Wednesday, April 10, 2024

1950 December


"Dec 3 - Mary Ellen didn't wake up till 8:15 - if she'd only sleep like that every night! We lent Hannie the alarm so we were depending on Mary Ellen to wake us up & almost collapsed when we saw the time. Went walking & dropped into Rady's. Mary Ellen behaved her worst, cried, etc. Saw Rita's tiny baby.

Dec 4 - Mary Ellen  is six months old today - bought her a play pen which she hates (screamed when we put her in it) & a high chair which she loves. Hannie gave her a striped jersey - cute. She was very bad tonight - didn't go to sleep till 10:15." 

"Back to Dec 3rd again
Almost forgot to record our first real scare. Mary Ellen tried to eat a Kleenex & almost choked. She was in her crib & reached out & took the Kleenex off the chair & started eating it. I was in the bedroom & went in to investigate when I heard peculiar noises. There she was choking & gasping with chewed-up Kleenex all over the bed & half way down her throat. She had thrown up all over everything. I dashed out in the kitchen & while John held her upside down & pounded her back I ran up for Ma. By the time I got down she was okay again after we pulled a big long string of Kleenex out of her mouth. What a fright. I had to change her & the bed completely. She also went from the head of the crib to the foot twice, turning completely around in the process. What a child. 

Dec 5 Took Mary Ellen up to Peggie's today - Chris played records & we all ran around the empty living room (dancing). Chris first, then me & Mary Ellen & then Peggie & JJ. The child went to sleep at 7:30 - the night seemed so long John & I couldn't get over it."

"Dec 7 - Cold today & while I was in at 
Peggie's for a few minutes Babushka pulled her hat off. When I came out there she was her hat under her chin & the bow in the back of her neck and all her little hairs blowing in the wind. She was laughing of course. 
Went to church tonight & left Daddy baby sitting. When I came home Mary Ellen was screaming & was all red & blotchy in the face from crying. When I picked her up she burped about six times. John had been letting her cry it out so he said. Needless we were both mad at him. However I must admit he felt bad when he realized burps were the cause of it all."

"Dec 9 - Mary Ellen got her second tooth today - took some pictures.

Dec 10 - Norman & Hannie took me & Mary Ellen riding today. John was putting up the tile in the kitchen when we came back & when she saw him sawing she started screaming & was scared stiff. She's afraid of the funniest things - for instance one day I was whipping cream & she was afraid of the egg beater, also Ma with her hat on. On the other hand she laughs at the mop when I'm mopping & also the broom when I'm sweeping the floor. 
I had to take her upstairs while the saw was going on & Jim & Bertha & the kids were up there. What a difference between Jimmie & Mary Ellen - he's so quiet & she's such a live wire. She was wiggling all around & rolling all over the floor, kicking, dancing, etc. & he just sat there rocking back & forth. When we put them together he just looked at her & she was grabbing & clawing at him & generally acting like anything but a little lady.

Dec 11 - Mary Ellen had her first shot today & screamed bloody blue murder but had no after effects. It was worse for John & me to see her getting it than it was for her I guess. 

Dec 12 - Went up to Waltham tonight & left Daddy babysitting. Mary Ellen slept 15 minutes while I was gone & cried & fussed the rest of the time. John was exhausted when I got home. 

Dec 13 - Sent John out tonight - we thought he deserved a night off. Mary Ellen went to sleep at 6:45 & slept thru till 7:45 in the morning. 

Dec 14. Aunt Nellie was out today - thought the house was nice & also thought Mary Ellen was awful cute. Mary Ellen didn't give her a glance tho as Chris was down & when he's around she has eyes for no one else. Chris is so nice to her & puts his arms around her & kisses her. Mary Ellen repays his affection by scratching, pinching - sticking her fingers in his eyes. 

Dec 15 - Snow today & of course Mary Ellen was out in it - she's out in all kinds of weather. She didn't seem to notice except when I was taking her in & out of the carriage & then she was blinking & making faces when it hit her face."

I was surprised that my father was there when I received my first immunization - must be because he was working nights. He seems more hands on than I realized.

"Dec 16 - Took Mary Ellen down the street today & loaded the carriage up with bundles as usual - I could hardly see her over all the debris I had on top of her. She sat up in the carriage & pounded the bundles. 
When I was getting ready to leave I left Mary Ellen outside while I heated a bottle. I heard her yelling & when I went out she had pulled her hat around so that one earlap was over her face & all I could see was one eye peeking out at me. I can't leave her on the bed any more as she rolls from one side to the other."

"Dec 17 - Took a ride over to John's house. Mary Ellen danced and jumped for them & behaved quite well. Stopped at Aunt Nellie's on the way home where Mary Ellen did foo foo but other than that was a little lady except that she tried to pull the bird cage apart.  She was fascinated with 'little Mae' & 'Bobby.'

Dec 18 - Didn't take Mary Ellen out at all today. John was home & besides that I just didn't have the ambition. Bought a Xmas tree tonight. 

Dec 19 - Went to Waltham shopping with Hannie & Norman. Daddy was the baby sitter."

"Little Mae" was likely Mae Keohane who stayed with the Keohanes on Green Street.  Bobby was probably Bobby Smith the oldest son of Mae's sister, Frances Keohane Smith. They probably were visiting Aunt Nellie.  

"Dec 20  It's wicked cold all week but I've taken Mary Ellen out just the same - wrapped to the ears. John put up the Xmas tree.

Dec 21 - Warmer today. Mary Ellen didn't have any bath today - the first day she's missed since I brought her home. We were so busy I didn't have time. At 9:30 we dressed her up & John took me & Ma to buy turkey. Then we went up to the Mayflower to pay for our furniture. Just got home, gave her some orange juice & the furniture (living room) arrived. While I was signing for it Mary Ellen was kicking the paper like mad. By the time that was over Mary Ellen was too sleepy for any more delay. She went to sleep at 11:45 & slept till 1:45. I gave her her vegetables but when I offered her the bottle she just said 'augh' & gagged so I dressed her, put her in the carriage & gave her the bottle on the way down the street. Met Peggie & the kids - Chris pushed Mary Ellen around the Star Market in a basket. Did some Xmas shopping - got home at 4:45. Had supper & went upstairs for a while - Eileen was there. Everyone liked the furniture including me. I was so worried until we got it as I was afraid I might not like it. Mary Ellen's crib was ousted from the living room - she's in with me now. I can't put her away in that other room yet - my little babushka. Yesterday she pulled the sheet off the crib & was scratching the mattress like mad. Went to sleep at 8 tonight & was very good while Daddy & I were busy with the Xmas lights etc but I hear her stirring now at 12:30 (after mid-night).

"Dec 22 - Mary Ellen had her bath today - didn't seem to be any the worse for missing up yesterday. Norman came in at noontime & Mary Ellen was very happy to see him - laughed & played peekaboo. He amused her & held her while I got ready to go out. Went down the street & did some shopping. Mary Ellen went to sleep at 7:00 & never woke up (not yet that is) altho she fussed a bit & burped when I picked her up so John & I were able to put down the rug & fix the furniture, also decorate our first Xmas tree. Ma dropped in, also Rita, also Hannie & Norman to see the front room fixed up. That's about all - very busy day.
Seems good to have the front room ready at last."

"Dec 23 - Finished up our Xmas shopping around 5 oclock. John took me & Mary Ellen down the square in the car & we took turns minding her while we did the last minute things. Saw Paul. Went all the way up Watertown St, across the bridge & down Pleasant St to avoid coming back thru the traffic in the Square. 

Dec 24 - Rained like mad! Went over to John's house - left about 4 oclock & stopped at Aunt Nellie's on the way. Mary Ellen was on her best behavior at John's house & altho the house was full of company she wasn't the least bit strange & laughed etc for everybody. Slept all the way home but stayed awake from 10:00 to 11:30 fussing like mad when I was trying to stuff the turkey etc. John was gone up to Peggie's (stayed too late!) & I was going foolish. Rita & Dickie were in, also Ryan was kissing me over the back fence wishing me Merry Xmas. Hannie & Norman came in after midnight Mass - Norman made us a lamp for Xmas - very nice.

Dec 25 - Mary Ellen's first Xmas and she was more interested in the string & paper than in her presents. She laughed & liked the little rag doll Santa Claus brought but showed no interest in anything else - just rolled around in the wrapping paper & had a wild time. We had dinner at home - went upstairs around five - Jim, Bertha & kids were there - Jimmie was strange but Mary Ellen was smiling to all. Very quiet Xmas but good to have Mary Ellen & our own home. 

Dec 28 - John's mother & father, Sis & Joe Walsh & Margaret Joyce came out tonight. All liked the house. Mary Ellen woke up as soon as they got here but was in great mood - dancing, coughing (?) like mad to attract attention. She stole the limelight from Grandpa in the middle of one of his stories by faking a fit of coughing. John was happy to have them all here. 

Dec 30 - Mary Ellen had her picture taken today & smiled without too much coaxing. Of course she saw herself in the mirror when I was dressing her & got so enthused she rolled over & bumped her nose on the glass. Cried real tears too. Went shopping up at Newtonville afterwards. John said she recognized me coming across the street."

The back of the above photo says" 
"Portrait Taken In The 
Famous Jean  Sardou Manner 
Grover Cronin's, 2nd Floor
Waltham, Mass."

Same photo above and below but below has some coloring to it. 

Dec 31 - Rainy & bad driving. Mummy & Daddy stayed in on New Year's Eve to be babysitters for Mary Ellen." 

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