Monday, June 3, 2024

1950s - 1957ish

 I think most of these pictures are from 1957ish but the majority are not dated on the back so I am just guessing. If anyone has a better idea of a date on any of them, please let me know. 

We are starting out with Patty's 3rd birthday in February. Joanie, Diane, Patty, Johnny, MEM holding Nancy.

Is Johnny's arm in a sling? Is this after Jay Navien pushed him out of an apple tree on Green Street Terrace?

MEM and Jay Navien after making our First Communions at St. Pat's. We used to have to attend the 8 am Mass in the downstairs church - we would sit according to grade and class - the  nuns would take attendance, and if we weren't there, they would ask us why not! I remember missing Mass sometimes when we turned the clock ahead, and we overslept. I would be a wreck on Monday mornings knowing I would have to explain why I wasn't at Mass. Those were the days when the priest would bless us at the end of Mass using incense. We would be fasting since midnight - I know I fainted twice from the smell of the incense - the nun would be poking me saying "Mary Manning get up! Get up!"

We must have been celebrating up at the Naviens on Green Street Terrace - that's Peggie holding Tommy I think.

Ma wiping Jay's face - I look like I'm wiping my own face!

Chris Navien seems to have a camera in his hand.

Peggy with Tommy, Chris, ? , Ma, my mother or Hannie - who is the baby in front?

Peggy holding Tommy, Joanie behind Mary Patricia, Diane, Paul, Ma, Rita David, Ricky at Naviens on Green Street Terrace

We had May Processions at home as well as at school! Johnny, Diane, MEM

Patty, Diane, Johnny, MEM, Joanie, Mary Patricia Navien
Nancy is sitting on the ground - I hope she isn't crying!

Joanie and I took dancing lessons from Miss Rene King - I think she was located in Watertown Square up over Fox's Drugstore. Joanie, do you remember that?


1. Drum Majorettes --------Carol Capriccio, Helen Basiliou, 
Nancy Avtges, Alice Herlihy, Annette Scalzi, Nardia Karnikyan, Bernie McGaffigan, Caryl McCarthy, Beverly Ohanian, Regina Daniels, Mary Ann Daniels, Rene O'brian, Pat Malkasian, Joy Vlachos

2. Three Little Kittens -------Sophie Georgian, Florene Pompeo, Mary Ellen Andrick

3. Little Jack Horner ---------------------------------------Rose Merlesena

4. Little Bo Peep-------------------------------------------Nancy McKenzie

5. Jack and Jill ----------------------Rose Marie Ferrara, Regina Daniels

6. Three Fairy Godmothers----Kathy Beltram, Pricilla Lydon, Diane  Migliaccio

7. Cinderella
    Scene 1 - Inside Cinderella's House
        a) Cinderella -----------------------------------------Caroline DiPaolo
        b) Two Stepsisters ------------Donna Beltram, Christine Schroeder
        c) Fairy Godmother -----------------------------------Janice Sabatino
    Scene II - The King's Palace
        d) At The Ball ------ Doris Brooks, Elaine Gilligan, Sharon Kelly,
            Carol Lenhardt, Maureen McElhenny, Roberta McManus, 
            Virginia Shutt
        e) Stepsisters ------------------Christine Schroeder, Donna Beltram
        f) Prince--------------------------------------------------Maureen Shyne
        g) Cinderella-----------------------------------------Carolina Di Paolo
    Scene III - Locating the owner of the Slipper
        h) Cinderella------------------------------------------Caroline DiPaolo
        i) Horse----------------------------------Ernest Johnson, Philip Lydon
        j) Stepsisters -------------------Donna Beltram, Christine Schroeder
        k) Prince-------------------------------------------------Maureen Shyne

8. Tops in Toe------------------------------------------------Joan Tambureno

9. GI Joe and His Critics ----------- Mary Fortier, Joan Huliston, Patty  Halligan, Jimmy Halligan, Kathy Shyne

10. Blues In The Night -------------------------------------Lois Caporiccio

11. Fiesta Time ----------Margaret Bergen, Isabelle Bryant, Cynthia  Coe, Evelyn O'brien, Maureen O'brien, Deborah Rae

12. Puss in Boots 
    Scene 1 - The Meadow 
        A miller died and left only a cat to his son so that he would not                starve. The cat went to seek food and fame for the boy.
    a) Son of the Miller -----------------------------------------Rowena Done
    b) Puss in Boots ----------------------------------------Ronald McKenzie
    c) Ladies in Their Garden --Donna Davey, Terry Shea, Linda Stryke
    d) Bunnies That Get Caught ------------Debbie Cutter, Paula Mancib
    e) Birds That Get Caught ---------Becky Haywood, Diane Hamblem, 
        Danae Marr, Susan Niland, Donna Samuel
    f) King and His Court Crowns the Son-----------Carolyn Finnerty,            Paula Jorgensen, Sally Merrill, Ruth Pike, Beatrice Skoog, Mary        Spencer, Cheryl Thomas, Lynne Tarule

13. Look! There's a Rainbow --------- Barbara Cornish, Daryle Cutter, Donna Jackson, Patricia Saumsiegle, Margo Yewell

14. Me and My Shadow -------------------Buddy Lydon, Ernest Johnson   

15. A Cute and Talented Miss---------------------------Carolina DiPaolo"               


16. Peter Pan
    Scene I - The Nursery
        a) Wendy -----------------------------------------------Lois Caporiccio
        b) John and Michael----------Christine Schroeder, Donna Beltram
        c) Peter Pan--------------------------------------------Joan Tambureno
        d) Tinkerbell-------------------------------------Kathleen McCammon
    Scene II - Never Land
        e) Indian Maidens ----------Doris Brooks, Elaine Gilligan, Sharon    Kelly, Carl Lenhardt, Maureen McElhenney, Roberta McManus,    Virginia Shutt
        f) Captain Hook ----------------------------------------Janice Sabatino
        g) Wendy, John, Michael---------Lois Caporiccio, Donna Beltram,    Christine Schroeder
        h) Peter Pan beat Cast. Hook in a Fair Fight --- Joan Tambureno


17. Little Red Riding Hood
    Scene I ---Path to Grandmother's House
        a) Mother -------------------------------------------------Pricilla Lyon
        b) Red Riding Hood------------------------------------Janice Sabatino
        c) Wolf----------------------------------Ernest Johnston, Philip Lydon 
    Scene II ---Bedrom
        d) Red Riding Hood at Grandmother's House -----Janice Sabatino
        e) Wolf------------------------------------------------------Buddy Lydon
        f) Woodsman-----------------------------------------Diane Magliaccio 
        g) Grandmother -----------------------------------------Kathy Beltram

18. Twinkling Taps------------------------------------------Joan Tambureno  

19. Budding Ballarinas -----------Pamela Coleman, Margorie Hession,    Mary Ellen Manning, Maureen Shyne."

20. Modern Jazz Toe----------------------------------------Lois Caporiccio

21. Valse Gracious--------------------------Deborah Bach, Pamela Bauer,
            Rowena Done, Pamela Jewell

22.   Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
    Scene I ---Cleaning House
        a) Snow White-----------------------------------------Joan Tambureno
        b) Woodland Animals ----------------Mary Fortier, Joan Huliston,
             Patty Halligan, Kathy Shyne
        c) Queen---------------------------------------------------Pricilla Lydon
        d) Huntsman----------------------------------------------Kathy Beltram
    Scene II ---At the Wishing well
        e) Seven Dwarfs ----------------- Pam Coleman, Margorie Hession,
            Mary Ellen Manning, Maureen Shyne."
        f) Some Day My Prince Will Come-----------------Joan Tambureno
        g) Prince ----------------------------------------------Diane Migliaccio
        h) Witch----------------------------------------------------Pricilla Lydon

23. Petite Ballerinas----------------Rebecca Haywood, Diane Hamblem,
        Danae Marr, Susan Nilandm Donna Samuel"



24. Flashing Feet------------------------------------------- Lois Caporiccio

25. Starlets of Ballet-----------------Carolyn Finnerty, Paula Jorgensen,
Sally Merrill, Ruth Pike, Beatrice Skoog, Mary Spencer, Cheryl                   Thomas, Lynne Tarule

26. Jack and the Beanstalk
    Scene I -- In Town to Sell Cow
        a) Jack-----------------------------------------------Ronnie MacKenzie
        b) Cow ---------------------Richard MacKenzie, Nancy MacKenzie
            c) Townspeople --------------------Barbara Cornish, Daryle Cutter,
            Donna Jackson, Patricia Saumsiegle, Margo Yewell
        d) Presenting The Magic Beans---------------------Patti MacKenzie
    Scene II ---Inside Giant's Castle
        e) On Guard -------Patricia Barrett, Janet Cavicchi, Carol Davey,
            Marilyn Lewis, Cindy Wise, Joy Anne Wise
        f) Bats---Deborah Bach, Pam Bauder, Rowena Done, Pam Yewell
        g) Jack----------------------------------------------Ronnald MacKenzie
        h) Giant---------------------------------------------Richard MacKenzie
        i) Dancers-----------Margaret Bergen, Isabelle Bryant, Cindy Coe,
            Evelyn O'Brien, Maureen O'Brien, Debbie Rae
    Scene III ---Giant Is Overpowered
        j) Jack Is Joyful, Now That The Giant Is Gone----------- Ronnie              MacKenzie
        k) Happy People -------------------Barbara Cornish, Dargle Cutter,                Donna Jackson, Tish Saumsiegle, Margo Yewell

27. Story Book Land Has Gone Calypso!
    a) Three Fairy Godmothers -----------Kathy Beltram, Pricilla Lydon, 
        Diane Migliaccio
    b) All the People of Never Land

I sincerely wish to thank all present tonight, my faithful pupils and their parents, and those who have so willingly given their earnest and loyal support.
                                                                                RENE KING

Usherettes----------------Janet Gandolfo, Carol Gandolfo, Pat Rongone
Pianist------------------------------------------------------Mrs. Daniel Shyne
Drums----------------------------------------------------------George Lefavor
Choreography------------------------------------------------Miss Rene King
Footwear------------------------------------------------------------by Capezio
Costume Design--------------------------------------------- Miss Rene King 
Modistes --------Mrs. F Fortier, Mrs. P Allen, Mrs. Cutter and Mothers

Class and Private Instruction in all types of Dancing will resume in September, 1957. Register Now for Fall Classes--Call VO 2-0249 or WA 4-4124."     

MEM as a budding ballerina - Green Street - the hedges my father planted in the background.

Joanie as a Woodland Animal with the budding ballerina.

Patty wants to take lessons too! 

GI Joan, one of the Seven Dwarfs, and Patty.

Patty, MEM, Joanie, and Johnny

Johnny wants to get in on the act as well!

Johnny and his lasso!

And here's Diane - Joanie, Johnny, MEM, and Patty 

MEM - this was my 1st grade picture .

MEM and Patty

Sr. Hilda had one 1st grade class - Sr. Devota Maria had the other - Johnny had her the next year. Sr. Hilda wasn't too bad in the grand scheme of things - compared to Sr. Silvia and Sr. Rose Margaret in later grades.

Diane, Patty, MEM, Johnny - that bench looks familiar - reminds me of the Cape. 

My mother in peddle pushers - Hannie holding Nancy which would make this 1957, Norman - Johnny sitting in front. This is down at the harbor. 

Mum, Joanie, MEM, Patty, and Diane 

Bathing beauties! Diane, Patty showing off her legs, MEM, Joanie - I'm not sure who the other girl is - Joanie, would she be Kathy Lopes? 

Dad covered up like some of the rest of us to prevent a sunburn!

Diane, Patty, Aunt Nellie, Hannie

Norman's head - Aunt Nellie on left in white hat, Hannie, Ma, Johnny, MEM - Diane and Joanie in front - looks like the Heights Beach - Aunt Nellie and Ma probably had the afternoon or day off from Mr Russell. 

Hannie, Aunt Nellie, Ma, Johnny - MEM and Joanie in front

Johnny and Patty


Aunt Nellie, Ma - Johnny and MEM on seesaw - who's on the other end? When I looked at this with a magnifying glass, there is a white church on left behind the trees - a building behind us - and parked cars on the right. Anyone know where this is?

MEM, Norman holding baby Nancy, Johnny, Patty, Joanie, Diane, my father. I wonder whose car?

We stayed down at the harbor for a couple of years - with the increasing number of kids, I think we needed a larger place. This was Gulla's - it was on Forest Street running from the circle down to the ball park. I remember staying here at least one year. Maybe they were checking Gulla's out for next summer. 

MEM, Nancy, Johnny and Patty looking back at Norman who isn't seen, Joanie and Diane - my father.

Much better picture - MEM holding Nancy's hand, Norman holding Nancy, Johnny, Patty, Joanie, Diane

This is where Gulla's was located - I do remember when they knocked it down and built this newer house. 

The red icon mid-picture is where Gulla's was located.

Joanie, Patty, and Diane back home on Green Street

MEM holding Nancy, Joanie, Patty, Diane, and Johnny

MEM, Johnny, and Patty back at the grotto/shrine. I wonder if this was some place on the way to Lower Mills in Dorchester where our grandparents lived. The Hulistons were never with us which seems strange. 


Johnny and MEM


Patty seems happy!

I suppose this is one of the Hibernian picnics at Waverley Oaks in Belmont - this was a yearly event. There would be sack races for the kids and adults. There would be a lot of families from St Pat's there.
Above MEM, Johnny, Frances Keohane Smith, Joanie, Ricky, Hannie holding Nancy, Diane and Patty. The Smiths, the Hulistons, and my Aunt Rita Walsh's family were always there - I don't remember the Naviens being there.

MEM on Green Street - the hedges came along very well.

Above and below are: Alice Nelligan, Diane, Patty, MEM, Joanie, Susan Fisher, and Johnny 

We saw Susan Fisher in my Kindergarten Album - she lived across Green Street in the back half of the Gallagher house. She moved not too long after this I think as I don't remember her in many pictures.

Alice Nelligan was my best friend when I was young. She lived upstairs at 238 Main Street which is across Green Street on the other side of the Gallagher house where Susan Fisher was living. You may remember that my mother's friend Annie Callahan had lived there. I thought Alice had always lived there, but I remembered in the 1950 census that Annie was still there with her husband and extended family - and her sister Alice Bertrand was living there in the other apartment. So where were the Nelligans?

I found them in the 1940 US Census living in an apartment at 43 Myrtle Street paying $18/month rent - they were living there 5 years previously in 1935. Mr Nelligan, who was born on Prince Edward Island, worked in a laundry. Francis and Gertrude Nelligan had 2 children - 2 year old Frances and 1 year old Charles. 

I found Mr. Nelligan's naturalization papers from 1945. Francis Benedict Nelligan was living at 43 Myrtle Street at the time. He was a 36 year old laundry worker. He was born in Tignish, Prince Edward Island, Canada. He had a light complexion, blue eyes, brown hair - he was 5'10" - he weighed 190 lbs. His nationality was British. He and his wife Gertrude were married August 30, 1936 in Watertown. Gertrude was born in Cambridge - she and their 3 children: Frances, Charles and Audrey live with him.

He emigrated from Tignish, PEI, Canada and entered the United States at Fort Fairfield in Maine in 1927 on the CVRR - which may be a railroad. Mr. Nelligan had not been absent from the United States since he arrived.

Mr Nelligan's witnesses were plasterer John McMasters of 29 Linden Way, Watertown and railroad employee George F Rayne of 55 Walter St., Brookline. They swore the information was true in the District Court of Boston in November 1943.

Francis Benedict Nelligan swore his oath of allegiance in January 1945 and became an American citizen.

Mr. Nelligan had also registered for the draft in 1940 - he was living at 43 Myrtle Street but later moved to 235 Pleasant Street in Watertown. His wife Gertrude would always know his address. His employer was M. L. Oliver of 280 Pleasant Street in Watertown. 

I thought perhaps the Nelligans were living at 235 Pleasant Street for the 1950 census but I didn't find them there. I'll have to ask Alice when they moved to Main Street. Unfortunately, Mr Nelligan died young - I think his was one of the first deaths that I heard of - Aunt Nellie's husband Freddie being another. I don't really remember Mr Nelligan - he was probably working when I was over there. 

But I do remember Alice's Uncle Richard Rayne - her mother's brother I believe. I picture him always dressed in dark clothes - smoking cigarettes - he always sat in the same chair in the living room - he was very quiet. I think I was half afraid of him. Mrs Nelligan's family lived in Watertown - the Raynes owned a house at 279 Pleasant Street in the 1930 census worth $8000. George was 60. His wife Alice was born in Canada. They had 5 sons and 2 daughters. Mrs Nelligan was working as a stenographer. 

In 1920 the Raynes were renting 279 Pleasant Street and George was a machinist at the Arsenal in Watertown - he grew up in Cambridge and was working at the Arsenal since at least 1900.

I think I said before that I loved Alice's sisters - Frannie and Audrey - I adored them dressed up in their uniforms - I believe they both went to St. Elizabeth's Nursing School and then worked there. I became a nurse because of them. Alice became a nurse as well. I vaguely remember their brother Charlie I think he joined the Army so I didn't see him that often. It was either Frannie or Audrey who took me over to Saltonstall Park and taught me to ride an old green bike that they gave me. 

I used to 'call for' Alice - I would be yelling "Alllliiicccceee" outside on Main Street - someone would open the door on the upstairs porch and tell me to come in - they would buzz me in. These days I wonder why I never just rang the doorbell! During thunder and lightning storms we would be looking out the upstairs porch door and would be excited when we saw lightning. Alice would come to my house too - she was like one of the family.

Back to the pictures.

Back stairs on Green Street - Diane, MEM, Johnny, and Patty - I remember playing with dolls on that porch. Alice and I played there with Lennon sisters paper dolls - Alice would always picked Kathy and Janet Lennon - my favorites! I would be left with Kathy and Peggy.

Diane's birthday in August - Nancy, Kathy Navien looking at Macy, Joanie, Jay Diane, Chris, Johnny, Patty, MEM in back, Mary Patricia - look at those faces!

Johnny's birthday in October - 1st row MEM, Johnny, Patty, Joanie, and Diane
2nd row Mary Patricia, Jay, Alice, Susan Fisher
Chris sitting on the top step
That was my little table holding the cake.

MEM and Chris on top step
Mary Patricia, Jay, Alice and Susan
Johnny, Patty, Joanie and Diane

Cowboys and cowgirls - Johnny, Joanie, Patty, and MEM
I think that's Jimmy Piscatelli from Pleasant Street and Alice in back.

Nancy's 1st birthday - Diane, Nancy, Ricky and David Walsh
In back MEM Johnny, Joanie, Patty

Christmas Eve - looks like we are singing! MEM, Patty, Johnny

Christmas Morning 

Dad gets in on the fun!

MEM, Johnny, Dad, Patty, Mum

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