Sunday, December 17, 2023

1947 November 1 - November 15

"My very dearest darling Ellen,                             1 November 1947

The first day of the month turned out to be quite uneventful but I didn't really expect any excitement. Overnight it turned quite cool the thermometer dropping from 90 to 50 so I'm not sweating for a change. If it stays like this everything will be fine and the time should pass a little swifter for me. I had to get up rather early as I had the duty so I had to check off and make my presence known to the parties concerned. After picking up my laundry I went to Mass, All Saints day you know so my morning moved right along. I went to Ships Service around noon and waited an hour while they made up their minds to sell this weeks magazines. Civilians to servicemen are a pain in the neck especially down here because they are so indifferent as to whether they serve you or not. The magazines incidentally were supposed to be in the racks last Thursday but today at noon they felt it was about time to give us the opportunity to buy them. I often wonder if they realize how much they are cursed by all of us, if they do realize they must be afraid to die. Gripes, I'm full of them. All afternoon I've spent listening to football games and I'm still awaiting results so that I can see how I made out on the card that I didn't bet on. If I won I'll scream. Notre Dame and Boston College won so I'm satisfied for the week. If they continue to perform as well for the rest of the season I'll figure they did quite well. It's too bad that B.C. had to lose to Louisiana State a few weeks ago otherwise they would be away up front. Tonight I'm going to the football game on the base so I'm writing a little early tonight because it will be late when I return. My night will be well spent and I have a watch to look forward to tomorrow plus your telephone call tomorrow to which I am looking forward to very very much. 

I have the radio on and my mind is wandering all over. The program is one of those where the contestants sing a song and it's a pretty fair show, more or less like an amateur show. I usually listen to it every Saturday night before I go to the show. It's getting close to game time so I'll have to buzz off for now until tomorrow when I shall write once again. I love you with all my heart and I miss you with all my heart and soul. Please take good care of yourself and keep smiling.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxx”

My very dearest darling Ellen,                                  2 November 1947

Here I am once again and after hearing your voice today I feel wonderful once again. It was wonderful to hear you again really it was and now all my week will go well I'm sure. I was going to wait until later in the day after I got thru watch to call you but in one of your letters you said that you were going over to my house so in order not to hold you up I decided to call you early. I'm the considerate type I guess but I really wanted to talk to you so very much. The connection was swell and it seemed as though you were in the next room. It's the best connection that we've had since I've been down here. I guess I'll use that phone more often. The phone here in the barracks isn't so good as far as connections go but I'll wait until the next time I call to decide. We seem to be in the same boat as far as activities are concerned but I guess we are making out.

Next week should be hectic with the wedding coming along you should be quite occupied. It seems at long last that Madeline will finally make up her mind. What a life. I'm praying that it will be a beautiful bright sunny day so that you will be able to take some swell pictures so that I can see how swell you look. I wish that I could be around in person so that I could join in the celebration of it all. Keep hoping that it is sunny and bright so that you can take some pictures. I'm beginning to get impatient about getting home once again so the days can't hurry around fast enough for me. About ninety days after you get this letter I'll be darkening your doorstep once again, I hope.  

Everything seems to be going along smoothly at home and now all I'm awaiting is the arrival and installation of the new sink. After asking you so often about it I guess I seem to be worried but I'm as anxious about it as anybody and after it is installed I won't really be satisfied until I see it myself. With the sink taken care of and the water going all right everything seems perfect. The biggest surprise of all was Annie's announcement. The more I think of it the more surprised I get. I never thought that they would beat us out and from the way things look we are getting a very bad start but who knows we will turn into thoroughbreds and finish strong leaving them all behind. I hope so or I'll never forgive the Navy. Right now the situation seems acute but now if Pete and Madeline beat us out the situation will become desperate. We will shall have to see what turns up.

We will make up for all this delay as soon as we can settle down together once again. I'm looking forward to it very very much. When I realize all of the happiness that we are missing I get despondent and blue. I want at times to get desperate and chuck it all and go home but the consequences are too great and since my time is running out I'll stick it out as best I can with my eyes and ears open for an opportunity to get up near you. I want to get home to you just as much as you want me to be home. Keep your chin up a while longer and we will be together to stay. I miss you terribly my dearest and I love you so very very much. After my early risings for the past couple of days I think I'll hit the hay. I'll write again tomorrow.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxx”

"My very dearest darling Ellen,                                3 November 1947

Another work week has begun and it's now one day old. It started off with a bang but ended slowly. At eight o'clock I got paid and at ten I received two letters from you so all turned out well. Nothing happened all afternoon so it dragged along but finally ended. A notice came around today requesting seamen who desire to go to sea to submit their names. A lot of them have been moaning and groaning about this place but they seem to be volunteering very slowly. Maybe the tempo will pick up tomorrow. They have a lot of men to get rid of between now and the first of the year so maybe a good deal will pop up that will enable me to leave here for greener pastures. I'm still hoping and praying for a good break and I'm awaiting its arrival. Something should pop soon so I'll remain on the alert to grasp it when the opportunity presents itself.

All day long I've been tired and lazy and it's all due to the fact that I had to get up so early Saturday and Sunday. I'm going to bed early tonight to make up for it. I wish that something exciting would come up so that I could write and tell you about it. As it is I have to rely on your mail for inspiration so keep it coming along. Now that I've hinted my intentions I'll turn to your letters so that I can possibly write a nice letter. My mail seems to be coming to you all right and I'm glad the good that it does for you more than makes up for the little effort that I expend writing it. My days seem complete only when I write a letter to you and the few nights that I messed up I felt as though I was going to sleep with a guilty conscience. That's the way that it is my pet and that's the way it will be until I get home with you to stay. My moods and spirits are pretty good not because I'm down here but just because my time is running out and I'll be home with you soon. I want you to be in good spirits and now that you are over that case of blues keep your chin up and smile. I don't want to find you all frowned up from despondency and the dullness of life in general. Keep smiling and keep the twinkle in your eye. I'm looking forward to seeing you in February and I want you to be looking young and fresh as always instead of middle aged-ish that loneliness and boredom create in a person. Try hard will you honey.

As for my cure for your cramps and aches I'll continue as we planned and wait until I get out and then we can get down to raising a family in earnest. I fully understand your situation and without work I think we would both go nuts from pure unadulterated boredom. The routine of it all keeps me occupied because the little work that I do do? doesn't amount to anything. When I return to the fold we can formulate new plans and ideas and live accordingly. Agreed? Seeing that you forewarned me that you messed up for a couple of days I'm going to close out for now and I'll finish tomorrow. I'll write a long letter tomorrow. I miss you terribly honey and I love you so very very much. Please take care of yourself. 

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxx”

"My very dearest darling Ellen,                             4 November 1947

Another day has passed and I'm quite relieved that it's over.  I had another job wished on me much to my chagrin but it may turn out to be all right. I have been elected training chief for thirty odd guys and I'm relieving a guy who almost went nuts doing the job. It was his own fault that caused all the toil and discomfort but profiting by his mistakes I'll manage somehow. I went to the show tonight and saw a screamer called 'Mutiny in the Big House' a very poor picture but for a dime I didn't feel that I got gypped very much. It was so hot and sticky that when a ride to the nearest beer joint was offered I quickly agreed. I only had two beers and if this letter doesn't seem coordinated blame it on the two beers that I had. I received two letters from you today which really set me on high and I also received my greens for which I want to thank you tremendously. I don't think I'll ever get to use them if the weather continues as it is because it continues to be hot and humid and while you are now feeling the early effects of winter I'm still succumbing to the after effects of summer. It's most disheartening because the heat is like an extra load that we must carry and it makes the day seem so much longer. I had imagined that it would have cooled off by now but it seems that I will really have to sweat it out as I have no other choice. It is now pretty late honey so I'll have to make this a shorty but since I'm not doing anything tomorrow night I'll write a long letter to you to make up for these short ones that I have been writing to you. Already I have a back log of four letters to answer and I must sincerely congratulate and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your letters. They are really flowing in on me but I'll answer them in time. Just bear with me for awhile and I'll be all caught up. I love you tremendously my dearest and I miss you with all of my heart and soul. I'm desperately anxious to see you and be with you once again and I'm really hoping that February rolls around in a hurry. Please take care.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxx”

"My very dearest darling Ellen,                         5 November 1947

Here I am once again and with the week half over I'm in fair spirits. The day moved along at a fair pace and I must truthfully say that I hardly noticed it at all. They should all pass by as fast and the time would really roll along. The day moved along at a fair pace but as strange as it may seem nothing of any interest happened at all but it just rolled along anyway. There isn't even a good rumor to pass along so you can see just how dull it is down here. I didn't get any mail today but after two yesterday and the same Monday, well I'm getting pretty well loaded as far as inspirations are concerned. That's the way that I like it due to the fact that since nothing is happening around here I'm at a loss for words when it comes to letter writing so keep your mail rolling along it's doing wonders for me in more ways than one. Those two beers that I had last night gave me a nice? little headache all day. It wasn't sharp but just a dull pain. I guess I'm out of shape or I'm getting old one of the two. It was the first beer that I've had since I came back here from leave and although it didn't cause me to feel any different the morning after effect was there. It must be something that they put into the beer because everyone feels the same way after drinking the stuff. I think I'll stick to whiskey and soda and wait until  I get home to imbibe in that refreshment. As I've told you before they sell it by the bottle only and since I don't drink that much at a sitting, I'll continue my drought as far as drinking is concerned. With nothing further to report I guess I'll get around to answering your letters that are piling up on me. I may regret it, answering all of them right away that is because I'll have a four day weekend due to the holiday. We are getting Monday off to make a long weekend but a week from Saturday we will have to work to make up for it. A long weekend will mean no mail for all that time so I'll have to develop something to write about. I'll worry about that when it comes so until then I'll answer your letters. 

Navy Day caused me no troubles whatsoever because all I saw of it was the seaplane dropping flowers into the bay as part of the memorial ceremony. It was the last Navy Day in service for me and another day to scratch off my ledger which I did very promptly. Once I get out I'm severing all relations with the Navy for once and always. I don't want the Navy hanging over my future happiness once I'm free. A lot of guys are joining the Naval Reserve and if and when an emergency arises back into uniform they will go without any yes, buts or anything else. I guess you see my point. The Navy is causing me enough discomfort as it is without jeopardizing my future also.

Please thank Paul for all his help because I do appreciate it very, very much and I hope that I'll be able to repay him somehow someday. He has been really swell and a friend indeed. Those set tubs and the sink may leave some scars on the wood work but a coat of paint will cover it up. Stain and varnish after a good cleaning should match it up to look like the rest of the room. You can let me know how you think it looks after it's all set up. It should all look really wonderful and I'll be pining away and biding my time just to get home to see it all and possibly take a bath now that the water is at full flow once again. That will be a treat. I guess Peggie is pretty happy about everything although it is a little early yet for her condition to be too noticeable. In a couple of months she will begin to get an embarrassed, self-conscious attitude as she gets bigger but it's one of the trials and tribulations of motherhood so it shouldn't cause her too much concern. As for Tom and Edwina I can't say much at all because they seem to be total strangers to me. I'd venture to say that I haven't seen Tom over ten times since I joined the Navy and I never was acquainted with Edwina. I saw her for the first time the last day I was home on leave and since my return I've seen her only a couple of times. From what I've seen so far she has Tom trained to do all the work and with herself in a delicate condition she does absolutely nothing so she may take it upon herself to stay in that condition. We shall see what we shall see. We are certainly working under a severe handicap but in time we shall see what turns out. Thanks for reminding me that I am to be an uncle because it had slipped my mind completely. This Navy life is ruining me completely.

Your weather has turned colder while our has turned hot once again. We had a couple of cool days but the heat returned. Yesterday it was 90 once again and today it was about the same. I guess we will have to wait a while longer before we get an(y) pleasant weather. The rain that you are having though beneficial to farmers and firefighters, can create a lot of colds and sickness. It hasn't rained down here for so long that I can remember the last time that it did. I guess that's why this place is semi arid and at times takes in the appearance of a near desert. All the Gulf Coast area is the same from what I've seen of it but it improves as you move inland. I'm going to take in some of those stage shows when  I get home. I'm always planning to take in a couple of stage shows each time that I go home but I never get around to it. Distraction I guess, namely you. Getting out your winter coat is an indication that it is really cold at home. I'd love to be enjoying it myself but next year when the opportunity arrives I'll probably curse it. Time will tell. After the continuous heat a change would really be welcome and I think I'll have to wait until I get home to enjoy it.

I hope that you have that bed warming chore all cut out for me because that way I'll be able to earn my keep. It will be a pleasure I assure you. I'n going to close out for now honey until tomorrow when I'll write once again. I'm still thinking about the long weekend and I've decided to keep a few letters for later. I hope that you won't mind. I miss you tremendously my dearest and I miss you with all of my heart. Please take care.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxx”

"My very dearest darling Ellen,                             6 November 1947

I've just finished another day by going to the movies where I saw 'Out of the Blue' with George Brent and Ann Dvorak. It was pretty good with lots of laughs and amusing incidents, much better than I had anticipated. My day as a whole was a busy one and I was completely occupied with my new job as training chief of my division. It's full of paper work and idioscities that tend to make it either very boring and nerve wracking or quite interesting. It will depend on my disposition and the cooperation that I receive from all of the people concerned. One thing is sure, it will make the time roll along at a good clip and since that seems to be my objective in life the job will offer its rewards. I took over the job officially today but paper work and checking details didn't give me much time to make any plans and set any definite objectives but some of these people are going to get bounced around and they aren't going to like it one bit. The reason I wound up with the job is because I disagreed with my division officer on training methods and when the guy that had the job threw his hands up I was 'welcomed' into it in a suave sort of way. I got the old pep talk that usually signifies a maneuver of the type but I'm going to fool them by doing a good job of it all. I inherited a bunch of  first class men as instructors and they couldn't teach Eskimos how to make snowballs but they will change before I get thru with them I promise.

I received another letter from you today and I'm indeed very happy because I sweated it out all day long and it arrived just before quitting time in the afternoon mail. Thanks a million. your mail is coming in by the bushel. I'll catch up and answer them just as soon as I can but I'm still keeping my eye on the long weekend. We have Saturday and Sunday off and then we muster Monday morning. After morning muster we get Monday and Tuesday off and commence work once more Wednesday morning. To make up for Monday we work the following Saturday the fifteenth so I'll have only one day to sit around that weekend. It will be a long weekend for the civilians and since hunting season just began all of them will be out in the fields giving the ducks and geese a bad time. I don't think it will be safe walking the streets with these guys all armed ready to shoot. I'll get all of the results when they return. Your latest letter brought the good news that the sink has arrived and I'll be all excited until I can get a squint at it. I hope that you can make out all right and get a plumber to hook it up for you. I'm very very glad that you like (it) and I know right now that I will. After we save a couple of dollars more we can buy one for down stairs and we will be all set for a while until something else pops up in the future.  It will take a little time but we will be able to fix the house up real nice as we go along making our improvements little by little and not causing us any financial difficulties what so ever. What an investment, now I'm hoping that a hurricane doesn't blow it away on us. Paul has been really swell to us and I don't think I'll ever be able to thank him enough for all the favors he has done for us. I've been away from real human beings and real friends for so long that it sometimes doesn't seem possible that they exist but I'm really learning day by day. This Navy friendship exists only for the guy who has something to offer, materially or otherwise and after putting up with it for so long I've wound up in a rut but once I get home and settle down I'll straighten out and begin to think like a human being once again. Right now I'm getting out and being home with you to stay is the most important thing in my life and with the realization that each day and week brings me nearer and nearer I develop a greater feeling of happiness over it all despite the trials and all of the tribulations that confront me daily down here. I'll have slumps of despair loneliness and grief due to our being apart as we are but as each day passes the slumps will become fewer and fewer and my excitement will grow and grow until I finally do get home. I'm not going to really count the days and weeks until after the first of the year and then they won't seem so unbearably long. About then I'll have about 250 days to do more or less and it won't seem so bad. After New Years I'll really be coasting along but I'll try to remain calm because if I get too excited the time will never go by and I'll wind wind up going nuts just watching the clock tick along its merry agonizing way. Until then just keep your letters coming along and I'll do the best I can to please you by continuing to write each and every day. With your mail flowing in as it is I can't miss because if I do slip up I'll have a guilty conscience and subsequently a sleepless night. That would never do at all believe me, because if there is one thing I like to do it's sleep. Your work seems to be keeping you occuppied and  I'm glad because it will keep your mind busy and eliminate boredom and drive all of those blues away. Now that Olivia is leaving and Miss Mac doesn't intend to replace her I think you are justified in being granted a raise in salary and I wouldn't waste any time in letting her know about it either. If she doesn't replace Olivia and the work continues to be done with less help old Miss Mac will wind up with a feather in her sombrero so growl and growl for more pay or more help. Those people that own the plant are easy to get along with regardless of what the majority of the personnel think of them. They have a good sound investment and in order to eliminate strife and friction and grumbling among the help I believe they would give you the raise and still feel not the least bit cheated. In comparison to the wages being paid elsewhere they are on easy street. Ask for that raise and if she doesn't see fit to give it to you see the old boy himself Mr Schneider(?) - he knows the score and how well off he is. Well honey I've given you some advice and sundry other bon mots so I think sign off for now until tomorrow. I still have two letters to answer, maybe tomorrow night. I love you sincerely with all of my whole heart and soul and I miss you terribly. Please take care. 

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxx”

"My very dearest darling Ellen,                             7 November 1947

No mail today so it will be a long newsless weekend, but somehow I'll manage to crawl thru it and keep you posted on all that transpires down in these parts. I went to Mass and Communion this afternoon so I have made two first Fridays and I have seven more to go. I'm going to try to make it a habit to go to Confession and Communion at least once a month. It's a good objective so I'll try to do my best to keep it up. As usual I offered up the Mass and Communion for you and us for a good and happy life in the future. I'm looking for continued happiness from all sources both earthly and divine so one way or the other we should make out. Let's hope so because we have had our share of frustration and disappointment without running into more in the years to come. This week passed rapidly and it's gone by the board into eternity never to return and I'm that much nearer to you. It turned cold today and a cold wave from up north is descending upon us so maybe the heat will leave us for awhile and we will be invigorated with a few cold snaps. It was really welcome by me as it makes you want to live and breathe once again. Everyone was all wrapped up in sweaters and coats but I was so glad that it came upon us I dressed in my usual attire, shirt and dungarees and went to work taking in the long missed feel of the cold. I really enjoyed it tremendously and I'm looking forward to more of it so I hope that it keeps up. Winter or summer uniforms were optional commencing today and most of the guys took advantage of it by wearing the heavy winter gear. I'll hold out until a little later when winter uniforms become mandatory and then I'll have no choice whatsoever. There is still nothing happening down here that is worth while mentioning because rumors just don't exist at all. A good rumor with just about an ounce of foundation is all that is needed to get this place moving in high gear but as of late nothing is happening. For the past couple of days I've been going over the paper work of my new job and tonight I bought up some home work, books to read over the weekend, so that I can brush up on a few things in case somebody suddenly asks me a question. Occasionally they pipe up with some beauties and I want to be fully prepared for all eventualities. I'm off now until Wednesday morning save for a muster Monday morning so I'll have a lot of time on my hands with not too much to do. The movies will catch merry hell for a while as it's my soul comfort and relaxation. I'll do my best to keep occupied. I'll work out some sort of schedule to keep going thru it all. It's too bad that I'm not nearer home and we could be together for a few days at least. Since that's out of the question I'll forget it and sign off for tonight until tomorrow because I'm afraid if I keep thinking of it I'll get blue and melancholy. I love you madly my dearest and I'm longing to be with you. I miss you so very very much. Please take care of yourself. 

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxx”

"8 November 1947

My very dearest darling Ellen,

How are you tonight my dearest? I miss you tremendously tonight but I'm trying not to concentrate on it because if I do I'll wind up with a severe case of the blues which will do me no earthly good except to make me feel very miserable. I'll suppress my desires and feelings because I don't want this letter to be one of depression and gloom. I just left the movies where I saw the 'Yearling' with Gregory Peck but I couldn't stand it so I up and left. It was really a tear jerker as far as I'm concerned but I figure that I've seen too many movies of late I don't appreciate them any more. Maybe I should give them a rest but if I do I'd be a nervous wreck from the want of something to do to pass all of my spare time away. I'll wait until Monday night before I go again. Sunday night I can find diversion by reading a bit and listening to the radio, God's greatest gift to man especially when he is overcome with loneliness and hasn't any outlet for his energies. My radio was one of the best investments that I have made and the entertainment that it has provided me has paid for it over and over again.

Before I leave here I'll buy us a nice portable radio that we can have with us wherever we go, something that we can use always. Remind me about it if I happen to forget about it. I went to the bank today and made a deposit one that I have been postponing since payday. If I keep money in my wallet and I don't spend (it) I wind up lending it to somebody who is broke and I usually end up with bad debts. With no money on hand I can't lend so I'm that far ahead. With Christmas drawing near I'll need a few dollars to keep me in the good graces of everyone and with a leave coming up in February I'll have to handle my dough with a tight fist. Please don't you worry about my finances because I'm coming along wonderfully even better than I contemplated. I guess I'm preparing myself for civilian life when things are a little rougher than in service from all that I hear. I'll risk it because I know that I can make out and by being with you I'll have added inspiration and incentive. Just let them hand me a discharge and let me be on my way. 

Nothing unusual happened today, all is quiet and serene. I listened to the football games as usual and I must say that Boston College disappointed me by losing once again. I listened to the Notre Dame game and at long last they gave Army a thorough going over  for which I was quite thankful. 

I'm going to close out for now until tomorrow when I shall write you a long letter once again. I still have a couple of letters to answer so I'll have inspiration. I miss you honey with all my heart and I'll see you soon. I love you with all of my heart and soul. Please take care.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxx”

"My very dearest darling Ellen,                        9 November 1947

Sunday night is here and I am listening to the radio after passing the day reading and also listening to the radio. I just finished writing to my mother and after I write this letter I'll call it a day. It's been raining in a drizzly sort of way all day so I had no alternative but to stay in and read. Two more days to go and I'll be back on the job once again but with all of these holidays in the future it will be a continual vacation but as long as the time passes along swiftly I won't mind it too much. I went to Mass and Communion today so once again I offered it up for you. I'm on the straight and true road so all is well with me. For a change I didn't go to the movies and with all this writing I haven't felt the night roll along. I'll have to get up early tomorrow morning to muster and then I'll have all day to myself. Tomorrow night I'll go to the show. 'Nightmare Alley' is the attraction and it's supposed to be pretty good. I'll let you know after I see it.

From the radio reports a cold snap is on its way up there or it has arrived about now so you should have both cold days and cold nights. It's really too bad that I can't be home to keep you warm and comfortable because I really would like to very very much. What pleasures and joys I am missing When I get home I'll have so very very much to make up after all of this delay. I'll make up for it or die trying. 

I got a Pilot at Mass today and after turning to the sports page I saw where St Pat's lost a football game to St Charles of Waltham. I noticed that Johnny Riordan got into the game also. It's a good paper especially when you're a long way from home. Maybe they will do better as they go along. I hope so. I'm going to answer some of your mail because nothing has happened to give me any ideas whatsoever. You are going to turn over a new leaf as far as letter writing is concerned so that is good news. I miss your letters a lot but if you get tired and miss once in a while I don't mind because I can understand the situation pretty well. Sometimes nothing at all happens down here but I figure that you like to get my mail so I write you a letter filled up with anything that comes into my head. Sometimes after I read them I can't make heads or tails out of what I write but I send it along anyway. As long as it brings you a little happiness and good cheer I figure that I have accomplished something worth while. Write as often as you can honey because your letters are about the only cheerful thing that I can look forward to down here day in and day out and I really look forward to the mail very very much. All I want is to get home to stay so that we can both cease writing and say everything in person instead of on paper as we have over the years. I'm not too far off and that will be the way that it will be always. About three hundred days to go. If they go along as fast as the past month it shouldn't take too long at all. Let's hope so anyway.

Things are quiet all over it seems both at home and down here. There isn't even a good rumor brewing for me and activity seems to be at a minimum at home especially when Hannie hasn't anything or any place to go. I suppose Halloween was quiet at home but next year being election year and all it should really be popping. The only effect that I saw was a few soaped down automobile windows outside of that everything went along its dull merry way.

The weather down here is beginning to take on its winterish feeling but the heat of the noon day sun brings back the heat once again. A cold snap is upon us now but no one seems to know how long it will last especially me. I can stand it as it can't really get too cold for me, I'll have to go home for that. The rains fall everywhere but in Texas and the farmers down here are praying in their own inimitable manner for a deluge to get some moisture into the soil. If it doesn't come soon a lot of the people in the know are predicting a drought and dust bowl down here. All during the war the lands have been exploited to the utmost and the good earth is about all sapped out due to lack of rest.  If I haven't told you already I got the greens all right and thank you a million my pet. Now I'm prepared for anything that comes up any time any place. If if gets really cold I'll have something to keep me warm. Thanks again honey, I think you're wonderful. 

I don't think that the house in front will ever be sold especially for the price that he is asking for it. If he doesn't get it at this time of the year when everyone is looking for a place for the winter he will never get it. Prices, especially in real estate, are on the decline so I guess he will continue to conduct tours thru it with the curious in tow. For the price that he is asking you could by a three family house with very little trouble. As long as he can't sell it we won't have to worry too much about new neighbors. So that's that. 

I'm still counting up the days and weeks and even the months and from time to time I'll keep you informed as they go by. The next time that I see you we will be married one year and it has flown by so rapidly that I can hardly keep up with it. We haven't been together very much during the course of the year but 48 will change all of that and I want it to change very very much. The tough pull is over and only a short few months remain. Please don't speak of getting older as time goes by because you make us seem ancient when we are only starting life. I guess I'm getting sensitive after all these years. Incidentally I just remembered that Madeline is getting married today. I think it's today so I suppose about now you are up to your ears in Italian hospitality.  

I hope that you could take some pictures and that it turned out to be a real swell day. After their honeymoon they should be all set up in their apartment. I hope that they have a world of luck, success and happiness. With Hannie and Mae going along with you, you should have some moral support and someone to fall back on for conversation at least. I hope that you have a good time and that all goes well. I honestly wish that I could be with you because when I do get home everyone will be married and all the fun will be over. Maybe someone will be good enough to wait and I won't be completely disappointed.

Well honey I'm going to close out for now until tomorrow night when I shall write to you once again. Please take care. I miss you terribly and I love you sincerely.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you


John xxx”

"My very dearest darling Ellen,                               10 November 1947

I'm really running down hill. One more day of inactivity has passed and I still have one more to go but it's passing along at a pretty good rate. I went for a ride with another chief today that killed all morning and all afternoon I entertained myself with music as best I could with the radio. At times it was pretty difficult because all of the numerous stations seemed to be cluttered up with soap operas and those silly female quiz shows that are absolutely absurd from my way of thinking. 'Bride and Groom' etc really make me lose confidence in the intelligence of the average American human being. It's a good thing that I'm not on some of those shows because I'm afraid I'd bust some of those nosey gents right smack in the nose. Pretty soon they will be asking them the date of their last bath. It would serve some of those nit wits a world of good as the shock would possibly cure them of their curiosity and their busy body antics. What's the matter with some women anyway? I can stand it for another day but after that I'm not quite sure. Please never turn out to be a nosey busy body because if you ever do you would cause me a great disappointment. Now that chicken is off the food saving list we wound up with fried chicken for dinner and again for supper. I love chicken fried boiled or any other way but this is a criterion, today's menu that is. I'm afraid that I'll wind up cackling or possibly flying. 

I guess I'm a little glum tonight so please forgive me. I'm trying to be in a good humor but all this time off is getting me down. I'll try to keep my morale up but I'm afraid that I will have to wait until Wednesday when I'll get some mail from you and whether your letters are long or short just the letter itself will be enough to cause me to whoop with joy.

I went to the show tonight and saw 'Nightmare Alley' with Tyrone Power  and it was pretty good. It's a sort of 'Lost Weekend' with a carnival background and it's sinister and weird most of the way. It's a story of a guy who by devious means gets to be a big time mind reader and when the opportunity comes to make a lot of easy dough he attempts to impersonate God with disastrous results. It's pretty good but drags at spots.

I've reported fully on all my activities of my day and my inspirations are few so I'm going to sign off for now until tomorrow night when I shall write once again. I love you with all of my heart and soul and I miss you terribly. I wish that I could be with (you) now instead of here especially with all of this time on my hands. Well next year it will (be) different and I'll be as happy as can be. Please take care of yourself. 

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxx”

"My very dearest darling Ellen,                             11 November 1947

The last day of my 'vacation' is over and I am looking forward to going to work tomorrow very much indeed. I just returned from the movies where I saw Joe E. Brown in an old farce. It must have been released early in the war because it worked on a spy angle with Nazis etc. It passed the time anyway so I'm not griping too much about it. Last night it was hot and humid so I went to bed without any blankets or spread. This morning I awoke almost frozen stiff. During the night it rained and then the thermometer dropped quite a bit. Never again. I sleep too sound I guess so I'm going to have my blankets handy from now on in. I wore my greens all morning but it warmed up around noon so I changed back to my khakis.

Tomorrow undoubtedly will be another cold one but hot or cold I'll be able to get some mail from you at long last and then I'll forget the weather altogether. 

I'm going to make this a short letter because I haven't got much to say and my inspirations are very very few. I love you with all of my heart and soul and I miss you so much. Please take care of yourself. 

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxx”

"My dearest darling Ellen,                                 12 November 1947

After a long wait a work day finally arrived and with the work came a flood of mail also. I have been looking forward to hearing from you for these past few days that it seemed like centuries but now that it is all over I can settle back and relax once again. Your mail does me more good than anything else that I can possibly think of except of course to see you in person. That would be a dream beyond compare. That dream will come true in a few months about 85 days to be almost correct. I'm looking forward to that journey quite longingly and it can('t) arrive to fast. Just keep your fingers crossed and a smile on your lips and I'll pray for the time to pass as quickly as God will permit. 

Today was cool but not quite cold as it was yesterday but a cold wave is due tomorrow so we may get a taste of winter after all. I'll probably have to wait until I get home with you before I get a real touch of cold. Well I'll wait awhile. My new job may be over before I can really sink my teeth into it. They are sending all of the seamen down here to sea and since they make up the bulk of my students I'll wind up as a teacher without a class. The few that won't be transferred are due for discharge in the near future. I'm afraid that the fates are against me and that I'll never be able to accomplish anything at all. I guess I'll have to get a job as a ditch digger but if fate keeps acting up I would probably run out of ground. I simply can't win no how.

Your letters commanded all of my attention today and I let trivialities like school, work and what have you shift for themselves. You are wonderful my pet and I really mean it with all of my heart. With all of the mail I decided not to go to the show tonight so I'll get busy in a moment or two and answer a few of them. I received four letters so maybe if I can hold out I'll answer two of them and leave the rest go until tomorrow night. Speaking of tomorrow night I was informed that I had a watch 4-8 Friday morning so tomorrow night will mean very little sleep for me. After this weekend I guess I can stand going without sleep for a few hours so I won't mind it too much. 

The show tonight is lousy from what I saw of the previews. It's some deal about mountain climbing and it's added perils. I guess I can miss it without any great loss as far as entertainment is concerned. After all the days off this seems like Monday but the week is half gone already so this week is really half gone before it gets started at all. So much the better because that is very much to my liking. 

Time is really moving kid and before too long I'll be home to stay. Then you will have to put up with me continually day in and day out. Life will really be ours for keeps from that day forward. I had better get to your letters now before I get all wound up and forget them entirely so here goes my dear. They were your letters of Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Saturday so I'm really loaded for the time being now to answer them. Everything seems to be in order at home although it's sort of quiet. The sink seems to be creating some confusion but in another week it will be another unnoticed fixture in the kitchen. It must be really a sharp looking affair and if you are happy about it all I know for sure that I am. 

Fixing up the scars left by the old sink and set tubs will be the real job but you can do it I know. It should be really nice by the time I get home and then I can gaze upon it with rapt adoration. As for my father, he means well as you say and as you say we want to be independent. He gets some screwy ideas at times but I'm used to them so I can take them or leave them. Just overlook them and tell him after everything is done. We got a wonderful buy and as long as everyone is happy don't worry about it. My father has a world of good intentions but at times they get nerve wracking so it's best to keep him in the dark until we have accomplished what we set out to do. As for arguing with him, I've never known anyone to out-argue him so no matter what you say or do you can't win. What we do we will do by ourselves with out any help or interference from the outside. We can always rely on him though for advice if and when we need it. Okay? With his experience and setbacks  he is just overly cautious that's all. As for the expenses on the sink you do exactly what you wish because you know what you want and you use good common sense. You are doing wonderfully well so do just as you think is best in anything that comes up. You have my utmost faith and confidence in all of these matters. What we do we are doing is for the best and for us and since you are the one I want to please the most in life I'll let you be the judge in all of the matters that come up. How is that? Your mother was swell to buy the sink and I think that it is no more than right and just that we should pay the plumber for installing it for her. She must be as happy as a lark over it all because I think she wanted a new sink for a long time. I'm glad that she is happy over it because she has been so really wonderful to me that I'll never be able to repay her. 

Now that I am enrolled in the Church rolls I guess I'm a full fledged member of St Patricks Parish. It makes everything seem so very settled and permanent for a change. I'll welcome the opportunity to be in that parish. Soon maybe not tomorrow but soon! I've read this over and this letter has me all confused. I'm listening to the radio as I write so I hope that you can figure it all right and get some understanding from it. Please don't worry about anything because I can fully understand how you feel about everything so take it easy. We have made out swell so far and we can do just as good and even better in the future. Well honey I only managed to answer one letter tonight but I'll catch up as I go along. I love you with all of my heart and soul and I miss you so very desperately. Please take care.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John XXX"

My very dearest darling Ellen,                         13 November 1947

Another day another letter and I am one day nearer to you so all in all it wasn't bad at all. The weather took a turn for the worse as it began to rain this morning so my spirits were slightly dampened. Nevertheless it was wonderful to hear from you once again and your letter built up my spirits. Nothing at all happened today so I took most of the afternoon off to get a haircut which I badly needed. Now that that is taken care of I have a watch in the morning to look forward to and that makes me feel quite glum. I'm going to answer your letters now because I have an awful stack of your mail to catch up on so here goes.

The T.B. incident is all over I guess because I haven't heard anything about it nor have I heard anything about the guy they caught. I guess it's been all hushed up. I'll never get on the wrong side of the law if I can possibly help it you can count on that I assure you. They gave me enough trouble when I was a kid and since I've grown up to be sensible (?) I have left those incidents behind me. It used to irk me to have to check  into the police station if and when we went over to Milton regardless of the reason. Rough kids!

The plumber is really making an issue of hooking up the sink so let me know how much he charged you. If it was too much I'll keep reminding myself never to hire him in the future. As long as it looks nice and pleases everyone in the future I'm glad and mighty proud of you indeed. You are a very capable wife and I love you very very much. I'm just plain lucky. I'll get a look at it when I get home and I'll probably swoon with delight. Paul is wonderful to help you out sprucing up the kitchen. With his help and advice and your feminine touch it should turn out to be very nice indeed. I'll be looking forward to seeing it very much. It sounds wonderful, this sink I mean and since your mother likes it so well everything is just wonderful indeed because she more than anyone else will get the greatest use out of it. Maybe the bathroom will get a rest now especially when I get home. Everything should be in wonderful shape when I arrive. I still can hardly believe that Annie is to be a mother but since it's true I guess that's all there is to it. I hope I remember it all when I get home because I don't want to be surprised all over again when I see her again. As for your disposition and ideas along maternal lines I think you'll change when I get home at least I hope so. We can settle all of our differences when I get home and once we settle down everything will be wonderful and serene. I hope that you had a good time at the wedding and you seemed to have had. 

As long as you remain cheerful and keep your spirits up you can retain your cheerful and youthful look. I imagine that you will be challenged for your birth certificate as your looks go even though you have passed the ripe old age of 26. We shall see when I get home. 

Those beers that I had really affected me no kidding and it felt as though I was soused. I wasn't but the headache indicated as much. I'm going to stick to whiskey and soda from now on but I'll wait until I'm with you. As for our binge we shall wait until the time arrives. Right now I'm in a rut but by the time I get home I'll be out of it and I'll enjoy myself I know. Time moves on!

I guess previews of winter have arrived for you already but you are fortunate indeed that the rain wasn't snow. According to today's paper the Cape was hit by quite a storm and if Aunt Nellie is still down there I'll bet she will be really glad to get home. She should be home about now and Fred can lay back and relax until next summer when another sojourn to the Cape will present itself. Poor Fred. 

I'm now about to answer your letter of Saturday the eve of Madeline's wedding and from all indications the wedding is going to be a damp affair. Affairs like that really do bring back memories of our own affair. I doubt if I ever did so many things at one time in all of my life. Getting the cake at Newton bringing your Aunt Nellie home etc Wow. I'm dying to get home and go to a wedding with you so that we can see what went on at our own. Time and a couple of eligible young people is all that will be needed. I want to thank you very much for your Mass and Communion and I shall reciprocate once again, next Sunday if God is willing.

With all of those old people around you must seem like a child in comparison. It's hard to realize Pete as being as old as he is but it's Madeline's life and her choice so that is that. All she can do now is sink or swim. Pete will try hard and that store will really be a trial. Madeline can either help him thru it all by using common sense or she can break his spirit completely by being demanding on his time and efforts. It will take time to make a go of the store but it will support them quite handsomely once it does get started because Pete has a very good personality for a store keeper. I'm hoping for nothing but the best for both of them plus long and continued happiness. Time will tell. I want to thank you very very much for all the nice things you said about me in your letter and when the time comes I'll try to live up to all the things you say about me. I wouldn't want anyone else in this whole wide world except you as a wife and I mean that from the very bottom of my heart. You my dear are the best there is.

Well that brings to a close another letter from your beloved but I'll write again tomorrow as usual. I still have today's letter to answer so in case I don't get any mail I'll have inspiration. I love you so very very much my dearest and I miss you from the bottom of my heart. I'll close now and hit the hay and get a few hours sleep before I go on watch. Please take care of yourself honey. I love you. 

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxx”

"P.S. Say hello to the newcomer for me.

                             Love again


My very dearest darling Ellen,                         14 November 1947

This week should be over but I have to work tomorrow but my spare moments will be short and they should hurry by for me. Today has been a long day for me as I had to get up a little after three this morning but I don't feel any the worse for wear. The letter that I received from you today was what cheered me up and made me forget completely all of my trials and tribulations. See what your mail does for your poor broken down husband, keep up your good efforts and I'l never get down in the dumps. Today turned out to be just another plain ordinary day with nothing at all happening and the passing time being my only comfort. Tomorrow will split the month so time is moving along at a rapid pace indeed. It won't be too long until I see you once again and once more I will be in a state of ecstasy what ever state that may be but it sounds well. Pretty soon I'll begin counting off the days but right now I'm afraid to because I'm of the opinion that it will make time pass slowly and I'll wind up with a very severe case of nerves as I usually do when I sweat out a leave to see you. Before I went home the last time I almost went nuts but I guess that was due to excitement and joy combined. This time it will be due to the joy of seeing you. I'll look forward to my leave but I'll keep it on the back of my mind so to speak just to see if the days continue to roll bye as rapidly as they have been. Okay? I want to see you so much.

I went to the show tonight and saw the 'Foxes of Harrow' but I walked out halfway thru for some reason or the other. Somehow it didn't appeal to me but it is a pretty fair show. Maureen O'Hara although a good actress just doesn't seem to strike me too much and Rex Harrison with his English accent slurs over his words too rapidly. Maybe it was because I wanted to write to you that I walked out, anyway I walked out.

Tomorrow will be a full day for me as there is a football game on the base tomorrow night. I'll do my best to write to you again but if I don't, please forgive me. I'll do my best. 

I should get a letter from you tomorrow so tonight I'm going to catch up on your letters and see if I can clear them all up to date. I have yesterdays and todays letters to go so I'll start right in. Now that Madeline is married off I guess all of the social affairs are over for awhile. I certainly would have enjoyed being there because then we both could have had a wonderful time  together. Sometimes this separation gets down right disgusting but since there isn't too much that we can do about it I won't dwell on the subject for any length. I'm glad that you had a good time because the diversion would do you a world of good and so long as you enjoyed yourself I'm happy indeed. All in all the whole affair seems to have been a huge success and everyone seems to have enjoyed themselves. I'm missing everything it seems. I forgive you for not writing because I realize that you had a hectic day being a bridesmaid and all. Their situation seems to have been the reverse of ours where I was so nervous and you were so calm cool and collected. That was the day of all days. It was too bad that the weather was so bad that you couldn't take any colored snapshots because they would have really captured all the color and beauty of the whole affair. Please send me some of the pictures that you took so that I can get a glimpse of the whole affair. I hope some came out. I'll be looking forward to seeing them, the wedding party that is but more especially you because you will look so much better than all of them. Rush them along as soon as possible.

You had plenty of company at the reception so I guess you didn't wind up in a corner with Italians the only alternative that seemed to have been your main concern prior to the whole affair. I see that you ran into a contemporary the cooker who was married the same day that we were I mean. I hope that you compared notes to see who was making out the best. I know that I would have but it's my ego that would cause me to do it. As I've told you many times before I'd like to get up really close to the altar once again to hear the whole ceremony and try to recall if I possibly can all of (the) things that I missed due to my anxiety and nervousness at our own ceremony. I hope that you have all recuperated  and with the knowledge that you had a hangover I guess you must have had a good time. Imagine the hangover you would have had were I there to help you out. 

You seemed to have worked harder on the holiday than you do on work days. It was worthwhile though and something worthwhile was accomplished. That switching the molding was a good idea as I doubt if I would have thought of it myself. Maybe I could have but I doubt it very much. Paul is certainly doing an awful of work and once again I want to thank him tremendously for all of his help it really comes in handy especially at times like this. 

When you finish varnishing and shellacking it the place will be as good as new and all of the traces of the old set tubs will be completely gone. Honey you (are) indeed a very wonderful wife and I'm as happy as can be and I'm really very very proud of you believe me because I mean it from the very bottom of my heart. I only wish that I was home to help you out because with me down here when all of the improvements are being made I feel as though I am missing something and it really would be fun doing it together, just like we did the papering in our room. 

The new addition to the family was really a surprise to me and very much unexpected. That's something else I'll have to see when I get home. I haven't seen a 'green horn' colleen for years but I guess by the time I get home she will no longer be a colleen, I'll wait and see. There mustn't be any male Keohanes as they all seem to be girls. She should be good company for Aunt Nellie and Fred as they will have someone to fuss and fret over. Aunt Hannah may want to take her over before long. She seems to be a typical Keohane with her dancing and all so she must be aces also. You said that she is vey pretty but being a sort of outsider I still say that you are the nicest looking off and I'm not the least bit prejudiced(?) believe me. Rita seems to be in full swing and  her letter was real nice. I'm glad that my shirt did her so much good because she can wear it whenever she wishes if the results are so good. I hope that Hannie sleeping with you doesn't change your bed manners with me because I want you to snuggle up real close to me because I'm sick of sleeping alone and besides you're so comfortable. It's really swell sleeping with you. I'm looking forward to that part of my leave very very very much and I'm hoping that nothing comes up to a-er-ahem cause me frustration if you know what I mean. Keep me posted ~ Pulease. I'll sign off for now honey. I love you with all of my heart and soul & miss you dearly.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you


John xx”

"My very dearest darling Ellen,                         15 November 1947

Saturday night has arrived and my work week has finally drawn to a close. Working today turned out to be a farce as half of the civilians stayed home. It dragged and dragged but now that it is all over I must say once again that it didn't take very long in passing and for that I'm quite happy. That last sentence appears to be quit confusing but the after section pertains to the week and not the day. I've been listening to the football scores since I quit and woe is me Boston College lost once again. I can't understand what has happened to them so like the Red Sox and Braves we will have to wait until next year and then see if they will improve. This year they have been very disappointing indeed. Typical Boston. 

I received another letter from you this morning that helped build up my spirits considerably. Thanks a scillion. 

I'm not going to answer it though until tomorrow when I should have lots of time. I'm getting ready to go to a football game so I'm going to make this a 'quickie.' The only thing of importance is that I love you tremendously and I miss you so very much. Please take care.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you


John xxx”

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