living in such hell-holes. Well honey I am going to close out for now and I'll write to you again tomorrow. Take care of yourself and I'll be home soon
All of my love to you
God Bless and keep you
John x"

"31 May 1947

My very dearest darling Ellen,

Hello again. It was wonderful to hear your voice once again and I feel swell as a result of our conversation over the phone. I had been waiting for almost an hour but since I had nothing else to do I grabbed a couple of newspapers and read them while I waited for the call. When I expect the call I drop everything and stand by. I went to the cafeteria for a cup of coffee about an hour before you called and I rushed back afraid that you might not be working and Hannie would get the call thru a little early. It worked out fine though. The new Joe's at Gordon Supply must be stinkers breaking up a long weekend for four hours work on Saturday morning. I guess everyone is getting money mad now and haven't any views as far as recreation and rest are concerned. If they pull the same stunt over the Fourth they will hear an awful to of screams I'm afraid. I guess they won't mind the screams now as jobs that pay any kind of decent money are pretty hard to get nowadays so everyone wants to hold onto them. I'm glad that you have a job that's half way decent because if you didn't I'm afraid that you would have gone nuts by now not doing anything. Like myself a little work and something to do and regulate yourself by makes time move along at a pretty steady pace. I'm hoping that the next four weeks pass by at a pretty rapid pace and as soon as I meet you everything will stop for a long long time. I'm hoping so though we shall have to wait and see. This is my last letter for this month so even though May is a beautiful month I'm glad that it is over and gone by. Now I can look forward to June and the puzzles, problems and probabilities that it will hold in store for me. I'm glad that you liked the flowers that I sent to you as I really didn't know what you would eventually wind up with. I was so confused and the sales girl was so confused that I just pointed out and told her to send it along. I'm glad that they turned out nice.

I went fishing again this afternoon and my neck and forearms are as red and raw as a piece of steak. If I don't peel maybe it will tan. I hope so. My nose also has a crimson hue and it's shining like a red light. It only hurts a little but my neck makes me keep my collar loose. As long as the powers that be aren't too curious I'll get by. I'm going to close out for now honey until tomorrow. Over the phone I told you how much I missed you while now I want to tell you that I love you madly with all of my heart and soul. I really do and will forever and ever.
All of my love to you
God Bless & keep you
John x"


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