Sunday, December 10, 2023

1947 October 16-31


"My very dearest darling Ellen,                              16 October 1947

Another day has gone its merry way and I'm writing to you once again which is my usual nightly chore. I'll have to keep this to two pages as that's all the paper that I have left. I'm always running out it seems but if I can get a ream of paper I'll be all set for a month or so. I'll try to get some tomorrow. No sense in buying it if I can get it for nothing. Navy philosophy I guess. I didn't get any mail from you today so my calculations were correct. I did get paid today so I'm flush once again. I haven't been to the bank yet but I'll saunter in that direction to make a deposit so that I'll be able to guarantee myself air transportation in the eventuality that I get a leave. I'm about ten dollars short of my goal now but I guess next pay day will just about do it. That's all that I'm interested in just now, being able to pay my way home without causing a strain on our joint bank account. After I get my plane fare accumulated I'll concentrate on saving up for a Christmas present for you. That is an absolute vital necessity because I fear that I'm neglecting you as of late but I'll get back in the groove I promise you. I've figured out how many days I have left but it's still too big a figure to start checking them off just yet. I'll wait until after New Years when they will seem comparably smaller. Right now it's about 320 but it  really won't be too long until my day will arrive and I'll be enjoying sweet and complete happiness. It's my one and only ambition.

Today went by without a hitch but it continues to be hot and humid but the nights are beginning to cool off slowly but surely. I guess by Thanksgiving it will cool off considerably at least I hope so because with the cold will come my last Navy winter in this last year of deprivation of our happiness. I went to the library tonight and looked over the papers from all over the country. Everything seems to be about the same around dear Boston. IncidentallyI looked over last Sundays Post and saw some pictures of the Holy Name parade. It looked to be quite the affair and I'm sorry that I had to miss it. Maybe the next one.

I had better get to your letters now before I run out of paper and that would never do. I promise that I shall ask for a better connection the next time I call you. As it was it took her about ten minutes to get the connection that we had. They have some pretty stupid operators down here. I don't know where they dig them up. Anytime I laugh or sound happy over the phone when I talk to you the reason is you and the sound of your voice. It sort of thrills me and yet it brings me back to earth with the realization that I'm not completely abandoned although I am slightly marooned. I was in the same boat as you were with crowds all around me playing cards and yapping so I couldn't talk very loud with out broadcasting our conversation. Next time it will be better, I promise you. Speaking of weather once again when I tell my boys down here, the ones from Mass, just how N.E. is now and they all get homesick and disgusted with life in general. For me I get the feeling the worst because my sentimental nature swells up and memories of past Falls at home flash before my eyes and I'm lost to the world for hours just visualizing it all. I guess I'm not cut out to be a wanderer because of my homesick nature. 

This radio is the greatest God send man ever developed and it's more that paid for itself already in the enjoyment that it has given me. At noon, in the morning and all night long the poor old thing is yapping so I hope that it doesn't wear out before I leave here. You seem to be having a very boring and nerve wracking life so please honey kick loose and have yourself a time. I mean it get out of the rut if it gets you down. I don't want you going nuts with boredom get out and have some fun. I guess when I was home I asked you to restrict your social activities some what but I guess I was a little rash so please forget what I told you and relax. Just take care of yourself and be careful please. I guess things are dull for you at home with Hannie constantly being dated by Norman and everyone else married or about to be. I hate this separation just as much as you do and I know that if we were together we would be very happy. Right now we are both down in the dumps and there isn't much that we can do about it except write constantly and phone frequently. You deserve all of the happiness that I can give you once I get to stay. You are too wonderful to be going nuts with boredom and I don't want you to. Do whatever you wish but have a good time. Well I'm coming to the end of my paper so I'll have to sign off but quick. 

I love you with all of my heart and soul and I hate to see you unhappy. It makes me miss you so terribly and I want to get home so desperately. Please take care of yourself. 

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxx”

My very dearest darling                                        17 October 1947

I'm lonely tonight and I'm blaming it all on Perry Como as strange as it may seem. I was listening to his Supper Club program when he pops out with the song 'When Day is done' one of my old favorites and a song that brings back many many memories. The final lines of the refrain sum up just how I feel being separated from you. They go along something like this

            I miss your lips, your tender kiss, the whole day through

            I miss you most of all when day is done.

They really express my sentiments because I really do miss (you) the most when I return from work and occupy my 'cell' for the rest of the evening. The reason for all my distraught & discomfort is you or I should really say the absence of you. I am suffering from the commonly know disease of homesickness and it will prevail for ten months and twenty-nine days after that I'll be completely cured. I guess you are suffering from loneliness and that is just as bad. It will all be over soon thank the Lord and life will once more be natural and serene for both of us. 

I had a world of intentions to go to the football game tonight but all of the seats are sold out and standing room is all that remains. I like football but not quite that well where I'll stand up for a couple of hours especially. It would have been quite a game as both teams are seeking the State high school championship and the winner tonight is almost a cinch to win it. I'll wait until next week when I'll drop down and see them again. Tonight I'm sweating out the score of the Boston College-L.S.U. game because if B.C. wins tonight they will be in a good position.

Well today wound up another work week and I have a long lonely weekend confronting me but it should pass quickly. I'm hoping so anyway so that I can scratch another week off the calendar. My calendar is like a tally board with all the pencil marks. It's a sign of my impatience but they add up slowly but surely. I recieved another letter from you today so my week was indeed complete. A letter from you on Friday afternoon is some thing that signifies the success or failure of the whole week and you really did make my week a success and I'm really happy or I should say as happy as I reasonably can be under the dull circumstances that exist at present. You are the most wonderful person on earth honey and I want to thank you from the depth of my heart for all of your letters and kindnesses. Your mail makes a terrific difference to this otherwise drab existence that I'm living, it's like a ray of hope in this darkness down here. I only wish that there was something that I could do to break the monotony at home for you but I'm handcuffed at present. I can't go home on leave because I've overdrawn it to the limit and it will be February before I can possibly get any more, unless an unforeseen emergency arises so I figure I had better stop writing gloomy letters and concentrate on cheerful ones. I won't tell you of all my troubles. I still haven't answered your letter of Monday the reason being that I didn't figure too strongly on a letter today so I'd have needed some inspiration to tide me over the weekend. As it is, now I have two letters to answer which makes things that much better. I've never recalled you being down in the dumps for so long a period and I hope that something will pop so that you can get your mind occupied and get over that restlessness and uneasiness. I really (know) how you feel because each and every weekend finds me under the same strain. What ever happened to that papering job in the dining room? The arrival of the sink and its installation will give you some diversion I hope so keep me informed of all developments please.

Bunny seems to be quite busy now that winter is about to set in. He is a wonderful tenant and I hope that we will be always as lucky with tenants. Next year that will probably be my job and his contributions will be greatly appreciated. When I get home I'll probably take Jimmy Walsh up on his offer of tools but I'll wait until the time arrives. Well honey I'm going (to) try and dig up that B.C. game on the radio. I'll write again tomorrow. I love you with all of my heart and soul and I miss you desperately.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you


John xx”   

"My very dearest darling Ellen,                                 18 October 1947

A glorious Saturday to you and at long last I have accomplished something that I set out to do. I painted my room today while listening to the football games. I didn't finish it all but tomorrow afternoon will do it. I'll finish the trimmings next weekend. The afternoon flew by and for the first time in a long while there didn't seem to be enough hours in the day. I'm painting it with Kem tone and it goes on like wet cement, my arm was dead after an hour but I kept at it and after awhile I didn't mind it at all. It made the day pass quickly and it put a little ambition into my poor decrepit body which is becoming too accustomed to a life of inactivity. I'll have to develop a schedule of week end activities to keep me busy so these boring hours won't catch up with me again and set me to dreaming and pining too much of you and home. It's good practice also because when I get home I'll have the knack of it once again. I'll never use Kem-tone at home though because it has a tough smell to it that takes time to wear off. Regular enamels and lacquers for me as they are easier to apply. In fact I'm looking thru trade and mechanical magazines for hints and aids on the short cuts to house repairing and upkeep. Once in a while they have a lot of tips so I'll jot them all down and try to keep them in my mind for future reference. Just a handy husband. 

I picked up the B.C. - LSU game last night after scanning across the dial. I picked it up after the half from a station in Baton Rouge which is quite away from here. It kept coming in and fading away but I kept at it and heard the final half. It's too bad that B.C. had to lose because I was rooting for them all of the way and I was hoping that B.C. would turn the tide. LSU has quite an aggregation and next to Texas they are the best in the south so B.C. didn't do too bad at all even the they did lose. If they could have tied it up at 14-14 they would have an ideal chance to go to a Bowl at New Years. Their chances are still pretty good if they can give an impressive showing for the rest of the season so I'm hoping and rooting from here. Just a loyal Bostonian helping out from a long way off.

I wound up my day by attending the movies where I saw 'Her husband's Affairs' with Franchot Tone and Lucille Ball. It was fair as it was supposed to be a comedy so it didn't make sense. I don't like Franchot Tone so I didn't really like the picture. The only reason that I went was to kill time which seems quite endless when there isn't any diversion. I could write a good essay on 'Why Movies are my greatest entertainment' and I wouldn't have to use over twenty-five words to describe it all. I'm afraid without them we would all be stark raving mad from it all. I was going to answer your letter tonight but I'll postpone it until tomorrow night when I probably won't have any inspiration whatsoever and it comes in very handy indeed. I was kind of homesick about noon when I heard a program from Manchester N.H. describing the town and it brought back memories of last summer when we went thru that part of the country on our way to Allen 'A' which was a very pleasant memory indeed. I'm of the opinion that we should do it more often because it was really really swell and wonderful being with you alone for a whole week doing as we wished when we wished. I'll have to remember that when I get home again. Well honey time draws to a close and I'm going to have to likewise as bedtime draws near. I love you so much honey I could use up a dozen pages telling you but I won't, I'll wait and see you and then spend all of the time telling you. I miss you so very terribly honey that it hurts to think of it. I'm going to close out for tonight so please take care of yourself.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you


John xx”

"My very dearest darling Ellen,                                    19 October 1947

My weekend is over at long last and I'm looking forward to going to work tomorrow so that another week can hurry by. I had plans of finishing the painting in my room but I never did get around to it. I'll save it until some other time when I haven't anything to do and it will occupy my mind. I would have done it today but it was raining in the morning and everyone stayed in and rather than get everyone all mussed up I postponed it. It really brightens up the room a lot and the light green reflects the light tremendously. It seems so drab looking at the unfinished part of the room. It's really a contrast of extremes. As usual I went to Mass this morning and all afternoon I played around reading and listening to the radio. Although I didn't do anything the day went comparatively fast. I did manage to write a letter to my mother so that is all taken care of now I have to write to Aunt Nellie.

I picked up a 'Pilot' at Mass this morning and read it thru to get reacquainted with things at home and everything seems to be about the same. I hope that you have recovered from your case of the blues and that you are back to normal once again. I know exactly how you feel kid as I'm that way quite frequently. Cheer up better days are coming. 

I guess Hannie and Norman are having their misunderstandings as all people usually do but they will get over it, I hope. Hannie, I must say, is a very poor actress because her feelings are quite expressive in her looks and manner. By now I guess they are all patched up I hope so. I saw Bob Hope in 'Where there's life' and it's pretty good a lot of laughs for a change. My usual routine. I guess I'll close now honey because I feel homesick and lonely and the more I write the lonelier I get. Please forgive me. I love you with all of my heart and soul and I miss you tremendously. 

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you


John xx”

"My very dearest darling Ellen,                                   20 October 1947

Another day and another week and I'm still at it. Today was cool and calm for a change and we all felt better for a change. The weekend went by ok for me but late last night I began to get melancholy and lonesome and blue just missing you so very much. The weekends are the roughest part of it all as monotony runs rampant and all I can do is think of you and us. Time is moving right along regardless of how slow it seems to be passing and it will be Thanksgiving before I fully realize it. My remaining service is broken down into holidays and the like: Thanksgiving Christmas Our Anniversary Easter the Fourth and then glorious Labor Day when I shall be a free man at long last. It should arrive before too long and as long as I don't permit myself to count each and every day the time will roll along. I guess I'm in a mellow mood so forgive me if I sound blue.

I received a letter from you today so I had at least one happy moment out of the passing hours. Keep them coming honey as they are my greatest consolation and morale builder. Rumors are still floating around about the place but still nothing official about anything. As usual I guess we will have to wait and read about it in the newspapers. As I told you so many times before I'm awaiting a good opportunity and a good station. Quonsett Point is my objective and how close I come to it will depend on Providence and the Navy but I"ll keep trying as best I can. It's quite definite that this place is closing down between now and July. As for my ultimate destination it's quite unknown. I'll do my best to keep you posted on any official information that will be of interest to both of us and I hope that some pops out soon. Just about now I'm listening to Christopher Lynch and as usual he sounds quite good. I would sooner be listening to him at home but circumstances forbid it. Next year for sure.

I think I had better get to your letter or I should say letters because I still have one to answer from last week plus the one that I received today. I had intended to answer it last night but as I told you a case of the blues overcame me and I had to quit because the longer I wrote the bluer I got. 

I'll start here where I should have started last night. Your mail is coming down here at a pretty good rate, sometimes in two days usually three. The letter that I got today was your letter of last Thursday. I see that you postponed meeting Aunt Hannah and Stephen until a more opportune time, until I get home I guess. I'll give you all the moral support you need when I get home and if they have any comments good or bad they can give them to both of us and we can either thank them or blast whatever the case may be so relax. I'm sorry to hear that he was sick but I think she is a hypochondriac and is under the false impression that she is sick all of the time. She reminds me of the idle rich with too little to do and too much time to do it. She needs to adopt a couple of kids who will keep her busy and tire her out. Stephen should be a little hard to get along with and life would be different for both of them. So much for them. 

Now with Miss Mac back on the job things should be back to the old grind but her new outlook on life as far as overtime is concerned surprised me as much as it did you. You should have a little more spending money in your purse. From all accounts her trip to New Hampshire was quite an expensive venture with her car breaking down and all. It would be better for her to forget about the car and buy a new one. By the way did she ever sell her house! By now everything should be right back to normal at the office and the vacation is over. It was good while it lasted and I guess that everyone took full advantage of Miss Mac's absence. Incidentally speaking of Miss Mac and her car I saw the rates for registering cars in Watertown in the Pilot and they are about $25 cheaper than Boston which is very very good if and when we can get us a hack. I remember when I registered my father's car last January it cost him eighty and some odd dollars with insurance and all. In Boston the rates are terrific but the outlying districts are comparatively cheap. I guess living in Watertown has its advantages and I'm all for them. Now all I have to do is get back and put all these advantages to full use. 

I see you missed another night but I forgive you. It didn't cause me any delay in service as the weekend took up the slack. It's pretty rough to write each and every night so if you do slip up every now and then I won't mind too much but I shall try to keep up my usual schedule of one a day even though I don't really have much to say and what I do say doesn't make sense. It just makes me feel a lot better to write to you and I come to the conclusion at the end of a tiresome and tiring day that somebody is rooting for me somewhere and is awaiting my arrival as much as I am. Just do the best that you can.

At long last Madeline has had a shower and all the poor girls had their session. I sympathize with Pete wholeheartedly because I realize and understand how it feels to be alone with a houseful of women. I've grown quite accustomed to it by now but like your shower it took many many cups of coffee indeed plus a couple of 'quickies' at the Watertown Tap to build up my intestinal fortitude. It's quite a predicament to be in I'm telling you but it's all over now and only the happy memories linger on.

Honey if I could only be home with you to stay everything would be divine and we would both be completely happy and content. I want to be so very very much and it isn't too far away. I guess Gin is having a struggle with her family and now a house on her hands. I doubt if they did as well as we did in buying their house so maybe real estate is one of her problems. Speaking of getting thin I guess we are both in the same boat and I can only attribute it to loneliness and restlessness. 

Once we get together again we shall both blossom out once again to our usual beaming selves. All I need is home cooking and some hard work as that's the cure for most of my ailments; the real cure is you and you alone. Well I guess I'll close out for tonight and I'll write again tomorrow. I miss you so much honey that I pine away each hour of the day just thinking of you and missing you terribly. I love you so much.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always ~ John xx"

"My very dearest darling Ellen                                   21 October 1947

I just returned from the show where I saw 'Boom Town' with Clark Gable and Spenser Tracy and I am now looking forward downheartedly to a 12-4 watch. It's always something but I'm resigned to fate once again and things can come as they may. Things are still the same as ever and time is rolling right along. Already two days of this week have gone by and it will be history before I quite realize it. It's getting cool down here and that helps to make time go by and we are not continually being burdened by this stifling heat that is characteristic of this place. I'm looking forward to next week as it will end the month and bring up a new page on the calendar. I received another letter from you today and as usual it made me feel wonderful. I'm very sorry you are still down in the dumps and I hope that you can pull yourself out of it. I wish to God that I could be home to help you out of it and that's why I'm hoping that the weeks and months to roll by so that I can get home to you and stay there. Rumors are still rolling around but still not definite official word from the powers that be but it should be out real soon. I'm hoping so because that way we will find out what will happen to us and our destination. It may affect me and maybe not but if they ever do realize it I can get an idea of it all. I guess they are hiding back so that they won't break these civilian hearts. Election time is coming up down here so maybe after Election Day things will pop. Here's hoping anyhow and I'm still thinking about the East coast. It seems to good to be true but I guess I can dream.

I had better answer your letter so that I can dig up an hours sleep before I go on watch so here goes. I'm sorry to hear that you slipped up again but I forgive you nevertheless. As long as you have fun and forget your troubles it's okay by me. It's tough on you honey so have some fun for yourself because you deserve it and since I can't help out personally. You'll have to do the best that you can. Don't forget me completely though because that I will not allow. Selfishness. You deserve all the happiness in the world honey and I want you to have it always. I promise you happiness as soon as I get home to stay. I guess your paper hanging venture will wind up like my painting venture. It will be something to do some night when there is nothing else to do. Relax and take it easy and save something for me to do when I get home. Haven't Hannie and Norman come to terms yet? A little more time I guess will bring them around so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Speaking of circuses? They are having one down town but this is just a tank town to them I guess because it's only running for two days. They are strictly for kids as they are the only ones who get a bang out of it. I'll wait until I get home to see a good one. 

You must be leading a quiet and respectable life having a party at home with your mother and once again I wish that I was home with you because I want to be very very much.

We could be doing so very much together and having fun as we work toward our objective with fun and work the essential tasks. The way we are only marking time but the time is dwindling and our period of separation and mutual hardships getting smaller and smaller each and every day. 

We could be planning and working toward our future but we shall postpone it for awhile I guess. Incidentally my pet while I'm thinking about my future and yours also try to get me hand books for the police and fire department so that I can study them down here and I'll be all prepared to take a civil service examination when I get out. Please don't forget them honey because I want to put all this wasted time to some use that will benefit me when I get out. I don't really know where you can get them but please inquire and send them to me as soon as you possibly can. I really will appreciate getting them very very much. See what you can do honey and rush them along to me. ~ Okay?

I see that Mae finally made out and wound up with a bundle of cash. It was a long pull but she finally made it all right. With all of those bills and her lack of resistance for buying useless stuff it won't last for very long. I can't figure her out sometimes, what if she ever gets sick and goes to the hospital what has she got to pay her bill with. I can't quite fathom it. It's really too bad that Frances didn't get it all because she has more important and more useful  and quite essential things to spend it on than cheap junk and clothes that will hang in a closet indefinitely never to be worn more than twice. It's too bad that she didn't get hauled into court by Filene's as it would probably straighten her out for once. She is so completely different from you kids and I'm thankful for it, for you especially. Stay just as sweet and nice as you are and I'll never moan or groan ever. I promise you. 

Seeing that I'm coming to the end of the page I guess I had better get to the case of the 'Squeaking Bed.' I'm glad that you discovered a solution for those squeaks because at times they became very embarrassing although I never did hear any comments. I hope by now that it's sound proof and I'm really looking forward to the time when I'll be able to give it a trial run without musical accompaniment as you put it.

I'll think of something, maybe putting tape around the metal where it rests on the frames. We shall see what we shall see. Right now I miss you with all of my heart and I'm homesick and lonely for you, so very very lonely. I'm figuring on being home in about 100 days so keep your spirits up. I love you very very much my dearest, with all of my heart and soul.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you


John xx”

My very dearest darling Ellen,                                22 October 1947

Hi honey how are you today? I hope that you are over that case of blues that has been plaguing you for so long now. With the comment at the party saying that you look thin I'll be imagining that you are wasting away to a mere shadow. Please don't honey stay just as you were when I left as I like you best that way. Take good care of yourself and don't let anything happen to you. I received another letter from you today so your mail is coming in on schedule each and every day and I thank you very very much for it all. The letters that you missed didn't cause any delay or mail-less days and for that I'm really thankful. Keep up your good work honey because I love you tremendously for it very very much.

Well I finished painting the room today and all is set now except the trimmings around the doors and windows and I'll get to them this weekend probably. Incidentally I'll call you once again a week from this Sunday Nov 2 so be standing by. I'll call about two o'clock as is our usual time. I'm dying to hear your voice as it will build up my morale sky high and I can use it. Rumors are still making their way around here but still nothing official about anything. This week is half over and it's going along at a good clip, may they all follow suit. It really won't be too long until I get home to you once again so keep your chin up for a while longer. I'm looking forward to a leave in February which is the earliest that I can possibly make it and it will split the remaining months up real good. All the guys are going nuts down here because they have to act to guide civilians around the station on Sunday when they will celebrate Navy Day. Fortunately I'm not among the groaners because my section got out of it. It's the most my section has been able to salvage out of anything. I'll have the duty on Thanksgiving and also Christmas but since it's my last year all of it isn't bothering me very much. I can take it for that long anyway and then I'll spend every Christmas from here on in with you.

From the tone of your letter you don't seem to be down in the dumps and for that I'm very glad. As for pajamas and nightgowns I guess I will have to get civilized when I get home and start wearing them. It will make me really feel like a civilian which is a feeling that I'll really appreciate. We will both be sort of starting from scratch, you with a nightgown and me with pajamas. I've been reading in the papers about the heat and Indian Summer weather that prevails at home plus all the forest fires up thru that neck of the woods. It must be really dry. Please don't strain your eyes reading so much honey or you will wind up blind.  I guess Hannie and Norman will wind up battling before long as they seem to be on opposite sides of the fence. They will come to some agreement or they will wind up agreeing to disagree. I have no advice to offer one way or the other because she is a big girl now and should know her own mind.  She will have to make up her own mind.

Now that the taxes are all paid our worries are over for the time being. If it remains just as painless we won't have any trouble at all and we can go along our merry way. The only bill that we will get will be for the water and I think that they come around quarterly so they won't be any great amount if we clear them up as soon as possible. It's too bad that we haven't a dozen houses under the same circumstances. I want to remind you to look into that tax angle and mortgage angle when you file your income taxes so you can save yourself a few more dollars. Well honey I'll have to close out for now until tomorrow night when I shall write once again. I miss you very very much and my mind is set on my coming leave in February. I love you with all of my heart. 

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you


John xx”

"My very dearest darling Ellen,                                  23 October 1947 

Here I go once again and today the second last day of the work week was indeed a hectic one. I told you off and on that rumors are flying down here well today a list came out notifying 145 guys that they were going to be transferred and more lists are coming out next week. I wasn't on it to be sure as it was made up of guys who have been here three or four years. Some of the guys being transferred have spent all of their time down here from the time that they came into the Navy until the present day. It may seem strange to you but we have one guy down here, a chief, who has been on this base since April 1942 practically since the war began and he is still down here. He must know someone I guess or he has something on some admiral. I can't figure it out no how. Some have it some haven't, that's the way it goes. The news of the draft sort of enthused me as it gave us all something to think about and talk about and since it broke the monotony it was good news. They are all headed for eventual sea duty. More drafts are due to come up around the first of the month and I'll keep you posted on everything as it comes up. Outside of the draft list everything is still about the same. I did get a letter from you and I'm very happy indeed to have received it. You seem to be over your case of blues and I hope that you stay that way. Your letters bring me untold happiness and when I know that you aren't down in he dumps I feel that much better.

 I went to the show tonight and saw Robert Mitchum in some picture the name of which I can't think of. It was based on the book 'Build my Gallows High' and it was real good. Mitchum being the whole show with dialogue and acting. I like his sleepy looks because they are different and seem natural.

I'm beginning to like the movies mainly because the newsreels have a lot of football and that I can really go for. Next year I'll attend them all if it's possible to sort of make up for last time when all the privileges were denied me. When I was on Okinawa I vowed that I would be seeing all the games this year but circumstances and the Navy won't allow me to fulfill my promise. Next year you will be the boss and I think I can sway you into letting me go to a few. Permission granted? That will be our Friday night and Saturday afternoon diversion.

I'm really glad that this is my last year in service because I'm afraid if I had longer to do my mind would devise some foolish idea that would junk it all and I'd go home with terrific consequences when I got caught. Just like you I got thru the stages of tension and morbidness that separation can bring so I'm hoping very much that time rolls by rapidly. Your job may be a grind when Miss Mac gets grouchy and uppity but the diversion that it brings is really a blessing as it acts just like these rumors do down here, creating new thoughts and takes the mind off the bothersome things of life that can really drive you nuts as I wll know. I'm glad that I had that stretch in Okinawa because it taught how to relax when diversion was at a minimum because if I wasn't used to it I'd be a nervous wreck now. As it is I'm just sweating and pushing hard trying to move time along so that it won't be so long. I don't want you to be unhappy honey and I hate myself for being the cause of your unhappiness for all of these months but I promise that I'll make it up to you if it takes me the rest of my life I promise with all of my heart.

Honey I'm not going to answer all of your letters tonight because I'm sweating out a letter tomorrow and if I don't do so well I'll have this letter to answer tomorrow. Okay?

I miss you terribly all of the time my dearest and I'm waiting and waiting patiently to get home to you again. It all adds up to the fact I love you very, very much honey and I want you so very much.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you


John xx”

"My very dearest darling Ellen,                             25 October 1947

Saturday night is upon me once again and the day rolled right along I must say. I'm topping it off by writing to you as other wise it wouldn't be really complete. I just returned from the show where I saw 'Mother wore tights' with Betty Grable. I liked it all right but it was kind of dragged out in many spots. Tomorrow Danny Kaye and Company in 'Dr Mitty" which from the previews seems to be pretty good. I'll give you my opinion tomorrow night. All day I messed around doing a little of this, that and the other and listening to football games. I did do some painting and the room reeks with it now. I left a little to be done later, I guess the laziness in me comes to the fore but at least I'll have something to do when things start dragging. Tomorrow I'll definitely have to so some washing because I seem to be down to nothing but dirty clothes so I guess tomorrow will be a busy day for me with plenty to keep me busy. Next Sunday I'll give you a buzz to see how you are making out. It will do me a world of good to call you and talk to you once again.

The time passing by so swiftly is getting me out of my usual case of miseries. Each week end brings them on but so far so good but tomorrow lies ahead and what it brings I won't know until tomorrow.  I am going to save your letter until tomorrow night and I'll write a good sized letter to you to make up for tonight. All day I've been concentrating on football seeing if I could make out and get some easy money but as usual my efforts were thwarted. Every team that I bet on did(n't) live up to expectations and they were all upset disastrously. Army being the biggest one of all. I guess I'll never be able to make easy money. I'm destined to strive, sweat and strain for all of it now and always. I really don't mind just as long as I can get enough to make you happy and support both of us. So far you are the breadwinner but wait until this forced 'vacation' is over and then you can settle back and relax while I do all the sweating and straining. I've never wanted to end a life of leisure and go to work as much as I want to now and when the time comes I won't regret my choice either. 

Don't forget to get me those books for the police and fire dept that I asked you for as they will help me out a lot. They are really handbooks explaining the duties of the job and are filled with definitions that they ask in Civil Service exams. You may be able to get them at town hall I don't know for sure but try to get them please. I'm going to close out for now until tomorrow night when I'll write once again to you my pet. I love you desperately and I miss you a lot. Please take real good care of yourself. 

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you


John x”

"My very dearest darling Ellen,                         27 October 1947

Navy day is here and just about gone so one more day has gone by that I won't have to serve in this man's outfit. On Navy Day next year I'll be a free man once again and pretty well settled down to living a real life like a good human being should. Today started the last week of this month so it won't be too long until the year will be all over with. I looked over a calendar today and totaled my time up to 45 weeks and if they roll along as quickly as the past few I won't grumble to much but being separated from you brings me nothing but grief  and unhappiness so I'll do the very best that I can under the circumstances. It's difficult but I'll keep trying. I was swarmed under with mail today exceeding all expectations. I even got one from my mother. Four in all so I'm quite full of inspiration for a change. Incidentally after all my dilly dallying around yesterday I failed to write to (you) last night and I'm sorry. When I got back from the show where I saw Danny Kaye in 'Mr Mitty' it was terribly late so I tumbled into bed. All day yesterday they had exercises of all sorts for Navy Day but I just lagged about doing nothing. I intended to do my washing but as usual the washing machine broke down so I sent the whole batch off to the laundry this morning. So much for Sunday and I might just as well add so much for Monday as nothing of any mutual interest happened today. Your letters were the only bit of interest that occurred today. They filled me with joy and elation and after a dry mailless weekend they really came in handy I must say. You seemed to be in better spirits and I'm mighty glad of it all. Your weather is quite changeable it seems but take advantage of the good days while you may because the long cold nights will be upon us soon and then complaints will be ripe about the cold and the wish for summer once again. The nights I miss as it still remains kind of warm and humid. I'd love to be home keeping your bed warm and living once again like a human being should and I'm looking forward quite longingly to the day when it will be realized. I guess I'm dreaming far ahead of myself so I'll cease immediately before I go off at a tangent and fail to make sense whatsoever but in the back of my mind you are always present at all hours of the day and night and it will be that way always, believe me. Although we are not together I still think of you as my wife most of the time but at times it seems as though we haven't yet been married, but we have been for 240 days believe me I counted them up to make sure. It will be a lot easier to believe when I'm home to stay and we are living a sane and sensible life instead of one full of disappointment and frustrations. It will all work out for the best eventually. My room is all painted and it still smells of Kem Tone. I can't understand it as it has a heavy musty smell that I don't like at all. I'm hoping that it wears off in the near future because at times it drives me nuts. It looks good though and brightens up the room tremendously and for a change the room takeO on a pleasing look when I step into it instead of the dank drab look that it had before. I'll never understand why they never painted this place prior to this as it was quite gloomy and dismal. Just like a barn. My toils labors and efforts I'll chalk up to experience which will indeed come in very very handy when I get home to our tumbled down 'shack' in Watertown. I discovered that I still have the knack of it all and all that I really need is the work to bring out my best. I get the ambition and the paint I'm afraid the house will take on a different color each month of the year. It's too far away to think of it yet but I'll sleep on it. Your mood has changed for the better as I mentioned before and I hope that it keeps improving as I don't want you to be down in the dumps. Once in a while is natural but a constant blue mood gets me worried so try to keep smiling. It's pretty monotonous at home I know and it's the same way down here. Sometimes I wish that we worked on the weekends as they usually turn out to be a long waste of time. Incidentally I'll give you a call this weekend so stand by. I have the duty also so if I don't call you Sunday afternoon I'll call early Sunday night because as yet I don't know what watch I'm going to have. It will be Sunday afternoon some time possibly around two or three. Okay? The Pilot although strictly a diocesan paper is full of what I want to know and since it concerns Boston I'm deeply interested. It has improved I agree since Archbishop Cushing took it over and the articles are interesting. I am now an editorial page reader so as long as the editorial page is formative I get a kick out of it. 

That long train ride over to my house is enough to change anyone's mind about a trip over there so I don't blame you for constantly changing your mind about it. If you ever do get over ambitious drop over and see them as I know that they will be glad to see you and have you. My mother told me that all is the same around home with no changes to speak of. Joe's football team is suffering a few casualties broken arms and legs but Joe still goes on his merry harum sacrum way. She delivered an astounding piece of new to me about Jim Murphy's son. You know or I should say remember Mr Murphy well he has a son two in fact who are rummies. Well it finally caught up with one of them and they had to send him to the nut house. He got hit on the head with a baseball when we were kids and he still suffers from it so I don't know if he is nuts or just alcoholic. He wasn't a bad guy just wine and women was all that he wanted so it's all caught up to him now. I guess it was the best because he wasn't going anywhere but down. I guess we all have troubles.

I hope that my sudden idea of asking you to go out and enjoy yourself didn't surprise you too much but from your answer I guess we feel about the same way. I don't enjoy myself anymore unless I'm with you and that's all I live and breathe for to be with you and have our fun together. If a good time comes along for me something is missing and that something always adds up to you. Nothing else makes sense no how. Without you it all adds up to a great big zero so I'm content to sit around and wait until we can be together. The simple things in which I find enjoyment would lead people to think that I was nuts but I can't have a good time without you so I don't kid myself along by thinking otherwise. 

When I get home it will all change and I'll be completely happy and content. Well honey with all this mail today tomorrow doesn't promise much so I'll sign off for now and I'll answer the others tomorrow. I love you with all of my heart and soul and I miss you terribly my dearest. Please take care of yourself.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxx”  

"29 October 1947

My very dearest darling Ellen, 

Today was a most disheartening day because nothing happened and I didn't get any mail from you for the second day in a row. I still have a letter to answer so I have some inspiration. Nothing at all happened today only one of my roommates is going to Memphis to school so he will be gone for six months or so. I still have my ears open for a possible transfer to somewhere or the other but as yet nothing is presenting itself so I'm sitting and waiting.

The week is over half gone and as luck would have it I have the duty tonight. I forgot about it completely until about 5:30 tonight when I was forced to walk a mile or so to check off in the watch list. Next time I'll remember to check off before I leave work. Live and learn and by experience too. I guess I'm not thinking before I go into my act. It's a good thing that time is on my side or I never would learn. I guess I had better take your advice and think before I jump. I wish that something would happen around here that would interest us both but no such luck it's all hum drum and monotonous day in and day out. I'm going to dig me up some books or something and knuckle down. The change would do me some good I think so in the near future if I inform you that I am deeply interested in an unsolved plot blame it on your inspiration. I doubt if I'll be able to concentrate on any one subject for any length of time but I'll try it. I guarantee. I see that unfinished work has finally caught up with Miss Mac but as usual she has to have your help to bail her out of all of her difficulties. How she holds out as the head of that office I can't quite realize but she seems to be doing it without any strain. Maybe they haven't caught up yet so her luck is still holding out for a while. 

I doubt if she will remember your contribution when the time comes for you to get some time off but we will have to wait and see. I'm glad that my letters gave you a lift so early in the morning and I wish that they would all arrive early enough to brighten up your day. I imagine it was a freak delivery probably one that missed the Friday delivery. As it is now I'm out of inspiration but I'll write again tomorrow night when I expect some mail from you to build up the inspiration that I lack. I miss you terribly my dear and I love you dearly. Please take care.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xx”

"30 October 1947

My very dearest darling Ellen,

I received a letter from you today so once again I am back in stride. Two days in a row I missed out but the third day brought forth results and it built me up considerably. I also attended an officers meeting today and got an inkling of the disposition of the base. All in all it was a pleasing day as well as an informative one. Not too much happened but the few incidents that did take place made up for it. I'll start off about the base and what I heard today. On or about the first of the year the manpower in the station is to be reduced by a couple of thousand so something is bound to pop. From all indications I doubt if I'll be down here after the first of the year but I'll keep you informed of any and all alternatives. I'm still still seeking the East Coast at Norfolk or Quonset Point. Incidentally I'll still call you this Sunday but I doubt if this letter will arrive in time to remind you. If I hear anymore about the base I'll let you know over the phone and then you will be completely up to date. The weekend football games are once more upon us and therefore flurries of gambling by everyone. The whole trouble is that no one seems to win ever. I haven't met a winner yet and the pools have been going now for over seven weeks. The pay off odds are good and are a tremendous inducement to everyone. The racketeers clean up on it no doubt but just like the old proverb, a sucker is born every minute. My investments are small so I don't miss it and who knows maybe some day my luck will change for the best and I'll finally win something. It isn't impossible but it is highly improbable so I'll try try again. The nearest that I have come so far is seven out of eight but the miss ruined my chances as I have to pick all winners. My roommate left for Memphis today for six months of school but with the realization that he must return here he didn't feel completely free. With the reduction in force he may land something a little better later on, who knows. I'll sweat this place out now that only ten months remain in my enlistment. You never can tell what will turn up. I went to the show tonight and saw 'Russ Morgan' in person on the stage. He was all right but his show was completely unrehearsed and it got loused up in a few spots. He played all of the selections that he wrote and made famous: Sweet Eloise, Does you heart beat for me, and Somebody else is taking my place. It was enjoyable though and I liked it. He is also a Pennsylvanian coal miner like the Dorseys and Les Brown and sundry others. Those coal miners really turned out some good musicians. Enough of that for now.

I had better get to your letter. I'm hoping that I make out again tomorrow otherwise it's going to be a long long weekend indeed. The letter that you didn't write Saturday night was the letter that I missed yesterday but it's all over now and today's letter took up the slack. You seemed to have a little excitement over the weekend and I'm glad that the change helped you over the monotony that prevails around home. I can understand your situation because I go through the same thing every day myself, especially on Saturday and Sunday when there is absolutely nothing to do at all. 

After walking all the way to Newton Corner you and Mae must have been worn out especially Mae as she doesn't seem to be the type who would willingly walk that far. She must be getting a change of heart and if she keeps it up she may lose some of her weight who knows.

From your description Hannie must be a mess after her fall at Timberlake. She was indeed lucky not to have done any more damage than she did. She must be naturally lucky. If she had to spend a week up there all scratched and banged up she must have been the center attraction. I imagined that she was feeling high but I wasn't quite sure. 

I forgot about those places staying open so late but your letter reminded me of the fact. The bars close at three and the places stay open until all the customers leave so they really must have taken advantage of the late hours. Bruises and scrapes and all, as long as she had a good time that's all that really counts I guess. The winter nights will be filled with all of her tales of woe and joy so you have something to look forward to when the nights get long. Norman should have been operated on by now and I hope that he is coming along all right. If his ailment is what I think it is it's a spinal operation to remove a growth. Usually heavy set people get them and I've known plenty of them who went thru it. Some guys have to stay in the hospital for four or five weeks to let it all heal up. I hope that he doesn't have to stay there that long as I'm afraid that he would go nuts due to lack of activity. Here is hoping for a rapid recovery for him.

I guess after putting up with Miss Mac all week, all day Saturday was really too much. She must be really a witch although I could change witch around to spell something else again that could describe her. I'll have to hurry on home to comfort you on nights when you have trying days at work.

Pat Lynch's must have been jumping on Saturday night when you were in there. Have those two characters come back from Ireland as yet?  When that plane landed in mid-ocean they were the only two that I knew to be in Ireland and I was wondering if they were aboard it. I guess not. If they carried all the pictures to Ireland that they took that night they would have to charter a special plane. It must be getting rough in there what with fights breaking out but that lends to the excitement I guess. You made a wise move by leaving when the fight started because in my travels I've seen a lot of innocent bystanders get hurt when a barroom brawl breaks out. It broke the monotony for you I guess so that is all that counts. I'm going to be forced to close for now until tomorrow and I'm hoping that I make out in the mail department again. I love you and miss you so terribly much honey. Please take care of yourself. 

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xxx”

My very dearest darling Ellen,                             31 October 1947

Another hectic day has drawn to a close and for a change it was pretty eventful. I was tied up with the F.B.I. down here all day so the day had some interest. One of the guys in my shop was picked up by a couple of their agents last night for stealing government property and I had to answer a few character questions concerning him. He seemed like a pretty good character to me but my opinions went topsy turvy when they showed me all of the things he stole and attempted to sell downtown. It all added up to pure and simple stupidity on his part and I can't figure out why he did it unless he is nuts. They have him in the brig and when we went over to pick him up today he wasn't the least bit concerned about anything at all. It seemed like a big joke to him but he'll realize it all when they jug him for a couple of years at Portsmouth. He is from a pretty well off family in Brooklyn so he wasn't stealing for dough so I guess it's a case for the psycho. The brig is full of guys that they picked up for various offenses too numerous to mention. Very interesting indeed. I was thinking of sending some tools home but I've changed my mind now.  Wouldn't be very nice to have a couple of agents call on you and find my tools in the house so I'll wait until I get home and I'll buy some when I need them. 

The investigation took up the greater part of the day so it went along at a pretty good pace. Incidentally today is the last day of the month besides being the last day of the week so tomorrow commences a new month so time is really moving along. Sunday I have a watch from noon until four so it's a good thing that I reminded you to wait. I'll call about six o'clock your time. It will do me a world of good to speak to you once again. I received another letter from you today so my weekend shouldn't be too bad.  I haven't anything planned but it should move along all right. There is a football game on the station tomorrow night so that will take care of one night and since it is usually the slowest night the weekend will pass by all right. I guess I'm in love with Monday mornings. Once I get home to stay I'm afraid that it will be different.

I was so occupied today that I didn't have a chance to bet on the football games and I'll bet that all of my teams come in as winners and I'll be out a hundred or so. Such is life, I can't make a dime. Incidentally my finances are holding out all right and Monday is pay day so I'll be flush once again. I'll need all the dough that I can collect because Christmas isn't too far away and I'll have to buy something for you and my mother. I'll keep at it and I should make out all right, at least I hope so.

Missed again, eh, well -. It's all right kid, do the best that you can and as long as I get some mail I'll get by all right. After all these years you should be just about all written out so I'll forgive you if you slip up every now and then. You have been wonderful to me and I appreciate it with all of my heart. Write as often as you can that's all that I ask. I saw the picture 'The Great Waltz' quite while ago and I liked it a lot although the acting wasn't up to snuff. The music was terrific and I liked it tremendously. Music such as Straus waltzes live forever and it's too bad more music like them isn't written and played much more often. I guess it wouldn't take them too long to kill them off. I liked the dance routine in the picture also.

My mail seems to be coming to you in good shape and I'm glad that it helps out your morale. As long as it helps out I'll keep writing. The news about the base closing keeps coming along at a pretty good pace but they seem to be repetitious about it all. I'm awaiting new dope and as it comes along I'll send it along. You seem to be as interested about it all as I am so I'm going to keep you as informed as best I can. I'm still awaiting some dope of a draft to the East Coast and if and when it does come along I'll be on it. Keep hoping and keep praying and maybe I'll make out all right. I'm hoping so. You still have your daily dozen to do washing ironing et al so once again I agree that a poor girls work is never done. I guess you are destined to do that indefinitely until we can get a maid or something to do it all for you. As for washing your hair I don't know just what we can do about that but give us time and we will both figure something out.

I guess Norman is going nuts doing absolutely nothing in the hospital only laying around. I hope that he can get released soon or he will really go nuts. If there is one place that drives people nuts the hospital tops them all. About the only time anyone can really get any rest is when they are really sick. He must have thought that Hannie went thru a meat grinder if she still had those cuts, scrapes and bruises on her face. It's a wonder they didn't turn her in because she must look like an overlooked accident case - rough.

The heat around here hasn't changed a bit and the thermometer continually hovers around ninety so the heat intends to stay with us. From the newspapers it looks as though rain is headed in your direction so I guess the forest fire hazard should pass before long. If Prospect Hill burns down the secluded parking areas will take an awful blow. I guess most of those fires are being set by a bunch of kids who don't realize the danger that may come about. Someday they will learn before it's too late.

Well honey I guess I'll close out for now until tomorrow night when I shall write again. In the meantime I'll be digging up a little inspiration to help me out. I miss you so very much kid that sometimes I'm afraid it will never end. I love you with all of my heart.

All of my love to you

God Bless & keep you

Always and always

John xx”

I wonder what happened to Hannie and what was wrong with Norman?

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