Saturday, May 18, 2024


So we know that when my father came home from the Navy that he went to work at the Brighton Abattoir where he had worked in the past. He had been working at the shipyard at Fore River just prior to enlisting - maybe that was too far to go or perhaps with the war over, the shipyard was downsizing. The Abbatoir was close to Watertown. 

There was no census or town directory for 1954 but there was a Resident List for Precinct 8B - interesting, my father was listed as a fireman. Norman Huliston was listed as a machinist - I don't know if he was working at Honeywell yet. I know at some point my father went to work at Raytheon which was located in Waltham. 

Joanie, Johnny and MEM outside back door on Green Street - triple decker in background.

Joanie, MEM and Johnny - looks like a good mount of snow!

MEM, Joanie and Johnny - is this Dad's car?

Johnny, MEM, and Joanie - Notice the flannel lined pants with the turned up cuffs that Johnny and I am wearing. I'm looking at the hedges my father planted along the border with Mary Courtney's yard.

MEM and Johnny on the wall in the driveway on Green Street.

"You've Got Me in a Spin
4 You
And I Like It"

"To Mary Ellen from Pat Ryan"

Pat Ryan was our neighbor next door at 12 Green Street in the first floor of the triple decker.  In 1950 forty-three year old Walter Ryan and forty one-year old Alice Ryan were parents of 10 year old Alice, 8 year old Margaret, and 7 year old Patricia/Pat Ryan. Walter was a supervisor at a company manufacturing garden hoses. Do you remember that my mother and Hannie used to babysit for at least Alice Ryan.

In the above Resident list, the Ryans were no longer living in the triple decker - so maybe the Valentine was from a previous year. 

I had a pretty good gig going when we were living upstairs on Green Street with Ma, Hannie, and Rita - even when we moved downstairs, I  was the center of attention. Then Johnny came along causing a bumpy patch. But I weathered that, and we got along eventually. But then my sister Patty came along! The bubble burst - someone else to steal some of the limelight! But we did get along surprisingly. 

I wonder if this was Easter Sunday - MEM, my mother holding Patty, and Johnny all dressed up in our finery.

Jay, MEM with pants on today, Chris, Joanie, and Johnny

Johnny, Joanie, Ma, MEM, Chris, and Jay Navien.

Patty seems pretty happy!

Johnny with MEM who is holding a box of Ritz crackers on the back porch. That must be be my doll carriage behind us. 

MEM and Johnny 

MEM has quite a carriage full of dolls - Johnny is down near the wall.


The sun must have been bright - I can't open both eyes. Johnny and Dad near the driveway.

My father and Norman at the May Procession.

Patty in my father's arm - Johnny, MEM, and Joanie outside on Green Street.

Postmarked June 4 at 7 PM

"Here comes 'little spotty'
Knocking at your door
To wish a Happy Birthday
To someone who is FOUR!

May happy returns of the Day
Mr & Mrs Bachman"

"Happy Birthday to a Big Girl"

"Here's Connie Cowgirl
singing you
The 'Happy Birthday' song.
To make you feel so jolly
That you'll sing the whole year long!
Hannie & Norman"

"Now You're Four
Happy Birthday 4 Year Old"

Back of the card - "Mary Ellen, June 4, 1954"

"Birthday Greeting 
From All Of Us
They've written books 
For Milliners
and Books for 
Arctic Whalers -"

"They've written books 
For Chefs and Cooks - 
for Models
and Tailors!
But This Book's Written Just For You
With Lots of Cheer Behind It - 
Because It Shows The Names Of Those
Who Made This Wish and Signed It!
Happy Birthday From All of Us"

This tab says "Peggy & Paul"

This tab says "Chris, J.J., Mary P"

Chris holding Patty, Mary Patricia, Jay, MEM holding a doll, Johnny, and Joanie - MEM's birthday

Mary Patricia, Chris, Jay, MEM, Johnny, Joanie

6/27/54 Plymouth - I wonder if this is White Horse Beach in Plymouth where the Naviens had a cottage.  Norman holding Joanie in his arms and holding my hand. That looks like Eddie Wallace on the right.

6/28/54 Plymouth - Joanie, Mum, Johnny, and MEM

6/28/54 Plymouth - MEM, Johnny, Norman and either Hannie or my mother.

6/28/54 - MEM, Johnny, Joanie

7/5/54 - Norman, Johnny, Mum holding Patty, Joanie.

Joanie and MEM

7/15/54 - MEM and Patty in the driveway on Green Street.

7/15/54 - not sure where this is MEM and Johnny in the boats.

7/15/54 - Is that Joanie between Johnny and MEM?

Joanie, MEM, Johnny, Mum holding Patty on Green Street

Joanie, Mum with Patty, Johnny

Joanie, Patty, MEM, Johnny

Dad holding Patty, Johnny, MEM, and Joanie

Joanie, MEM holding Patty, and Johnny

Johnny, Joanie, and MEM

Johnny, Patty in the baby butler, MEM

MEM and Johnny in our striped shirts!

Diane is the new baby - Mrs. Brown, Norman's mother, is holding her. Hannie, Johnny, MEM, Joanie talking to Ricky?

September 1954 - Joanie, Johnny, and MEM


"Happy birthday to Daddy"

"You know what, Daddy?
This card is for you ...
And you know what else?
I love you, too!"

"Mimi, JonJon, & Patti"

Down along the Charles river - MEM and Johnny, up above Dad holding Patty

Dad and Patty

Johnny, Patty, Dad, MEM down at the Charles River - I wonder if we walked down - I see the carriage in the background. 

Patty and Dad

Susan Fisher from across Green Street, MEM, Johnny and Patty in front.

Johnny and MEM

Johnny's 3rd birthday - Johnny holding a guitar, Mum holding Patty - Mary Patricia in front of them - either Janet or Carol McNamara on the right is looking up at Patty.

MEM, Janet McNamara, Joanie, Johnny, Jay Navien, Sally Rattigan holding Mary Patricia, Mum holding Ricky Walsh, Carol McNamara and Jackie McNamara.

MEM, Janet McNamara, Joanie, Johnny, Sally Rattigan holding Mary Patricia, Jay, My mother holding Ricky, Jay, Carol McNamara, and ?Chris.

The McNamaras lived in the two family house at the corner of Main and Chestnut Streets - 182 Main Street. 46 year old Alfred McNamara was a sales manager for a rubber goods manufacturing company - maybe the Hood Rubber Company? His 40 year old wife Catherine has had two children - 2 year old Janet and baby Carol. Aunt-in-law Nellie Dwyer, 75, also lived there.

The McNamaras' house used to be where the brick office building is across from St. Pat's. 

Sally Rattigan lived at 22 Green Street - she babysat for us sometimes but she would only be 10 in this picture - would this be one of her sisters? In the 1950 census, her father, Edward Rattigan, was 40 years old - he was a bus operator for a transportation company. His wife was 40 year old Florence - mother of four: 13 year old Janet, 11 year old Martha, 6 year old Sally, and 2 year old Brian.

#22 Green Street is on the right. I think Dennis Callahan and his family moved into # 20 on the left - the Callahans lived downstairs on Green Street until my folks told them that they needed the apartment.

A visit to Santa at Grover Cronin's in Waltham - MEM in a long sleeve striped shirt and Johnny.

Joanie hanging her stocking on the radiator - they did come in handy!!


Johnny, Patty, and MEM

Patty with a Nursery Set - MEM and Johnny playing with the train set. 

Johnny, Dad, MEM, Patty, Mum

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